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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on March 11, 1999; Entered into force on April 25, 1998.
The Government of the Republic of China and the Government of t-
he Republic of Fiji Islands, in the spirit of friendly relations
existing between the two countries and their peoples;
Desiring to enhance and consolidate these relations by means of
closer cooperation in the field of agricultural development;

Have agreed as folfows:
Article 1
Agricultural Technical Mission Members
The Government of the Republic of China agrees to send to the R-
epublic of the Fiji Islands an agricultural technical mission (
hereinafter referred to as "the Mission"). The Mission shall be
composed of a Mission Leader and five members to carry out demo-
nstration and research in vegetable production for a period of
three years. The five members shall consist of an extension spe-
cialist, a horticultural research scientist, and three other me-
mbers to be appointed when the needs arise.

Article 2
Mission Research / Extension Activities
a) The Mission will continue with the research work on the sele-
ction of vegetable varieties that are of suitable quality and
/or for off-season production. To enable the transfer of tec-
hnology, the Mission will provide more appropriate demonstra-
tions on farms and also produce publications for use by both
extension workers and farmers.
b) The Mission will investigate to select vegetable crops best
adapted to the local conditions with potential market and fo-
rmulate a production and marketing pilot project. The project
would cover organizing vegetable production and marketing un-
its in order to assist the establishment of farmers' organiz-
ation and vegetable production and marketing systems.
c) The Government of the Republic of the Fiji Islands shall make
sufficient land for the purpose of the Mission's activities
available. The agricultural produce grown by the Mission, ex-
cept the portion thereof required for personal consumption by
the Mission and for use of seeds and specimens, shall be han-
ded over to the Government of the Republic of the Fiji lslan-
ds for disposal.

Article 3 Mission Finance Commitments and Activities
The Government of the Republic of China agrees:
a) to pay salaries, air tickets between Taipei and Suva, living
expenses and insurance premiums for all members of the Missi-
on during the period of their service in the Republic of the
Fiji Islands;
b) to pay for all members of the Mission any expenses arising f-
rom surgery, dental treatment and hospitalization as well as
other medical treatment required to be administered outside
the Republic of the Fiji Islands;
c) to pay all expenses arising from administration of the Missi-
on, except as otherwise stated elsewhere in the Agreement;
d) to supply the Mission with farming machinery, tools, irrigat-
ion equipment, seeds, fertilizers and pesticides, which are
manufactured and produced in the Republic of China, and vehi-
cles needed for the implementation of this Agreement; and
e) to pay the running and repair expenses of the farming machin-
ery, equipment and vehicles.

Article 4 Fiji Government Commitments and Undertaking
The Government of the Republic of the Fiji Islands agrees to:
a) provide the Mission with services of graduate scientists whe-
never possible from within Fiji Ministry of Agriculture, Fis-
heries and Forests' staffing establishment;
b) provide the Mission with services of local technical and/or
administrative personnel;
c) provide adequate office space with necessary facities needed
for the work of the Mission;
d) provide all members of the Mission with suitable housing acc-
ommodation with suitable hard furnishings and supply of water
and electricity;
e) provide all members of the Mission with necessary visas, work
permits, and other documentation required during their servi-
ces in the Republic of the Fiji Islands;
f) provide for regular medical examinations and treatment at Go-
vernment medical facilities for all members of the Mission w-
ithin the Republic of the Fiji Islands;
g) provide the Mission Leader with one motor vehicle and its ma-
h) provide the Mission with such other farming tools as may be
agreed to mutually between the Government of the Republic of
the Fiji Islands and the Mission Leader to be necessary to s-
upplement those specified in the subsection (d) of Article 3
i) provide transport for the machinery, tools, materials and ot-
her equipment referred to in subsection (d) of Article 3 from
Suva to the project site or other Islands;
j) provide the Mission with sufficient labor to enable it to ca-
rry out its program as may be agreed to mutually between the
Government of the Republic of the Fiji Islands and the Missi-
on Leader;
k) provide the transportation and subsistence costs of the coun-
terpart staff participating in the projects under this Agree-
ment; and
I) provide the Mission with the necessary assistance for quaran-
tine purposes concerning the importation of items as specifi-
ed in subsection (d) of Article 3 provided that such assista-
nce complies with the Plant Quarantine Act and Regulations of
the Republic of the Fiji Islands.

Article 5 Privileges, Exemptions and Immunities
The Mission and its members including the Leader shall enjoy the
following privileges and exemptions during their stay in the Re-
public of the Fiji Islands:
a) exemptions from income taxes on the salaries and other allow-
ances received from the Government of the Republic of China;
b) exemptions from import duties on personal and house effects
including professional instruments, apparatus and implements
of each members and his immediate family who are not Fiji na-
tionals or have not acquired permanent residence status in t-
he Republic of the Fiji Islands provided that such goods are
imported within 6 months from the date of his/her arrival to
take up post in the Republic of the Fiji Islands. The expres-
sion "personal and household effects" shall not be taken to
include boats, firearms, motor vehicles, motor scooters, food
and consumables;
c) exemptions from fiscal duty on all goods including any plant,
machinery and equipment which shall include a motor vehide a-
nd materials to be used by the Mission in connection with the
duties to be performed in the Republic of the Fiji islands p-
rovided that import Value Added Tax (VAT) liability shall be
paid at the time of importation;
d) exemptions from fiscal duty on the importation of all items
referred to in subsection (d) of Article 3 provided that the
import VAT liability is paid at the time of importation;
e) other privileges and exemptions no less favorable than those
granted to other foreign technicians under technical coopera-
tion agreements with the Republic of the Fiji Islands;
liability to pay the VAT on, imported goods used by the Miss-
ion to carry out its work program is to be paid for by Fiji
Ministry of Agriculture; Fisheries and Forests.
g) disposal of goods within 5 years cleared under duty concessi-
on shall be subject to the provisions of Section 17 of the C-
ustoms Tariff Act.

Articfe 6 Activation Date and Duration of Project
This Agreement shall enter into force upon last signature, and
shall remain valid for a period of 3 years retroactively from 25
th April 1998 to 24th April 2001. Either Government may termina-
te the Agreement ninety (90) days after notice in writing has b-
een given to the other Government.

Articfe 7 Project Reviews
Parties to this Agreement shall meet every six months to reasse-
ss the project activities.

Articfe 8 Amendment of the Agreement
The Agreement and all subsequent supplementary agreements may be
amended by common agreement between the two Governments.
In Witness Whereof, the undersigned, duly authorized thereto by
their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.

Done respectively in Taipei on this 11th day of the third month
of the year One. Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine and in S-
uva on this 23d day of the March month of the year One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine.

For the Government of For the Government of
the Republic of China the Republic of the Fiji Islands

Jaon Hu Militoni Leweniqila
Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries
& Fforests
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)