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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on December 26 and December 22, 2008; Entered into force on December 26, 2008.
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into on
December 26,2008 between the International Cooperation and
Development Fund (TaiwanICDF), a non-government organization
located at 12F, No.9, Lane 62, Tien Mou West Rd., Taipei 11157,
Taiwan, and the Young Americas Business Trust, Inc., (YABT), a
non-profit corporation located at 1889 F Street, NW, Washington,
DC 20006,USA.

Whereas TaiwanICDF's mission is to strengthen international
cooperation and enhance foreign relations by promoting economic
development, social progress and the welfare of the people in
partner nations around the world. The YABT's mission is to
address the critical issues of poverty and unemployment among
young people - issues that affect the development potential,
progress and social stability of all nations of the Americas. In
cooperation with the General Secretariat of the Organization of
American States (OAS), the YABT works to achieve its mission by
promoting social, economic and political development in the
Americas and the Caribbean through initiatives focused on
improving the quality of life and employment conditions for
young adults and youths.

Whereas the TaiwanICDF seeks:
1.To cooperate with other international development agencies, as
well as foreign governments, nongovernmental organizations,
financial institutions and other private enterprises for
development purposes,
2.To work in tandem with government policies to emphasize
Taiwan's unique strengths and advantages in promoting
development, while addressing issues related to social and
economic development throughout the world,
3.To help partner countries develop their economy and alleviate
poverty by strengthening human resources, expanding
agricultural output and rebuilding infrastructure after
natural disasters,
4.To promote the social development of partner countries in
areas such as democracy, freedom, equality and human rights,
thus paving the way for their balanced development, and
5.To share Taiwan's experiences in promoting growth, security,
prosperity and inclusiveness throughout the world.

Whereas the YABT seeks:
1.To assist in creating employment opportunities for young
adults and youths through entrepreneurship, enterprise
creation, job-skill training, technology applications, and
expansion of existing enterprises, especially those operated
by young adults,
2.To foster greater awareness in the public and private sectors
of partner countries on the contribution that youth
entrepreneurship can make to national economic and social
3.To formulate strategic plans to encourage and accelerate
entrepreneurial development at the community, national and
global levels, such as by assisting new and old organizations
foster entrepreneurial development and improve training
programs for young people,
4.To support the development of effective programs, particularly
private sector ones, for nurturing entrepreneurship among
youths by serving as a channel to foster innovation,
information exchange, organizational linkages, as well as
collaboration among individuals, organizations and entities
working to strengthen youth entrepreneurship in the Americas
and the Caribbean,
5.To increase entrepreneurship among young people by supporting
programs aimed at nurturing their personal development through
business education and job and technical skills training,
while also coordinating access to technological and financial
resources by educational institutions, including primary,
secondary and post-secondary schools and community-based
6.To collaborate with the public and private sectors so as to
increase technical and financial assistance for
entrepreneurial development and training initiatives,
particularly those aimed at young people living on or near the
poverty line, and
7.To solicit and provide funds, services and other forms of
contributions for the above-mentioned purposes.

Whereas integral development and poverty alleviation are of
paramount importance to the prosperity of Latin America and the

Recognizing, TaiwanICDF's sincere interest in collaborating on
the economic development of Latin America and the Caribbean by
providing technical and financial assistance to the YABT.

Now, therefore, TaiwanICDF and the YABT agree to the following:
1.The parties shall cooperate to identify, implement and support
initiatives for the economic development of Latin America and
the Caribbean in cooperation with the public and private
sectors of the countries involved that aims at alleviating
poverty among young people through technical and financial
assistance. In addition, cooperation shall focus on such
aspects as the development of human resources, agribusiness,
and SMEs; application of information and communication
technology; environmental protection and aid for trade.
2.Each party shall appoint a liaison officer responsible for
communications and processing of the other's requests on the
implementation of related programs. The TaiwanICDF
representative shall be its Director of Technical Cooperation
Department and the YABT representative shall be its Chief
Executive Officer.
3.After identifying projects for potential cooperation, the YABT
shall submit them to TaiwanICDF in an itemized list
(hereinafter the "List and Description of Projects") for the
latter's consideration.
4.After reviewing the list, TaiwanICDF shall decide which, if
any, projects to support financially. The amount of funds to
be provided shall be decided by TaiwanICDF on a case-by-case
5.The YABT shall suggest for each project TaiwanICDF's degree,
form and duration of participation, which shall be subject to
6.The YABT shall provide an annual progress report to
TaiwanICDF, including a detailed account of how the latter's
financial contributions were used.
7.The TaiwanICDF agrees to provide the YABT with US$100,000 for
the Talent and Innovation Competition Americas Project, once
this MOU is signed by both parties. Payments will be made to
YABT Account Number 5303229382, via PNC Bank, 1919
Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20006 (International SWIFT
Code:PNCCUS33). Any adjustment to the abovementioned account
details, or processes relating to the transfer of monies
thereof, shall be made in writing to the TaiwanICDF, and
agreed in writing by both parties, prior to any further
transfer of monies.

This MOU shall expire three years after the date of signature
unless extended in writing by the duly authorized
representatives of the parties. Either party may terminate this
MOU at any time by giving sixty days' prior written notice to
the other party.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized representatives of the
parties have signed this Memorandum of Understanding in
duplicate in English.


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Lien-Gene Chen Roy L. Thomasson
Secretary General Chief Executive Officer
International Cooperation Young Americas Business Trust,
and Development Fund Inc.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)