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Title: Real Estate Appraiser Act CH
Category: Ministry of the Interior(內政部)
Chapter 2 Registration and Practice
Article 5
A person who possesses a Certificate of Real Estate Appraiser and has over two years’ practical experience in real estate appraisal may apply for Real Estate Appraisal Practicing License.
A Real Estate Appraiser is not allowed to practice before Real Estate Appraiser Practicing License is obtained.
The criterion for approval of appraising experience specified in Paragraph I is instituted by the competent central authority.
Article 6
A Real Estate Appraiser shall apply for practice with application, Certificate of Real Estate Appraisal and supporting documentations in respect of over two years’ practical experience to the competent authority in a Municipality or a County (City). A Real Estate Appraiser will be certified with a Real Estate Appraiser Practicing License once the application is approved.
Competent authorities in a Municipality or a County (City) shall provide registration form of practicing Real Estate Appraisers; the format of the above registration form will be instituted by the competent central authority.
Article 7
The competent authority in a Municipality or a County (City) shall make notices on a government Bulletin and report the details to the competent central authority for future reference after grant of Real Estate Appraiser Practicing License as well as its revocation or cancellation.
Article 8
A Real Estate Appraiser Practicing License shall not be issued to, and an issued practicing license shall be withdrawn from, a person with the circumstances stated as follows.
1. A person who has been withdrawn his / her Certificate of Real Estate Appraiser.
2. A person who suffers from mental illness or is in irregular physical or mental condition, two or more medical physicians of the appropriate specialty have been consulted upon request of the Municipality or a County (City) competent authority, and the Municipality or a County (City) competent authority has determined that he / she is unable to practice.
3. A person who has become subject to the order of the commencement of guardianship or assistantship has not been rescinded.
4. A person who has been declared bankruptcy and not been resumed the rights.
A person, whose practicing license was withdrawn in accordance with Subparagraphs II to IV of Paragraph I, could re-apply for a practicing license in accordance with the provisions of this Act after the causes disappear.
Article 9
A Real Estate Appraiser shall set up an office for his / her practice, or join a joint office run by two or more Real Estate Appraisers who practice jointly.
The office stated in the previous Paragraph of this Article shall be restricted to one location only. No branch office is allowed.
Article 10
A Real Estate Appraiser shall apply for transfer of registration, to the competent authority in a Municipality or a County (City) where the (joint) office was originally registered, with provision of the issued practicing license when his / her (joint) office has moved out from the jurisdiction. The competent authority governing the jurisdiction where the (joint) office moves into, after receiving notification of the original competent authority, shall at once issue a Real Estate Appraiser Practicing License and notifies the original competent authority to cancel the original practicing license.
Article 11
In the event of any changes in respect of his / her registration, a Real Estate Appraiser shall report the changes for future reference to the competent authority in a Municipality or a County (City) within thirty days after the changes occur.
Article 12
A Real Estate Appraiser who ceases practicing by himself / herself shall apply for cancellation of practicing license, with provision of explanation for ceasing practicing and issued practicing license, to the competent authority in a Municipality or a County (City) within thirty days after the event occurs.
Article 13
Most related relatives or interest parties of a Real Estate Appraiser can apply for revocation or cancellation of practicing license to the competent authority in a Municipality or a County (City) if one of the circumstances stated in Paragraph I of Article 8 occurs or after the Real Estate Appraiser deceases.
In the case that the competent authority in a Municipality or a County (City) is acquainted with the matters stated in the pervious Paragraph of this Article, revocation or cancellation of the Appraiser’s practicing license shall be undertaken based upon the authority vested in the competent authority.