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Chapter 2 Labels
Article 5
Employer shall prominently label the following items on those containers containing hazardous materials in accordance with the classification and hazard symbols prescribed by Attachment 2, and with the format of Attachment 3 as a reference. Supplement information in foreign languages if necessary:
1. Hazard symbols
2. The following information:
(1) Name
(2) Main hazardous ingredients
(3) Hazard warning statement
(4) Hazard precautionary measures
(5) Name, address and telephone number of the manufacturer or supplier
If the hazardous material is a mixture, the main hazardous ingredients that shall be labeled as prescribed in the preceding Paragraph are the top three hazardous components with concentrations of 1% (by weight) or greater.
If the hazardous material can not be classified in accordance with the Attachment 2, the container that shall be labeled as prescribed in Paragraph 1 may only be labeled with the information specified in Item 2 of Paragraph 1.
If the volume of the container is 100 ml or less, the container that shall be labeled as prescribed in Paragraph 1 may only be labeled with the Hazard symbols and the name of the hazardous materials.
Article 6
If the hazardous material is a mixture as prescribed in Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article, the employer shall label the container based on the hazardous properties after mixing.
The hazardous properties as prescribed in the preceding Paragraph are assessed as follows:
1. If the mixture has been tested as a whole to determine its hazards, use the results of such testing.
2. If the mixture has not been tested as a whole, the health hazards shall be regarded as having the health hazards of all ingredients unless that hazards supported by scientific evidence concerning with such hazards, and the physical hazards including the potential for fire, explosion and reactivity, shall be evaluated by using scientifically valid data.
Article 7
The hazardous agrochemicals, environmental chemicals, and radioactive substances, are subject to the labeling requirement of other existing regulations.
Article 8
The shape of the hazard symbol as part of the label prescribed in Article 5 is a 45 degrees vertical square (a diamond). Its minimum size is shown in the following diagram. When labeling a small container, the hazard symbol may be proportionally reduced to a legible size.
The wording of the above hazard symbol shall be principally in Chinese.
Article 9
Employer may not need to label one of the following hazardous material containers:
1. Inner container inside a labeled external one and is served as internal lining that will not be taken out.
2. External container with a labeled inner container and the label is visible from outside.
3. Portable container with its hazardous material which a worker transferred it from a labeled container and will be used immediately by the same worker only within the shift.
4. A Container with its hazardous material which is transferred from a labeled container and will be used only for the identified laboratory to conduct experiments or research.
Article 10
For one of the following containers containing hazardous materials, the employer may install a placard with information prescribed in Paragraph 1 of Article 5 in lieu of affixing labels to individual containers. For a piping system, however, labeling may be substituted by hanging an application plate or by painting the pipelines with specified identification color or symbols:
1. Several containers which contain the same hazardous material and are stored in the same location;
2. Tubing or piping system;
3. Chemical equipment such as reactor, distillation tower, absorption tower, extractor, blender, precipitator, heat exchanger, measuring tank, and storage tank;
4. Equipments such as cooling apparatus, stirring apparatus, compression apparatus, and so on.
5. Conveying apparatus.
When installing the placard with information prescribed in Paragraph 1 of Article 5 for containers specified by Item 2-5 of the preceding Paragraph, if the name, address and telephone number of the manufacturer or supplier change frequently but the material safety data sheet is available, information required under Item 2 (5), Paragraph 1 of Article 5 may be exempted.
Article 11
If the inner containers containing hazardous materials have already been labeled, the employer may label the external container only in accordance with relevant transportation regulations.
Article 12
The employer shall label the ships, aircrafts or transportation vehicles carrying hazardous materials in accordance with the relevant transportation requirements of transportation regulations.