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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter 2 Prevention
Article 12
Theowners and keepers of animals shall report to the animal healthinspection authorities when their animals are suffering, or suspectedof suffering from infectious animal diseases; or when their animals dieof unknown causes. If this happens in the course of transportation, theperson in charge of the transportation shall report to the animalhealth inspection authority of the original stop. Upon receiving thereport, the particular animal health inspection authorities shall sendtheir animal health inspection personnel to check the carcasses and give instructions on burning, burying or disinfecting the carcasses,and other imperative treatment. When requested by the owners or keepersof animals concerned, a certificate of disposal shall be provided.
The above Paragraph does not apply if the animals are raised by households as a subsidiary means of income and the total number of deadanimals is less than 10.The animals mentioned above may includechickens, turkeys, ducks , geese, and wild animals of similar breeds.When they die of sicknesses, the owners must dispose of the carcassesby themselves. However, in case of an epidemic, the municipal or county (city) competent authority concerned of shall specify the nameof the infectious animal disease and the animal species , and be alertto announce the approaches to take. The county (city) competentauthority shall also report the matter to the central competentauthority.
When the owners dispose of the carcasses by themselvesaccording to the above Paragraph, the ways must be burning, buryingor disinfection. Selling and the arbitrary disposal of carcasses from the death of illness is prohibited.
Article 12-1
The central competent authority shall set up a system to manage owners or users of biomaterials related to infectious animal diseases specified and announced as such by the central competent authority.
Owners/users of infectious biomaterials shall comply with the advice and inspection of various competent authorities without evasion, interference or objection.
Regarding the first paragraph of this article, the sort of infectious biomaterials, qualifications of owner or users, laboratory biosecurity protocols, information to be submitted to the authorities, and other protocols for compliances shall be stipulated by the central competent authority.
Article 12-2
Regarding infectious animal diseases specified and declared by the central competent authority, specimen testing and reporting as well as disease confirmation should follow the protocol below:
1.Testing and reporting: After sampling is conducted by the animal health inspection authority or the central competent authority, it should be submitted to the central competent authority or institution, school or research institution (hereinafter referred to as “testing institution”) with accredited proficiency testing. The reports of testing should be submitted to competent authorities of the municipality, county or city and the central competent authority.
2.Confirmation: The above reports of testing should be verified by the central competent authority or its designated or authorized testing institutions. Once the result of testing regarding the abovementioned infectious animal disease is confirmed, the central competent authority should make a public announcement.
Qualifications for the commission of tests and testing institutions mentioned in the preceding paragraph, application procedures and validity, rescission and revocation, sampling, supervision, audit and other protocols shall be stipulated by the central competent authority.
Article 13
To prevent and control the occurrence of the infectious animal diseases, authorities concerned of municipal cities and counties (cities) shall order animal health inspection personnel to implement such prevention and control measures as physical examinations of animals, immunizations, vaccinations, medicinal bath or other medical treatments. Moreover, for animals and places that have been treated by these measures, marks, labels or certificates should be attached. If necessary, authorities concerned of municipal cities and counties (cities) shall commission veterinary practice licensees to implement those measures. Animal owners and keepers shall not intentionally damage and counterfeit the marks, labels or certificates as mentioned above.
Depending on types of infectious animal diseases, authorities concerned of municipal cities and counties (cities) shall order animal owners and keepers to employ veterinary practice licensees to implement the measures mentioned in the above Paragraph or to implement under the guidance of veterinary practice licensees.
As animal owners or keepers unwilling and can not implement the measures provided under the above Paragraph, the municipal or county (city) competent authority should collect payment for labor cost for animal health inspection personnel or veterinary practice licensees to implement those measures. The standard of payments shall be prescribed by the municipal or county (city) competent authority.
In order to implement the measures provided under Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 3, animal owners or keepers shall follow the instruction of animal health inspection personnel or commissioned veterinary practice licensees in controlling the movement of animals and provide other necessary assistance without avoidance, refusal and interference thereof.
Ten days before implementing the measures provided under Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2, the municipal or county (city) competent authority shall announce the aims of implementation, dates, areas, methods, animal species, and other relevant objects. However, in case of an emergency, the period of announcement should be shortened or implementation be administered freely.
Article 13-1
To eradicate specific infectious animal diseases, the central competent authority should announce the types of vaccine, time of administration, attached label, relevant documents, movement restraint and other control measures. Animal owners or keepers, veterinarians, veterinary aides and veterinary drug dealers shall obey and execute regulations as listed above.
Regulations governing the administration, labeling, application, control, terms and other relevant objects of vaccination provided under previous Paragraph of this Article shall be prescribed by the central competent authority based on the animal species and infectious animal diseases.
Article 14
To prevent and treat the occurrences of infectious animal diseases, the municipal or county (city) competent authority shall specify areas when necessary, and order animal owners and keepers to sterilize rearing area and facilities, improve the rear environment, animal isolation, and eliminate the media for spread of diseases.
To prevent the spread of infectious animal diseases, animal transport service providers shall carry out cleaning and disinfection of transport vehicles as well as animal-carrying boxes and cages.
Cleaning and disinfection measures, as mentioned above, carried out by animal transport service providers are to be announced by the central competent authority.
Raw poultry eggs shall be transported only in disposable containers or single-use packing materials.
Article 14-1
A major zoonotic disease publicly announced according to Paragraph 2 of Article 17 could spread by poultry, such as chickens, ducks, geese or turkeys, the central competent authority may ban the display and sales of such live poultry in the retail market.
Article 15
For animals suffering or suspected of suffering from the infectious or unknown diseases, the municipal or county (city) competent authority should order animal owners or keepers to offer animals for necropsy by animal health inspection personnel.Carcasses following necropsy, shall be returned to the owners and keepers, and burned or buried under the supervision of the animal health inspection personnel.
Article 16
Places (rendering plants) where rendering of poultry and livestock remains (raw materials) is performed should comply with the following provisions:
1.Disinfection facilities and equipment should be set in rendering plants for implementing sterilization procedures.
2.The hygiene and safety in the rendering plant should be supervised by certified veterinarians (or veterinary paraprofessional)
3.Before raw materials are received, a written contract with the farm/ranch of origin are required to authorize rendering, except the farm/ranch of origin designated by the competent authority.
4.Rendering plants or their commissioned transport operators should use vehicles in compliance with provisions of Paragraph 2. To transport raw materials. A written contract with commissioned transport operators is required for authorizing the transportation of raw materials.
5.The sources and amount of raw materials should be recorded and kept at least two years.
6.Rendering plants are subject to audit by the competent authority and should report relevant matters.
When loading or unloading raw materials, transport vehicles should comply with the following provisions:
1.Vehicles used for transporting raw materials should have disinfection equipment and closed systems to prevent leakage, and should be maintained properly to keep them functioning normally.
2.Upon application by rendering plants or transportation companies, their vehicles should be certified by the municipal or county (city) animal health inspection authority and should bear the said certificate.
3.Rendering plants are subject to audit by the competent authority and should report relevant matters.
The installation, items, disinfection procedures, items to be recorded in the contract, inspection, reporting of disinfection facilities and equipment in rendering plants mentioned in Paragraph 1 as well as disinfection equipment, closed systems for preventing leakage, approval and granting of certified vehicle, expiration date, presenting places, replacement, recession and revocation of certificates, audits, reporting, loading and transport of raw materials and other matters pertaining to transport vehicles mentioned above should be strictly followed and stipulated by the central competent authority.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)