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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on October 02, 2012 Entered into force on October 02, 2012
The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the
Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines being desirous of
further strengthening friendly bilateral relations and promoting
technical cooperation, have agreed through their respective
representatives upon the following articles:

Project objectives:
A. Study, on limited basis, techniques for intensive cultivation
on small farms with lower-intermediate capital input to
ensure the maximum production of crops and livestock, and
other related projects as agreed upon by both Parties, to
reduce the need for relevant imports.
B. Introduce new measures for soil and eater conservation, as
well as crop rotation systems, to enhance land fertility and
C. Achieve a level of production that ensures adequate nutrition
throughout the year and provides a marketable surplus to
supplement income.
D. Demonstrate how objectives A-C can be achieved.
E. Build a modern agricultural sector through the application of
Information and Communication Technology(ICT),and
F. Introduce measures to address and facilitate the marketing
and distribution of agricultural commodities.

The project includes:
A. Research:
1. Determine how climate and soil conditions may be used
advantageously to provide the best results under a
year-round production system.
2. Adopt selected varieties of crops and continue searching for
better strains.
3. Develop a system of record-keeping and farm production
analysis for general application on small farms.
4. Test available small-farm implements (both hand-operated and
powered) to determine the most suitable for local use.
B. Training:
1. Technicians from the Republic of China (Taiwan) and Saint
Vincent and the Grenadines will train farmers, and related
associations involved in the project, in new techniques.
2. The two Parties will cooperate on the production of
educational materials.
C. Reporting
1. Reports and evaluations will be made seasonally, but no
information will be released unless previously cleared by
the governments of both Parties.
2. Complete records on inputs and output will be kept to
ascertain the economic viability of farm operations.
D. Marketing and Distribution
The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) agrees to
designate experts and technicians to work with the Ministry
of Agriculture, Rural Transformation, Forestry, Fisheries and
Industry and the public and private sector marketing and
distribution agencies of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines so
as to install a coordinated system for the production,
collection, grading, packaging marketing and distribution of
agricultural commodities.

A. Both parties agree to the continuity of the Technical
Mission, which will be composed of various agricultural
experts and technicians according to the project ’ s needs.
B. In the event that the aforementioned technicians cannot
continue to perform their duties, the Government of the
Republic of China (Taiwan) shall replace them with new
C. The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) shall defray
the travel costs of the Technical Mission members to and from
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and assume responsibility
for their salaries during their period of service.
D. The Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines shall
exempt the aforementioned salaries from all resident and
local taxes. Those personal and household effects of the
Technical Mission members imported within one year of their
arrival will also be exempt form all customs duties, taxes
and other charges. The Government of Saint Vincent and the
Grenadines shall also provide convenience to the Technical
Mission members and their dependants on their entry and exit
during their period of service in Saint Vincent and the
Grenadines. The Technical Mission shall be allowed to import
and export automobiles, for use by personnel and family, free
of all customs duties, taxes and other charges. Should the
aforementioned automobiles be disposed of within four years
of the granting of this concession, they will be subject to
the relevant custom duties, taxes and other charges. The
members of the Technical Mission shall be allowed to apply
for a CD license plate for their vehicles.

A. The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) shall
provide the Technical Mission with the necessary equipment
and materials, and ship them to Saint Vincent and the
B. After the said equipment and materials have arrived at port
in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, the Government of Saint
Vincent and the Grenadines shall exempt them from customs
duties, taxes and other charges. The Government of Saint
Vincent and the Grenadines Shall pay the warehousing,
wharfage and other related expenses, as well as assume
responsibility for transporting them locally.
C. After the project is completed, the abovementioned
agricultural items shall be donated to the Government of
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines or farming organizations as
agreed upon by both Partied.

The Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines shall provide
the Technical Mission with demonstration sites, assistant
experts, office facilities and related services, as well as
necessary agricultural equipment/tools and seeds not available
in the Republic of China (Taiwan), such as fertilizers and
pesticides. The Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
shall also supply furnished housing for the members of the
Technical Mission and transportation for their official duties.

A. Revenues from the sale of all produce from the demonstration
site shall be deposited into a separate revolving fund
established by and in the name of the Ministry of
Agriculture, Rural Transformation, Forestry, Fisheries and
Industry of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, yet supervised
by both Parties for the duration of the project. The monies
in the revolving fund belong to the Government of Saint
Vincent and the Grenadines, and shall be used specifically
for the further development of the Rabbaca Farms as a modern
demonstration/incubation facility for attachment after
persons would have received training at Agricultural Training
B. An appropriate candidate shall be designated by the Ministry
of Agriculture, Rural Transformation, Forestry, Fisheries and
Industry to manage the accounting of the revolving fund and
to provide quarterly reports itemizing income and expenses,
including bank statements and other relevant documents, for
confirmation by both Parties.

The Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines shall appoint
at least one project coordinator or facilitator to render the
Technical Mission all necessary assistance.

The period of service of the Technical Mission in Saint Vincent
and the Grenadines shall be in accordance with the estimated
time needed to complete the projects and calculated. The period
may be extended via written agreement between the two parties
before the allotted time expires.

This Agreement shall enter into force upon the date of its
This Agreement shall be valid for a period of three years and
shall be extended automatically for an equivalent period until
either Party expresses in written form its desire to terminate
the Agreement six months prior to its expiration.

This Agreement may be amended and supplemented by
the mutual consent of the Parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized
thereto by their respective governments, have signed this

DONE in duplicate in the Chinese and English languages, with
both texts being equally authentic, at Kingstown, Saint Vincent
and the Grenadines on the second day of the tenth month of the
one hundred and first year of the Republic of China (Taiwan),
which corresponds to the second day of the tenth month of the
year two thousand and twelve in the Gregorian calendar.

For the Government of the For the Government of
Republic of China Saint Vincent and the
(Taiwan) Grenadines

H.E.Shih ,Weber Ven-bin
Ambassador Hon. Saboto Caesar
Extraordinary and Minister of Agriculture,
Plenipotentiary to Saint Rural Transformation,
Vincent and the Forestry, Fisheries and
Grenadines Industry
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)