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Chapter 3 Operation and Supervision
Article 23
The Institute shall formulate and submit its development goals and plans, as approved by the board of directors, to the supervisory authority for approval.
The Institute shall formulate and file its annual operating plan and budget, as approved by the board of directors, to the supervisory authority for future reference.
Article 24
Within two months after the end of the fiscal year, the Institute shall present its annual performance report and financial statements to a certified public accountant for auditing and attestation. These documents shall be reviewed by the board of directors. After being approved by all supervisors, they shall be submitted to the supervisory authority for future reference as well as to the audit authority.
The audit authority may audit the financial statements specified in the preceding paragraph. The audit results may be sent to the supervisory authority or other related authorities for any necessary action.
Article 25
The supervisory authority shall have the following supervisory power over the Institute:
1. approving the development goals and plans;
2. approving or filing for future reference the Institute’s rules and regulations, annual operating plan and budget, annual performance report, and annual financial statements;
3. examining the Institute’s assets and finances;
4. evaluating operational performance;
5. rendering opinions on appointing and removing directors or supervisors;
6. taking necessary disciplinary action against any director or supervisor who is in violation of laws and regulations when performing business operations;
7. withdrawing, amending, revoking, requesting improvements within a given time, suspending execution, or otherwise rendering dispositions in the event the Institute is in violation of the Constitution, laws, or regulations;
8. approving the disposition of, or creation of an encumbrance on real property owned by the Institute; and
9. supervising other matters as prescribed by the law.
Article 26
The supervisory authority shall invite representatives of relevant agencies, scholars, experts, and disinterested citizen members to evaluate the performance of the Institute. The selected scholars, experts, and disinterested citizen members shall not be less than one half of the total number of the people invited.
The number of evaluators in the preceding paragraph of a given gender shall not be less than one-third of the total number of evaluators.
Regulations concerning the methods, procedures, and other related matters of the performance evaluation specified in paragraph 1, shall be prescribed by the supervisory authority.
The criteria for the performance evaluation are as follows:
1. assessing the annual performance outcomes of the Institute;
2. measuring the operational performance and achievement rate of the Institute;
3. assessing the achievement rate of the annual self-financing percentage of the Institute;
4. making recommendations on the appropriation of funds to the Institute; and
5. other related matters.