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Chapter Law Content

Part 2 Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceuticals
Chapter 2 Good Manufacturing Practices for Chinese Herbal Medicines
Section 9 Storage, Shipping and Sales
Article 40
Chinese herbal medicine factories shall establish in writing product storage procedures; aforesaid procedures shall include the following items:
(1) Segregation measures for products awaiting approval for use;
(2) Appropriate temperature, humidity and light exposure standards to ensure that product ingredients, contents, quality and purity are not adversely affected by storage.
Article 41
Chinese herbal medicine factories shall establish in writing shipping and sales procedures; aforesaid procedures shall include the following items:
(1) Measures to ensure that products are sold in the order of manufacture;
(2) Shipping and sales methods that ensure product ingredients, contents, quality and purity are not adversely affected by environmental factors;
(3) Systems to ensure prompt recycling.