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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on February 10, 1999; Entered into force on February 10, 1999.
The government of the Republic of China and the government of
the Republic of the Marshall Islands being desirous of further
strengthening the friendly relations existing between the two
countries and promoting agricultural technical cooperation, have
agreed through their respective representatives upon the follow-
ing articles:

Article I
The government of the Republic of China agrees to send the Repu-
blic of the Marshall Islands an Agricultural Technical Mission (
hereinafter referred to as〝the Mission〞), composed of experts
residing on both long-term and short-term basis, including a Ch-
ief of the Mission, to carry out experimental projects on culti-
vation and improvement of crop varieties (vegetables, fruits and
sweet potatoes etc.), to improve techniques of agro-processing
packaging and marketing, to provide techniques of livestock farm
administration and management, and to assist in undertaking inv-
estigation of feed development, control of livestock disease and
artificial insemination of swine.

Article II
The government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands shall ma-
ke available to the Mission suitable land at Laura of about 6
hectares which shall be designated for an experimental farm for
vegetables and fruits, and a livestock and poultry farm.

Article III
All produce of the experimental and livestock farms run by the
Mission, except the portion thereof required for personal consu-
mption by the Mission and for the use of seeds and specimens,
shall be handed over to the government of the Republic of the
Marshall Islands to be disposed of as that government sees fit.

Article IV
The government of the Republic of China agrees:
(a) to pay the cost of transportation to and from the Marshall
Islands and the stipends and living expenses of all members
of the Mission during the period of their service in the Re-
public of the Marshall Islands;
(b) to pay all the expenses arising from the administration of
the Mission including the operational costs of the experime-
ntal and livestock farms unless otherwise provided in the
(c) to be responsible for accident and medical insurance for all
members of the Mission ;
(d) to supply the Mission at Laura farm equipment, seeds, ferti-
lizers, agricultural chemicals, pesticides, and farming mac-
hineries manufactured in the Republic of China, as are nece-
ssary for the establishment of the experimental farm and as-
sociated projects.

Article V
The government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands agrees:
(a) to provide the Mission and its members with suitable furnis-
hed office facilities and suitable housing facilities inclu-
ding water and electricity at Laura farm for all members of
the Mission and their dependents, and to be responsible for
the routine maintenance and repair of such facilities;
(b) to permit duty-free importation of all items specified in
subsection (d) of Article IV, and in accordance with govern-
ment of the Republic of the Marshall Islands policy and to
transport them from the port or airport of entry to their
(c) to provide the Mission with services of experienced experts
of the Marshall Islands as decided by mutual consent of the
two Governments;
(d) to designate a counterpart to the Chief of the Mission and
to render all necessary assistance to the Mission; and
(e) to make available to the Mission its Ministry of Resources
and Development piggery and poultry facilities for appropri-
ate collaborative investigation and development, as agreed
upon by the two governments.

Article VI
For all members of the Mission and their dependents, the govern-
ment of the Republic of the Marshall Islands undertakes:
(a) to ensure access to the medical services of public clinics
or hospitals;
(b) to ensure the right to import free of duty, during the peri-
od of their service in the Republic of the Marshall Islan-
ds, household and personal effects in accordance with gover-
nment of the Republic of the Marshall Islands Tax Policies,
which shall not be sold or freely disposed of by the members
of the Mission before the termination of their assignment;
(c) to exempt from taxation on all stipends, emoluments and all-
owances paid to them by the government of the Republic of
China or as specified by the government of the Republic of
the Marshall Islands Taxation Policy on Technical Cooperati-
(d) to arrange for the necessary visas, residence and work perm-
its that are required by local government regulations; and
(e) to grant privileges and exemptions no less favourable than
those granted to other foreign experts and their dependents
under similar technical cooperation agreements with the Rep-
ublic of the Marshall Islands.

Article VII
In case any member of the Mission is found unsuitable to contin-
ue to perform his duties, the government of the Republic of Chi-
na shall have the right to recall him from his post and to repl-
ace him with another, and shall pay the cost for his transporta-
tion from the Marshall Islands

Article VIII
The members of the Mission shall refrain from engaging in activ-
ities that are inconsistent with the duty of the Mission specif-
ied in Article I.

Article IX
(a) The Agreement shall enter into force on the date of signing
and shall remain in force until the expiry of two years' se-
rvice of the Mission in the Marshall Islands unless extended
for the same period by mutual consent through an exchange of
notes between the two governments;
(b) At the completion of the term of service of the Agricultural
Technical Cooperation Mission, all assets specified in Arti-
cle IV(d) including any stock and equipment will be transfe-
rred to the Ministry of Resources and Development of the go-
vernment of the Marshall Islands as mutually agreed upon by
both governments.

Article X
This Agreement may be terminated upon ninety (90) days' prior
notice in writing by either government to the other.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, duly authorized thereto by
their respective governments, have signed this Agreement.
Done at Taipei in duplicate, in the Chinese and the English lan-
guage, both texts being equally authentic, on the tenth day of
the second month of the eighty-eighth year of the Republic of
China, corresponding to the tenth day of February of the year
one thousand nine hundred and ninety nine.

For the Government of
the Republic of China
Lee Teng -hui
Republic of China

For the Government of
the Republic of the Marshall Islands
Imata Kabua
Republic of the Marshall Islands
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)