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Chapter 3 Administration of Cutting And Transporting of Harvest
Article 25
The managing administration shall, prior to selling the forest products by way of bidding, set up boundary posts or boundary markers around the boundaries of the subject operation area, note the same in the relevant area/location map and dispatch personnel to conduct the demarcation in conjunction with the harvester after the harvesting/transporting contract is executed. Disposition of forest products by way of special approval shall be governed by the provisions of the preceding paragraph mutatis mutandis.
Article 26
No harvester shall engage in any of the following act in the course of cutting/harvesting the forest products:
1.destroying the relevant soil and water conservation.
2.damaging the bamboos or work products of another person.
3.destroying, damaging or removing the boundary posts or boundary markers.
4.cutting/harvesting bamboos and/or trees to be reserved according to the government's requirement or bearing a reservation mark.
5.pirate cutting, unauthorized cutting of forest products.
Article 27
The managing administration shall dispatch personnel to supervise and provide guidance to the harvester from time to time during the cutting/harvesting period and the harvester must not refuse.
Article 28
The harvester shall assume and be solely responsible for the interests and risks in the forest products upon issuance of the cutting/harvesting permit or transporting permit.
Article 29
The harvester shall complete the harvesting/transporting work within the period provided in the harvesting/transporting contract. Failing to do so, the harvester shall apply in writing to the relevant managing administration for extension one month prior to the expiration of the period and pay the extension charges due. Notwithstanding, affected operation days as a result of the force majeure event occurring within one month following the expiration of the time period (if any) may be made up in full based on the harvester's application filed for such purpose after the event.
The extension charges shall be accounted from the day following the expiration of the original harvesting/transporting period. Subject to the relevant investigation and verification by the managing administration, an extension equal to the duration of suspension of work due to interruption arising from whatever cause not imputable to the harvester may be approved without the harvester having to pay the extension charges.
The extension charges shall be accounted as follows:
Extension charges =(The original total price determined ×Remaining timber volume for utilization/Allowed timber volume for utilization)×(1/1000)×(Number of days of extension)
Article 30
The extension for harvesting/transporting forest products shall not exceed one half of the original period provided in the contract. The harvester shall, within 10 days from its receipt of the notice of approval of extension, pay up the extension charges by lump sum to the designated financial institution. Failing to do so shall render the approval deemed to have been abandoned.