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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Title: Regulations for the Private Viewing of Artifacts in the Collection of the National Palace Museum CH
Abolished Date: 2021-12-30
Category: National Palace Museum(國立故宮博物院)
Article 1
In response to research requests for special viewings of artifacts or visiting its artifact storage facilities, the National Palace Museum (hereafter referred to as the NPM) has established this set of regulations for those interested in applying.
Article 2
International and domestic academic institutions, scholars, and experts who would like to request a special viewing of NPM artifacts or visit its artifact storage facilities for either research or professional purposes are required to file an application in advance with the NPM. The relevant NPM authorities shall report to the Director for approval of each request. Each visitation is limited to one day. If an extended visit is needed, approval must be given by the Chief Curator(s) and agreed upon by the Director.
Due to the constraints of space for research, the NPM does not accept more than one visitation or viewing group at a time.
Regulations governing rare books and historical documents are not included in these two provisions. Such requests are handled separately in accordance with the “National Palace Museum Department of Rare Books and Historical Documents Reading Guidelines.”
Article 3
Each department ’ s removal of all items and their return to storage must be handled in accordance with related regulatory procedures. A record shall be made of all items viewed and kept for future reference.
Article 4
Only approved applicants are allowed to participate in the viewing of artifacts. Other unauthorized personnel, including NPM colleagues, are not allowed to participate without permission.
The number of antiquities or works of painting and calligraphy taken out for research shall not surpass ten (10) items. Applicants approved to conduct research must wait for one (1) full calendar year before applying again to view artifacts.
Antiquities or works of painting and calligraphy on exhibit, in conservation, or in poor condition cannot be made available for private viewing.
Painting and calligraphy classified as “ restricted ” by the NPM are also not available for private viewing. After exhibit, works of painting and calligraphy must wait for eighteen (18) months before becoming available for application to view. In addition, works of painting and calligraphy reserved for upcoming exhibitions are unavailable for private viewing.
Article 5
For the safety of artifacts and artworks, all applicants must comply with the instructions of the NPM staff when viewing and conducting research. Only respective NPM staff members are allowed to handle or move objects for viewing or research. Under no circumstances shall applicants touch or move the objects.
Article 6
If a private viewing date and time has been scheduled, the NPM reserves the right to reschedule if necessary, though the NPM shall give the applicant prior notice and arrange for another time. If the applicant cannot meet on the originally scheduled date, notice must be given a day in advance to reschedule, or else the viewing opportunity will be forfeited.
Article 7
To facilitate research, all visitors who intend to conduct research on rare books and historical documents at the NPM must abide by the “ National Palace Museum Regulations for Paging Rare Books and Qing Historical Documents ” and file an application with the Museum Library. All rare books and historical documents must be read in the designated reading room.
Article 8
Though accorded with the courtesy of international practice, state guests of the government must also follow the procedures stated in Article 2.
Article 9
These regulations shall take effect from the date of promulgation.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)