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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on May 13, 1999; Entered into force on May 13, 1999.
The Government of the Republic of China and the Government of t-
he Republic of Macedonia (hereinafter referred to singly as "the
ROC" and "Macedonia", and jointly as "the Contracting Parties"),

Desiring to further strengthen their existing friendly relations
through the transfer of development experience, technical coope-
ration, and promoting investment and economic relations between
their two countries,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1
The areas of technical cooperation covered by this Agreement sh-
all consist of:
1.To devise means and mechanism for Macedonia to promote export
to new markets;
2.To simplify existing approval procedure on foreign direct inv-
estment, with the aim of establishing a "one-stop window";
3.To identify investment opportunities and promote investment p-
rojects by foreigners;
4.To improve macro-economic environment for the development of
medium, small, and micro-enterprises in the private sector; introduce new vegetable crops for diversification of horti-
cultural production and to improve marketing of agribusiness;
6.To develop smail scale hog farms by introducing integrated ma-
nagement methods; and
7.Any other area of cooperation agreed upon by the contracting

Article 2
The ROC shall dispatch a Technical Mission (hereinafter referred
to as "the Mission") composed of seven to eight Members, includ-
ing a Director, to be stationed in Macedonia to offer advice in,
but not limited to, the areas outlined in the preceding Article.

Article 3
Under its assistance program, the ROC shall bear all expenses i-
ncured by the Mission, including travel, salary, alowance, acci-
dent and medical insurance for all its Members including the Di-
rector, and such other expenses as vehicles and equipment neces-
sary for the preformance of their duties.

Article 4
Macedonia shall grant the Mission's Members and thire families
the same status as functionaries of international organizations
and their familes stationed in Macedonia, including, but not li-
mited to, the following privileges and exemptions:
1.Issuance of multiple entry visas gratis for the duration of t-
heir stay;
2.Exemption from income tax and other taxes on their salary and
3.Exemption from custom duties and other taxes on household eff-
ects and other articles for their personal use and consumption
brought into the Republic of Macedonia;
4.Exemption from custom duties and other taxes on motor vehicles
, office and field equipment, farm machinery, seeds, fertiliz-
ers, pesticides and other material necessary for the Mission
to do its work.
5.Prompt issuance of phytosanitary and zoosantary certificates
upon request, to facilitate the import of plant and animal sp-
ecies needed for the Mission to do its work; and
6.Special consideration regarding their personal safety and sec-
urity in their status as funcitionaries of international orga-

Article 5
Macedonia shall endeavor to assist the Mission in every possible
way, such as designating courterpart agencies and organizations
for the mission in each area of cooperation, nominating official
and personl contacts for its Members, providing necessary admin-
istrative support, and encouraging civic and local groups to pa-
rticipate in various projects, so that the Mission could perform
its work efficiently and satisfactorily.

Article 6
The Contracting Parties shall hold bilateral meetings every six
months to review the Progress in each secific area of technical
cooperation, to discuss whether changes should be made in these
areas, and to examine the implementation and other aspects of t-
he programs.

Article 7
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of signature
by duly authorized representatives of the Contracting Parties,
and shall remain valid for a period of three years. It shall re-
newable for another period of three years through an Exchange of
Notes by the contracting Parties through normal diplomatic chan-

Article 8
This Agreement may be amended by mutual consent between the Con-
tracting parties through an Exchange of Notes. Either Contracti-
ng Party may notify the other Party in writing six months prior
to the expiration date of its intention to terminate this Agree-

In WITNESS THEREOF, the undersigned, duly authorized by their r-
espective Governments, have signed and sealed this Agreement.

Done at Taipei in duplicate, in the Chinese, Macedomian and Eng-
lish languages, all three texts being equally authentic, this T-
irteenth day of the Fifth month of the Eighty Eighty Year of the
Republic of China, cooressponding to the Thirteenth day of may
of the year Nineteen Hundred Ninety Nine. In case of any diverg-
ence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.

For the Government of For the Government of
the Republic of China the Republic of Macedonia

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Minister of Foreign Affairs Director-General of the Agency
Reconstruction & Development
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)