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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed and exchanged on January 9 and February 2, 1984; Entered into force on March 5, 1984.
Ⅰ Note from the Embassy of the Republic of China to the Minis-
try of Foreign Affairs of Tuvalu
No. CE-2177
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its complimen-
ts to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tuvalu and has the
honor to inform the latter that the Government of the Repub-
lic of China desires and proposes that the present Fisheries
Licensing Agreement between the Government of Tuvalu and the
Taiwan Deep-Sea Tuna Boat Owners and Exporters Association
of the Republic of China be extended for another year with
the terms, conditions and general contents of it remain unc-
hanged and on a 70 boats US$31690 a year basis.
If this is acceptable to the Tuvaluan Government, then this
Memorandum and the Memorandum in reply confirming such acce-
ptance from the Ministry will constitute an Agreement betwe-
en the two Governments which will enter into force on the d-
ate of the Memorandum in reply from the Ministry on the ext-
ension of the ”Agreement Between the Government of Tuvalu
and the Taiwan Deep-Sea Tuna Boat Owners and Exporters Asso-
ciation of the Republic of China concerning the Licensing of
Fishing Vessels of the Republic of China to Fish Within the
Fishery Limits of Tuvalu” for another year, that is to say,
from March 5, 1984 to March 4, 1985.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of the o-
pportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of T-
uvalu the assurances of its highest consideration.

January 9,1984

Ⅱ Note from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tuvalu to the
Embassy of the Republic of China

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Tuvalu
presents its compliments to the Embassy of the Republic of
China and has the honour to refer to the latter's Note CE-21
77 of the 9 January 1984 which reads as follows:-
”The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its complim-
ents to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tuvalu and has t-
he honour to inform the latter that the Government of the R-
epublic of China desires and proposes that the present Fish-
eries Licensing Agreement between the Government of Tuvalu
and the Taiwan Deep-Sea Tuna Boat Owners and Exporters Asso-
ciation of the Republic of China be extended for another ye-
ar with the terms, conditions and general contents of it re-
main unchanged and on a 70 boats US$81690 a year basis.
If this is acceptable to the Tuvaluan Government, then this
Memorandum and the Memorandum in reply confirming such acce-
ptance from the Ministry will constitute an Agreement betwe-
en the two Governments which will enter into force on the d-
ate of the Memorandum in reply from the Ministry on the ext-
ension of the ”Agreement Between the Government of Tuvalu
and the Taiwan Deep-Sea Tuna Boat Owners and Exporters Asso-
ciation of the Republic of China concerning the Licensing of
Fishing Vessels of the Republic of China to Fish Within the
Fishery Limits of Tuvalu”for another year, that is to say,
from March 5, 1984 to March 4, 1985.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this
opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Tuvalu the assurances of its highest consideration.”
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tuvalu wishes to advise
that the Government of Tuvalu accepts the foregoing proposa-
ls and agrees that the Embassy's Note referred to above and
this Note shall constitute an Agreement between the two Gov-
ernments regarding the extension of the Agreement between t-
he Government of Tuvalu and the Taiwan Deep-Sea Tuna Boat O-
wners and Exporters Association of the Republic of China wh-
ich shall enter into force on the date of this Note.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs avails itself of this oppor-
tunity to renew to the Embassy of the Republic of China the
assurances of its highest consideration.
Embassy of the Republic
of China
2 February 1984
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)