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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/18 08:31

Chapter Law Content

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
The Regulations are prescribed in accordance with Paragraph 5 to Article 6 of the Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes (here-in-after referred to as the Act)
Article 2
The scope of aid for workers in labor-management disputes includes the following:
1.Fees for attorneys representing workers (hereinafter referred to as representation fees) in procedures of mediation for labor incidents (hereinafter referred to as labor mediation), litigation procedures, injunctive procedures, supervisory procedures and compulsory execution procedures, and for drafting legal documents;
2.Representation fees for filing lawsuits before commencement of criminal trial procedures;
3.The necessary expenditures for labor mediation procedures, litigation procedures, injunctive procedures, supervisory procedures, and compulsory enforcement proceedings in a court of law;
4.Necessary living expenses that workers require during labor mediation and litigation periods;
5.Representation fees for arbitration procedures conducted in accordance with the Arbitration Act;
6.Representation fees for attorneys filing cases on behalf of workers, job applicants, or unions to seek adjudication of disputes resulting from unfair labor practices as specified in Article 35 of the Labor Union Act.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)