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Title: Act for Distant Water Fisheries CH
Category: Ministry of Agriculture(農業部)
Chapter III The Development and Guidance on Distant Water Fisheries
Article 30
The competent authority shall formulate distant water fisheries development plan(s) and oversee the implementation thereof.
The formulation of the plan(s) as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall take into account fisheries production, livelihood of fishermen, and marine ecology, so as to develop a sustainable operating system for Taiwan distant water fisheries.
Article 31
For any distant water fisheries operator who intends to conduct exploratory fishing to develop new fishing gear(s), fishing method(s), or fishing ground(s), such operator shall submit an exploratory fishing plan and apply to the competent authority for permission.
The competent authority may require the distant water fisheries operator as referred to in the preceding paragraph to conduct the exploratory fishing with a designated research institute.
Regulations on the qualifications of the distant water fisheries operator as referred to in paragraph 1, terms and conditions, contents of the plan on exploratory fishing, conditions for permission, period(s), conditions for revocation, management, and other requirements shall be prescribed by the competent authority.
Article 32
The competent authority may assist private sectors to conduct the following matters:
(1) Negotiations related to distant water fisheries or conclusion of agreements with other States, international fisheries organizations, or foreign organizations or institutes related to fisheries.
(2) Exchange of international information, technology, and human resources related to distant water fisheries.
(3) Standardization of international technology, joint research and cooperation on technology related to distant water fisheries.
(4) Holding international academic meetings or exhibitions related to distant water fisheries.
(5) Research on overseas markets for fisheries products, or the dissemination of information related to distant water fisheries.
(6) Training of native or foreign crew members, officers, or observers.
(7) Other international cooperation matters related to distant water fisheries.
Article 33
To encourage distant water fisheries operators to introduce and implement new technology and new technique related to conserving marine ecosystem environment or sustainable operations of distant water fisheries, the competent authority may give appropriate financial aid depending on finical situations of the government.
Article 34
To promote the development of research on science and technology related to distant water fisheries, the competent authority may conduct the following matters:
(1) International cooperation on research and assessment on marine fisheries resources.
(2) Exploitation of new fishing grounds.
(3) Research on marine fisheries biodiversity.
(4) Research and evaluation on sustainable operations of distant water fisheries.