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Chapter II Organization
Article 6
The Center shall establish a board of directors, which consists of 11 to 15 directors, and the directors shall be selected and recommended by the supervisory authority from the following list of personnel and appointed by the Premier of the Executive Yuan:
1. Representatives of relevant government authority.
2. Scholars and experts in performance arts.
3. Education and cultural academics.
4. Professional operator, manager of civil enterprise or public figures making significant contributions to the Center.
The number of directors selected according to Subparagraph 1 of the above paragraph must not exceed 3 people and the number of directors selected according to Subparagraphs 2 to 4 of the above paragraph must not exceed 6 people respectively.
The Center shall have a supervisory board, which consists of 3 to 5 supervisors. All supervisors shall be selected by the supervisory authority and appointed by the Premier of the Executive Yuan. The same shall apply to the dismissal of the supervisors.
The supervisors shall elect from among themselves an executive supervisor.
Article 7
The term of each director and supervisor shall be three years and the director and supervisor may be appointed a second term. However, the number of renewed members shall not exceed two-thirds of the total number of people and not be less than one-third of the total number of people.
The rules governing the qualifications, the method of appointment, dismissal and replacement, and other relevant matters of the director and the supervisor shall be prescribed by the supervisory authority.
Article 8
The Center shall establish a chairperson of the board of directors who shall be appointed by the Premier of the Executive Yuan at the request of the supervisory authority from among the directors. The same shall apply to dismissal matters.
The chairperson shall be in charge of the general affairs of the board.
Article 9
The board of directors shall have the authority over and the responsibility for the following:
1. Approval of work policy.
2. Deliberation of operation plans and objectives.
3. Fund-raising.
4. Deliberation of the disposal of, or creation of a right in rem jurisdiction over self-owned real estate.
5. Approval of annual budgets and the deliberation of financial statements.
6. The appointment of the Artistic Director.
7. Deliberation or approval of important regulations.
Article 10
The board of directors shall hold a session once every three months, called and chaired by the chairperson of the board, and may hold provisional sessions when necessary.
Article 11
The board of supervisors shall have the authority over and responsibility for the following:
1. Examination of operations and finances.
2. Audit of financial accounts, documents and assets data.
3. Examination of financial statements.
4. Examination or audit of other matters of material importance.
Supervisor may exercise the supervision power individually, and the executive supervisor shall attend meetings of the board of directors on behalf of all supervisors.
Article 12
A director or supervisor shall attend meetings of the board of directors or the board of supervisors in person, and may not designate a proxy to attend the meeting.
Article 13
A director, supervisor, and the artistic director shall strictly comply with the principle of recusal, and may not abuse the power, opportunities or means arising from his/her position to seek gains for himself/herself or related persons. The scope of recusal shall be prescribed by the supervisory authority.
A director, supervisor, and artistic director may not be a spouse or relative by blood or marriage within three degrees of kinship to another director, supervisor, or the artistic director.
Article 14
The chairperson, directors and supervisors of the Center all are unpaid positions.
Article 15
The Center shall establish an artistic director who shall be appointed by the board of directors at the request of the chairperson. The artistic director shall manage all affairs of the Center and represent the Center externally under supervision of the board of directors.
The artistic director shall have the authority over and responsibility for the following:
1. Approval of annual plans.
2. Planning of annual budgets and submission of financial statements.
3. Appointment of subordinate personnel.
4. Execution and supervision of the operations.
5. Approval of other operation plans.
Article 16
The organization of the Center and all rules of personnel management, internal audit, procedural matters, and other important regulations shall, upon resolution be adopted by the board of directors, and be submitted to the supervisory authority for approval.
The new staff members of the Center who do not have civil servant status shall be governed by their personnel regulations, and their rights and obligations shall be clearly set forth in their contracts.
A spouse or relative by blood or marriage within three degrees of kinship of a director, supervisor, or the artistic director may not hold a position in general affairs, accounting or personnel with the Center.
Article 17
The Center may establish subordinate operational organizations and artistic affiliate with the approval of the supervisory authority.