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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on April 12, 2005; Entered into force on April 12, 2005.
1 Purpose
The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, New Zealand ("TECO")
and the New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office, Taipei
("NZCIO") have approved an Arrangement which documents New
Zealand's requirements for access of fruit fly host material
from Taiwan. The Arrangement specifically documents the
requirements for fruit flies that are categorised by New
Zealand as high impact pests.
Note:Phytosanitary measures for other regulated pests are
covered in the relevant commodity specific import health

2 Scope of this Arrangement
For the purposes of this Arrangement:
(a) "Taiwan" means the territory in respect of which the
phytosanitary regulations administered by the Taiwan Council
of Agriculture, Executive Yuan are applied at the date of
signature of this Arrangement.
(b) "New Zealand" means the territory in respect of which the
phytosanitary regulations administered by the New Zealand
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry are applied at the date
of signature of this Arrangement.

3 Implementation
For the purposes of the Arrangement the implementing agencies
will be:
(a) the New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF)
(b) the Taiwan Council of Agriculture (COA).

4 Treatment
All consignments of fruit fly host material covered by this
Arrangement will be treated for regulated "high impact" fruit
fly species prior to arrival in New Zealand. Refer to the
Appendices of this Arrangement for treatment details.

5 Phytosanitary certificate additional declaration
All consignments covered by this Arrangement will be
accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate. A specific
additional declaration, as given in the relevant commodity
import health standards for commodities covered by this
Arrangement, must be included on the phytosanitary
Note:Additional declarations for other regulated pests are
also provided in the relevant commodity specific import
health standard.

6 Inspection on arrival in New Zealand
On arrival in New Zealand, the New Zealand MAF will examine
600 units of produce with an acceptance level of zero infested
units (or equivalent) from the homogeneous lot.

7 Contingencies in New Zealand following any detection of fruit
fly species (dead and/or alive) covered by an Appendix to this
Should any live fruit fly (any stage of the life cycle) be
intercepted at the border in a consignment for which the
treatment is a postharvest disinfestation treatment or a field
control programme, the consignment will be reshipped or
destroyed and a prohibition will be placed on further imports
of the host material covered by that Appendix until the
Director Pre-Clearance of the New Zealand MAF is satisfied
that corrective action has been undertaken by the Taiwan COA.
Should any dead or live fruit fly (any stage of the life
cycle) be intercepted at the border in a consignment for which
the treatment is "Pest Free Area" or "Non-host Status", the
consignment will be reshipped or destroyed and a prohibition
will be placed on further imports of the host material covered
by the Appendix until the Director Pre-Clearance of the New
Zealand MAF is satisfied that either corrective action has
been undertaken or an alternative treatment has been developed
by the Taiwan COA and approved by the Director Pre-Clearance
of the New Zealand MAF.

8 Contingencies undertaken by Taiwan COA
(i) Failure to meet treatment specifications
In the event of a failure to meet the treatment
specifications required for the produce covered by a
particular Appendix to this Arrangement, the Taiwan COA will
take action in accordance with the contingencies that have
been arranged for the appropriate treatment pathway(s).
(ii) Detection of fruit fly in New Zealand
On receipt of notification from the New Zealand MAF of the
detection of fruit fly in produce covered by a specific
Appendix, the Taiwan COA will not issue further
phytosanitary certificates for the export of fruit fly host
material covered by that Appendix until notified by the
Director Pre-Clearance of the New Zealand MAF.

9 Use of Appendices
Details of each treatment and the fruit fly host material
approved for that treatment, are documented in the Appendices
to this Arrangement.

10 Audit by the New Zealand MAF
The New Zealand MAF may audit, at any time, any aspect of the
Appendices covered by this Arrangement. Audits will be
conducted in accordance with the International Organisation
for Standardisation's standards for auditing of systems.

11 Coming into effect, review and termination
This Arrangement will come into effect on the date of
signature by both TECO and NZCIO. The Arrangement, or any
Appendices to it, may be reviewed at any time by the written
request of representatives of either TECO or NZCIO. The
Arrangement will remain in effect for as long as either TECO
or NZCIO has not notified in writing an intention to end the

For the Taipei Economic and For the New Zealand Commerce
Cultural Office, New Zealand and Industry Office, Taipei

────────────── ──────────────
Joseph Shih Ting Clare Fearnley
Representative Director

Date: Date:

Schedule 1:
List of approved treatment Appendices
(TECO/NZCIO Bilateral Quarantine Arrangement)

│Appendix│Treatment pathway │Commodity │
│No. │ │ │
│1 │Taiwan freedom from │All fruit fly host │
│ │exotic high impact │commodities for which an │
│ │fruit flies │import health standard │
│ │ │exists │
│2 │Vapour heat treatment │Mango (Mangifera indica) │
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)