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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on July 28, 1982; Entered into force retroactively on November 25, 1981.
In view of the fact that the present agreement of agricultural
and technical cooperation, concluded in 1397 A. H., between Kin-
gdom of Saudi Arabian Government and Republic of China Governme-
nt, is going to expire in 28.1.1402 A.H.,
And having in mind the joint aspiration of both sides to contin-
ue, develop and extend the scope of agricultural cooperation.
And considering the encouraging results and excellent amounts of
information achieved by the Chinese Mission in the field of ext-
ension and agricultural scientific research, and which necesita-
te the renewal of this cooperation to benefit to the utmost, of
these experiences in the field of agriculture and water, it is
therefore agreed to renew the agreement, according to the follo-
wing clauses, between:
1 The Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, repressented i-
n this agreement by H.E. The Minister of Agriculture and Water
2 The Government of the Republic of China, represented in this
agreement by H.E. The Ambassador of Republic of China.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Water in the Kingdom of Saudi A-
rabia and The Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Republic of C-
hina, will both cooperate to develop agriculture in the Kingdom
, and benefit of the successful experience of The Republic of C-
hina in this sphere. This cooperation includes in the first deg-
1 Provision of technical advice to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
by the Chinese experts, concerning the agricultural projects
chosen by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
2 Training of the Saudis, working or going to work in the agri-
cultural field, by Chinese technical trainers who are special-
ized in the field of agricultural training.
3 Provision of small agricultural machinery, suitable for the a-
gricultural circumstances of the Kingdom, and to train Saudis
on their operation, maintenance and adoptation for use in cer-
tain regions of the Kingdom, such as palm tree oasis, and sand
4 Provision as well as spreading the use of new agricultural cr-
ops of economic importance to the to the Kingdom.
5 Advising local farmers about the use of up-to-date methods of
agriculture, and the selection of high productivity crops.

A sum of 70 Million Saudi Riyals, shall be allocated by the Min-
istry of Agriculture and Water in its budget for the period of
this Agreement for carrying out projects and research activities
in cooperation between Saudi and Chinese technicians and exper-
ts, nominated by the Republic of China Government for the said
purpose and approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water.
This sum is divided by the five years as follows:

Fiscal Years The amount included
29/1/1402-30/6/1403 11 Eleven Million Riyals
1/7/1403-30/6/1404 14 Fourteen Million Riyals
1/7/1404-30/6/1405 15 Fifteen Million Riyals
1/7/1405-30/6/1406 15 Fifteen Million Riyals
1/7/1406-30/6/1407 15 Fifteen Million Riyals
70 Seventy Million Riyals

This sum of money aims to provide all needs of extension and re-
seatch projects, and to cover the salaries and allowances of th-
e Chinese technicians as well as the Saudi counterparts and lab-
ourers, working with them in this field. These annual allocatio-
ns will be paid after preparing a specific annual program, appv-
oved by H.E. The Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Water for R-
esearch and Development.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Water will prepare the detailed
work program for the years of agreement.
This program must get the approval of the Chinese mission and t-
he experts sent for the said purpose. The cost of the program s-
hould be limited to the sum allocated for it in the budget. (If
need arises, The Minister of Agriculture and Water may increase
the annually located sum of the determined funds provided that
the total expenditure of the five years does not exceed the tot-
al amount allocated for the agreement).

Work carried out by the Chinese experts will be supervised by
the Ministry bodies and representatives nominated by the Minist-
ry for each project. The head of the Chinese team will submit a
periodical work progress report (at lease once) every 3 months.

Ministry of Agriculture and Water can transfer any remaining sum
of money allocated for the execution of this Agreement of any
fiscal year, to the next fiscal year, to cover the expenditure
of the implementation of its programs. This is to be done by
the approval of the Minister.

Salaries of experts, technicians and others working with the te-
am, will be determined according to the rules and basis adopted
res of expenditures and accounts related to this agreement, wi-
ll follow the basis and methods adopted by Al Hassa Authority.

The period of this Agreement will commence on 29.1.1402 A.H., c-
orresponding to 25.11.1981, and ends on 30.6.1407 A.H. It may
be renewed for another five years by the Agreement of the two p-
arties, provided that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabian Government n-
otify The Republic of China Government of its intention to renew
three months at least before the termination of its period, in
order to enable Government of Republic of China within two mon-
ths of the date of notification to take its decision of the re-
newal. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabian Government has the right to
terminate this Agreement at any time during the period of its v-
In such a case, the Agreement will be considered invalid after
three months of sending a notice to this effect, to the Governm-
ent of Republic of China.

Since the Agreement of Agricultural Cooperation had been renewed
in 29.1.1402, corresponding to 25.11.1981, between the Governme-
nt of Saudi Arabia, and Republic of China Government, H.E. The
Minister of Agriculture and Water in Saudi Arabia, and H.E. The
Ambassador of Republic of China, have agreed, on behalf of their
governments, to study and suggest any modifications they may de-
em necessary, three months after the date of signing the Agreem-
ent, in order to be able to face all dire requirements of any e-
mergency that may arise within the first three months of the da-
te of commencing the execution of this Agreement.

In case of any differences between the Arabic and English texts,
the two parts consider the Arabic text as the authentic one.

The Minister of Agriculture and Water has the right to delegate
anyone of the senior officers of his Ministry to execute the p-
rovisions of this Agreement. The two parties sign in acceptance
of this Agreement.

Yu-Chi Hsueh
Ambassador of Republic
of China
Signed on 28.7.1982. (8.10.1402H)
At: Riyadh

Dr. Abdul Rahman Bin Abdulaziz Al-Sheikh
Minister of Agriculture and Water
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Signed on 28.7.1982. (8.10.1402H)
At: Riyadh
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)