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Chapter Law Content

Chapter 1 General
Article 1
This Act is established to effectively administrate industrial use explosives, to prevent hazard and preserve public safety.
Article 2
The so-called industrial use explosive materials (named as explosive material in this Act) listed in this Act, are the materials listed in the following paragraphs for mining, exploration, sand and gravel excavation, civil engineering, construction and blasting artifact.
1.Explosive products used for blasting works, including on-site bulk blasting agents.
2.Initiation products used for priming, initiation, launching, including various types of detonators, safety fuse, detonating cord, primer cap, ignition cap, delay detonators and propellant.
3.The raw materials used to manufacture low and high explosives listed in paragraph 1 and 2 in this article.
The on-site bulk blasting agents described in paragraph 1 of this article are mixtures of non-explosion materials and chemicals which are mixed on-site through special design equipments and charge into blast hole immediately after mixing and need to be initiated by proper initiation system.
The items of industrial explosive described in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be promulgated by Central Governing Agency.
Article 3
The contracting organization described in this act means the organization through which a project is contracted to other governmental or private organization for execution.
Article 4
The governing agencies as referred hereunder shall be Ministry of Economic Affairs at Central Government, Municipal Government at MunicipalCity under the direct jurisdiction of the Central Government and County and City Government at County and City.
Article 5
The jurisdiction of governing agencies are listed as follows:
1.Central Governing Agency:
a.The establishment, revision, abolishing and interpretation of the explosives administrative regulations.
b.The establishment of permission, registration and abolishing of explosive products manufacturing and selling.
c.Permission and management of explosives alienation, lending.
d.The required procedures according to company law and other regulations related to factory management and assistance.
e.The erect of distribution office for explosive sales, import and export of explosives, safe keeping in other magazine, disposal procedures, permission, monitoring and management for the establishment of magazine.
f.The procedures for the issue of certificate for explosives purchasing quota and transportation.
g.The monitoring, inspection and emergency measures for explosives and their manufacturing, sales and usage.
h.The registration, issue of certificate and inspection of magazine.
i.The qualification, issue of certification and management of explosive manager.
j.Other explosive related administrative, management and monitoring regulations.
2.Governing agency at MunicipalCity under the direct jurisdiction of the Central Government:
a.The required procedures according to company law and the regulations related to factory management and assistance.
b.Jointly on-site inspection for the establishment of magazine.
c.The inspection of explosive stolen and lose.
d.Emergency handling of hazards caused by explosives.
e.The monitoring, inspection and emergency measures for explosives and their manufacturing, sale and usage.
f.Other items assigned by central governing agency.