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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Article 1
In order to expand foreign trade, respond to market conditions and support the trade activities, the Trade Promotion Fund (hereinafter referred to as “the Fund”) is set up based on Paragraph 1 of Article 21 of the Foreign Trade Act, and these regulations are enacted pursuant to Paragraph 4 of the Article 21 of the Foreign Trade Act and Article 21 of the Budget Act.
Article 2
Article 3
The Fund is a special fund as referred to in sub-Paragraph 2, Paragraph 1 of Article 4 of the Budget Law. It is listed under the category of economic special revenue fund, as a sub-budget of the subordinate unit budget. The Ministry of Economic Affairs (hereinafter referred to as “the MOEA”) is the competent authority.
The MOEA may commission the International Trade Administration (hereinafter referred to as “the TITA”) to make use and to carry out the spending of the Fund.
Article 4
Sources of the Fund:
Trade promotion service fees;
Relevant income deriving from international trade exhibition and convention center built by the competent authority;
Interests accrued on the Fund;
Other relevant incomes.
Article 5
Uses of the Fund:
Expenditures regarding business affairs of foreign institution;
Expenditures regarding foreign trading business entrusted to External Trade Development Council, other relevant institutions, juristic person or business association;
Expenditures of participating in activities and public relations of international economy and trade organization;
Expenditures of international trade meeting negotiations and investigations and visits;
Expenditures of the training of international trade talents;
Expenditures for protection measures of international trade;
Expenditures for expanding business market and balancing business development projects;
Expenditures to guide exporter/importer in expanding trades or cooperating with foreign business;
Expenditures for propagation and exhibition of expanding business;
Expenditures for collecting, investigating, researching and publishing the domestic and foreign business data;
Expenditures for the self-sufficiency of international trade exhibition and convention centers built by the competent authority;
Expenditures for assisting export/import trade development in addition to the eleven sub-paragraphs above;
Expenditures of management and general affairs;
Other relevant expenditures.
Article 6
The Customs shall remit the trade promotion service fees it has collected to the account of the Fund in the National Treasury within five days of both the 15th and the end of the month. It shall also make two copies of the monthly statement of the fees collected to the TITA before the 5th day of the following month. The TITA may assign its personnel to inspect and audit when necessary.
Article 7
For the purpose of overseeing the revenues/expenditures, custody and utilization of the Fund, the Trade Promotion Fund Management Committee (hereinafter referred to as “the Committee”) shall be established. The Committee shall have 21 members, with the convener to be designated by the Minister of Economic Affairs from among the MOEA personnel, and the remaining 20 members to be composed by the following:
1.One person from the Secretariat of the Executive Yuan,
2.One person from the Directorates of Budget Accounting and Statistics of Executive Yuan,
3.One person from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
4.Three persons from the Ministry of Economic Affairs,
5.One person from the Ministry of Finance,
6.One person from the Industrial Development Administration, MOEA,
7.One person from the Small and Medium Enterprise and Startup Administration, MOEA,
8.One person from the General Chamber of Commerce of the R.O.C.,
9.One person from the Chinese National Federation of Industries,
10.One person from the Taiwan Importers and Exporters Chamber of Commerce,
11.One person from the Importers and Exporters Association of Taipei,
12.One person from the Importers & Exporters Association of Kaohsiung,
13.One person from the Taiwan External Trade Development Council,
14.One person from the Taiwan Textile Federation, and
15.Four persons from the TITA who are Directors and in charge of relevant business.
Any gender of the members of the Committee shall be no less than one third of the total number of the members.
The convener of the Committee shall call a meeting every other month, and call a provisional meeting when necessary. If the convener cannot be present in the meeting, an ad-hoc convener shall be designated by the convener, or be elected from among the members of the Committee.
Article 8
Missions of the Committee:
1. Matters of examination and approval of the revenue/expenditure, custody and utilization of the Fund.
2. Consideration regarding the budget and final account of the Fund of the year.
3. Examination of the execution of the Fund.
4. Other associated matters.
Article 9
The Committee shall be assisted by one executive secretary, one deputy executive secretary, three group leaders, and 10-12 group members, as assigned by the MOEA from among the personnel of the TITA.
Article 10
Committee members and part-time personnel are unsalaried.
Article 11
The custody and utilization of the Fund should put emphasis on benefits and the security. The storage of the Fund should be based on the National Treasury Law and related regulations.
Article 11-1
For the purpose of increasing the revenue, the Fund may be used to purchase government bonds, treasury bills, or other short-term bills.
Article 12
The budget preparation and implementation of the Fund, as well as the preparation of its financial statement, shall be conducted pursuant to the Budget Act, the Accounting Act, the Financial Statement Act, the Audit Act, and other relevant laws and regulations.
Article 13
For accounting affairs of the Fund, an accounting system shall be formulated in accordance with relevant regulations.
Article 14
Any remaining in the financial statement of the Fund shall be either accumulated and kept in the Fund, or return back to the National Treasury, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
Article 15
The Fund shall be given a final account in the end and the surplus shall return to national treasury.
Article 16
These Regulations shall be effective from the date of promulgation, except for Article 4, which shall be effective from January 1, 2009, upon amendment on October 14, 2009.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)