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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on January 25, 1995; Entered into force on January 25, 1995.
Whereas the Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as ROC)
is prepared to provide technical training in Rice Science for t-
he technical staff of the West Africa Rice Development Associat-
ion (hereinafter referred to as WARDA).
Whereas WARDA is an intergovernmental association and internati-
onal center with a mandate for rice research;
Now therefore, these two parties have agreed to the following a-
rticles of understanding which will govern their relationships
in the area of technical training:
1.The ROC Committee of International Technical Cooperation shall
provide to WARDA each year, through the Far East Trade Service
or other agencies the Government of the ROC may designate in
the future in Abidjan, its training program from which WARDA
will select the courses that respond to WARDA's needs.
2.WARDA every year shall select and dispatch 2 of its technicia-
ns and/or technical staff from its member states for appropri-
ate training in the ROC within the framework of the internati-
onal cooperation training program.
3.The ROC Committee of International Technical Cooperation rese-
rves the right when necessary to allocate to a particular cou-
ntry the quota for the year after appropriate consultation wi-
4.All selected trainees must meet registration requirements, in-
cluding proficiency in the English language.
5.All selected trainees should also meet the ROC requirements of
a clean Bill of Health and must produce evidence of this.
6.WARDA shall recognize the official designation of the other p-
arty to this agreement as "The Republic of China" (ROC) and s-
hall use same in all correspondence and communications.
7.The ROC Government shall bear all necessary expenses (airfares
, board and lodging, etc.) pertaining to the training program.
This memorandum of understanding will come into force when du-
ly signed by the appropriate official of the Republic of China
and by the official representative of WARDA, and shall remain
valid for a period of 2 years.
Either party may terminate it 90 days after notices in writing
have been given to the other party.
Done in duplicate, in the English language.

Signed for and on behalf of the Signed for and on behalf of the
Republic of China West Africa Rice Development
Signature: Signature:
Name: Ring-yen Lu Name: E.R. Terry
Title: Director Title: Director General
Taipei, Republic of China Abidjan, C'ote d'Ivoire
Date: November 11, 1994 Date: 25/1/95
Witness: Jerry Sun
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)