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Chapter Law Content

Chapter I General Principles
Article 1
This Act is hereby drafted to establish the Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute (henceforth, “the Institute ”) to preserve the nation’s film and audiovisual tangible heritage and promote and advance the development of film and audiovisual culture.
Article 2
The Institute shall be an administrative juridical person, the supervisory authority of which shall be the Ministry of Culture.
Article 3
The scope of business of the Institute shall include:
1. The restoration, archiving, exhibition/screening, repurposing, and marketing of film and audiovisual heritage;
2. P roviding grants for, promoting, and engaging in international exchanges on education on fi lm and audiovisual heritage;
3. C ollecting, collating, analyzing, and conducting research on documents and historical archives relating to film and audiovisual heritage;
4. M anaging the Institute and its facilities and venues for film and audiovisual heritage;
5. A ssist ing with the government’s promotion of film and audiovisual heritage related activities;
6. Overseeing commissioned management of film and audiovisual heritage related facilities and venues;
7. Publishing periodicals that promote the nation’s film and audi ovisual heritage internationally ; and
8. Other work related to film and audiovisual heritage.
Article 4
The Institute shall draw on the following funding resources:
1. Grants and donations from the government;
2. Donations from domestic and overseas public or private institutions, groups, or individuals;
3. Revenue from commissioned research and provision of services;
4. Operating revenue; and
5. Other revenue.
Donations received as in Subparagraph 2 shall be deemed a donation to the government.
Article 5
The Institute ’s Charter, personnel management, accounting method, internal controls, audit procedures, and other regulations shall, after being approved of by its Board of Directors, be submitted to the supervising authority for its reference.
Public business to be condu cted by the Institute shall be determined by its Board of Directors and reported to the supervising authority and shall not contravene related current laws or regulations.