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Title: Genetic Health Act CH
Category: Ministry of Health and Welfare(衛生福利部)
Chapter I  General Provisions
Article 1
This Act is duly enacted to enforce reproductive health, upgrade population quality, protect health of mother and children and bring added happiness to families. Matters inadequately provided for herein are subject to other Act concerned.
Article 2
The competent authorities are the Department of Health of the Executive Yuan (Hereinafter referred to as the DOH) in the central government level, municipal government in municipal level and county (city) government in county (city) level.
Article 3
The central level competent authorities, for the purpose of genetic health enforcement and consulting scholars and experts, may establish a Genetic Health Advisory committee to study and review the standards of induced abortion and ligation , its organizational rules will be established by the central level competent.
The municipal, county (city), for the purpose of genetic health enforcement, may establish Genetic Health Committees inside their health organizations to guide the public in induced abortion and sterilization. The regulations of committee establishment shall be enacted by the municipal, county (city) level competent authorities.
Article 4
The term “induced abortion” denotes a method to a fetus and its auxiliary items discharged out of the maternal body by means of medical procedure during the period when the fetus is medically confirmed unable to maintain its life outside the maternal body.
The term “ligation” denotes a method to block or cut oviduct or vas deferens by means of medical procedure without removing the reproductive gland.
Article 5
The induced abortion or ligation as specified under this Act shall not be conducted unless by a doctor authorized by the central level competent authorities.
The regulation in such authorization shall be established by the central level competent authorities.