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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on August 6,1991; Entered into force on August 6,1991.
The Government of the Republic of China and the Government of t-
he Republic of Fiji, in the spirit of friendly relations existi-
ng between the two countries and their peoples,
Recognizing that the maintenance of these relations constitutes
the basis of the provisions of the present Agreement, and
Desiring to enhance and to consolidate these relations by means
of closer cooperation in the sugar industry,
Have agreed as follows:
Article Ⅰ
1 The Government of the Republic of China, hereinafter referred
to as "The First Party", agrees to send to the Republic of fi-
ji, hereinafter referred to as "The Second Party", a sugar te-
chnical advisory mission, hereinfter referred to as "The Miss-
ion", to provide technical advice on sugar research and to im-
plement sugarcane research projects with a view to increasing
sugar productivity.
2 The Mission shall be composed of a mission leader, an agronom-
ist, a soil and plant nutrition expert, an agricultural engin-
eer and a short-term water resources expert, who shall, unless
otherwise requested, be assigned for a period of three months
to make a detailed survey of underground aquafer and check the
river water in coordination with the irrigation engineer. The
main research areas of the Mission are: soil and water conser-
vation, water management, plant nutrition and fertilization,
weed control, and field mechanization. The Mission shall be in
close consultation with the Sugar Cane Research Centre (SCRC)
of the Fiji Sugar Corporation Limited.
Article Ⅱ
The First Party shall provide:
(a) Salaries, air tickets between Taipei and Suva, per diems and
insurance premiums for the members of the Mission during the
period of their service in the Republic of Fiji;
(b) medical expenses arising from surgery, dental treatment and
hospitalization of the members of the Mission, as well as a-
ny other expenses if treatment outside the Republic of Fiji
is required;
(c) research equipment agreed by the First Party;
(d) annual plan of research and advisory activities agreed mutu-
ally beforehand between the Fiji Sugar Corporation Limited
and the Mission; and
(e) annual report in research activities conducted by the Missi-
Article Ⅲ
The Second Party shall take necessary measures at the expense of
the Fiji Sugar Corporation Limited to provide or arrange the fo-
(a) an annual budget in connection with the research project of
the Mission during the period of their service in the Repub-
lic of Fhiji;
(b) the services of the local technical staff as coordinator fi-
eld supervisors, and general employees, under the direction
of the SCRC of the Fiji Sugar Corporation Limited and the a-
dvice of the Mission leader;
(c) adequate office space with necessary facilities for the work
of the Mission;
(d) suitable housing for the members of the Mission with essent-
ial hard furnishings and supply of water and electricity;
(e) sufficient vehicles in connection with the work of the Miss-
(f) visa matters, working permits, employment identity cards and
other necessary documents for the members of the Mission du-
ring their service in the Republic of Fiji;
(g) travelling expenses in connection with the work for the mem-
bers of the Mission in the Republic of Fiji;
(h) medical expenses of the members of the Mission for minor me-
dical examinations and treatment; and
(i) annual leave for a total of twelve (12) working days with t-
ransportation and accommodation for the members of the Miss-
ion for a return trip to any destination within Fiji agreed
upon beforehand.
Article Ⅳ
The Mission and its members shall enjoy the following privileges
and exemptions during their stay in Fiji:
(a) exemption of income taxes on the salaries and other allowan-
ces received from the First Party;
(b) exemption from taxes on the importation of furniture and ef-
fects, including one motor vehicle, of such person and his
family imported within six months from the time of first ta-
king up post in Fiji;
(c) exemption from taxes on the importation of machinery, one m-
otor vehicle, and equipments to be used in connection with
duties to be performed in Fiji;
(d) other privileges and exemptions no less favorable than tho-
se granted to other foreign technicians under technical coo-
peration agreements with the Government of the Republic of
Article Ⅴ
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of its signat-
ure and shall remain valid for a period of three (3) years. Eit-
her party may terminate it ninety (90) days after notice in wri-
ting has been given to the other Party.
Article Ⅵ
The Agreement and all subsequent supplementary arrangements may
be amended by common agreement between the two Governments.
In witness whereof, the undersigned, duly authorized thereto by
their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.
Done in Taipei in duplicate, in the English language, on this s-
ixth day of the eighth month of the eighty year of the Republic
of China, corresponding to the sixth day of August of the year
One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-one.
For the Government of
the Republic of China
Dr. Fredrick f. Chien
Minister of Foreign Affairs
For the Government of
the Republic of Fiji
Ratu Sir Kamisese K.T. Mara
Prime Minister and
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)