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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on December 13, 1985.
The East Asia Trade Centre Limited of the Republic of China and
the Native Land Development Corporation Limited of Fiji in coll-
aboration with the Government of Fiji, held discussions concern-
ing the agricultural technical needs of NLDC's Seaqaqa Estate F-
arm as well as other small holder farms in the Seaqaqa area in
Vanua Levu, Fiji, and of the Hybrid Tilapia Project of the Mini-
stry of Primary Industries, Fisheries Division. On the basis of
such discussions, the two Parties agreed to recommend to their
respective Governments and/or controlling bodies to assist to c-
arry out the Project referred to herein and in accordance with
the articles as recorded in the attached minutes of discussion.
SIGNED at Suva, Fiji on 13 day of December 1985

For the East Asia Trade
Centre Limited
Chi Kun Ning

East Asia Trade Centre Limited
Republic of China
Tzung-Hoa Huang
For the Native Land
Development Corporation Limited
Harry Kiss
The Chief Executive
The Native Land Development Corporation


Following the successful completion of two terms of the Agricul-
tural Technical Cooperation Project (hereinafter referred to as
the ”Project ”) under a standing Agreement between the East A-
sia Trade Centre (hereinafter referred to as the ”EATC”) on b-
ehalf of the Government of the Republic of China (hereinafter r-
eferred to as ”R.O.C.”) and the Native Land Development Corpo-
ration Limited (herein-after referred to as ”NLDC”) , the dis-
cussions held in September and December 1984 determined to exte-
nd the Agreement for a further 3-year term. Both Parties also a-
greed that whilst the Project shall continue its service to the
NLDC Seaqaqa Estate Farm (hereinafter referred to as the ”Esta-
te”) , it shall also extend its service to other organizations,
namely the Seaqaqa Rehabilitation Task Force Committee (hereina-
fter referred to as the ”Task Force”) and the Ministry of Pri-
mary Industries (hereinafter referred to as ”M.P.I.”) .
WHEREAS the Agreement is signed between the EATC and the NLDC,
it is well understood that both Parties are acting with the com-
plete support of their respective Governments. In particular, s-
ince NLDC is acting on behalf of the Task Force and the MPI, any
obligation incurred by NLDC arising under the following articles
shall, for all intents and purposes, imply the same obligation
by the Task Force and the MPI where it relates to their areas
of responsibilities. During the course of discussions, both par-
ties agreed to maintain close cooperation in the implementation
of the Project according to the following articles:

Article 1
(1) The primary objectives of the Project are to provide techni-
cal assistance in three (3) areas:
(i) NLDC-Seaqaqa Estate Farm
(a) To provide expert advice and instruct and train Estate
mechanics in the proper repairs and maintenance of agr-
icultural machinery and implements.
(b) To assist in the training of NLDC farm workers at the E-
state by on-the-job training and working side by side w-
ith the farm workers with the aim of increasing work pr-
(ii) Seaqaqa Rehabilitation Task Force Committee
(a) To assist the Task Force by providing expert advice and
service for the maintenance and repairs of agricultural
machinery and implements belonging to cane farmers in
the Seaqaqa area.
(b) To provide training to Seaqaqa farmers on the proper use
of agricultural machinery and implements through on-the
-job training and working side by side with the farmers.
(iii) MPI Fisheries Division,s Hybrid-Tilapia Project
(a) To provide a senior expert to be responsible for the in-
itiation, management and administration of the Hybrid-T-
ilapia Project which is described fully in the attached
appendix entitled ”Hy-brid-Tilapia Project”.

Article 2
Both Parties Agreed that the number of Agricultural Technical G-
roup (herein-after referred to as the ”Group”) shall be maint-
ained at six (6) ; however, at this stage four (4) experts are
(1) EATC agreed to send to Fiji a ”Group”composed of :
(i) For NLDC Seaqaqa Estate Farm
Two first class mechanics skilled in the repairs and main-
tenance of farm machinery including one with expertise in
auto-electrical work. One of these two members will be the
Group Leader.
(ii) For the ”Task Force”
One first class mechanic skilled in the repairs and maint-
enance of farm machinery and implements and in their prac-
tical use.
(iii) For the MPI-Fisheries Division,s Hybrid-Tilapia Project
One senior expert skilled in Hybrid-Tilapil culture to be
able to carry out duties as listed in Part III of the att-
ached Appendix.

Article 3
Both Parties agreed to take the necessary steps in accordance
with their respective Government regulations, to meet the expen-
ses of the Group as follows:
(1) EATC shall bear the expenses of salaries and wages for the
members of the Group.
(2) EATC shall bear the expenses of the travelling cost for mem-
bers of the Group to and from Suva, Fiji.
(3) NLDC shall bear the expenses of the travelling cost for its
members between Suva and Seaqaqa at the beginning and the e-
nd of their contract.
(4) NLDC shall provide suitable housing for the Group at Seaqaqa
with essential hard furnishings, water and power supply. MPI
shall provide suitable housing with essential hard furnishi-
ng for its member.
(5) NLDC shall provide a vehicle and pay for its cost for the G-
roup Leader. The Task Force and the MPI shall also provide
transport for the Group members attached to them.
(6) NLDC shall provide and pay for one domestic worker for the
Group based at Seaqaqa.
(7) NLDC shall pay for the medical expenses for its members in-
sofar as it is restricted to minor medical examination and
treatment. For this purpose it shall issue its members of t-
he Group employment Identity Cards to qualify them for ”l-
ocal charges”at the General Hospital. The EATC undertakes
to pay for the medical expenses arising from surgery, dental
treatment and hospitalization as well as the repatriation
expenses if treatment. overseas is required.
(8) Members of the Group shall be granted Annual Leave to a tot-
al of 10 working days and NLDC shall pay for travel and acc-
ommodation expenses for its members for one return trip to
Suva or other destination agreed to before-band.

Article 4
The Group shall enjoy the following privileges during their stay
in Fiji:
(1) Exemption of income taxes on the salaries and wages paid and
other benefits given to the members of the Group.
(2) Exemption of all duties on their personal and household ef-
fects brought to Fiji during the first six (6) months.
(3) Exemption of all duties on machinery and equipment donated
by the Republic of China through EATC.
(4) Exemption of all duties on professional and technical equip-
ment which shall include a motor vehicle to be used in conn-
ection with duties to be performed in Fiji.

Article 5
The NLDC, through the Ministry of Fijian Affairs shall be respo-
nsible for obtaining the visas, working permits and other neces-
sary documents for the Group during their service in Fiji.

Article 6
Both Parties shall make further consultation on any matters ar-
ising from these minutes of discussion.

Article 7
The period of service for the Group in Fiji shall be three (3)
years to be reckoned from the date of the Group's arrival in F-
iji. The period may be renewed by written concurrence between
the two Parties before its expiration. During the period of ser-
vice either NLDC or EATC may, after consultation between thems-
elves and with their respective Governments and/or controlling
bodies terminate the Agreement by giving written notice to the
other Party.

The development objectives for the fisheries sector during the
current plan period shall include:
(a) To increase production to satisfy local demand for fish and
fish products, both freshwater and marine;
(b) To increase fish catch and production of fish and fish pro-
ducts for export; and
(c) To increase local value added in the fisheries sector.
An important objective of the Aquaculture Programme is to cons-
olidate and expand along the established operations currently in
(i) To confirm technical and economical feasibility of rearing
hybrid-tilapia as basis for protein provision in in land ar-
(ii)To determine the feasibility of large-scale culture of hybr-
id-tilapia as basis for protein provision in inland areas;
(iii)To determine the economic viability of culturing hybrid-ti-
lapia compared with the capture of fish from the wild;
(iv)To design and implement further development of the hybrid-t
ilapia programme to full production; and
(v) To investigate local and overseas markets, and to establish
and adopt optimum marketing procedures for hybrid-tilapia.

The widespread enthusiasm for tilapia culture and the consequent
boom in production are due to increased acceptance by consumers
and the success of culture techniques adapted by small scale ru-
ral farmers With correct mix of credit, incentives, research, e-
xtension and information dissemination, the potential for cont-
inued involvement of small scale producers appears to be great.
The increasing attractiveness of tilapia to consumers is due to
a number of factors. They can be sold very fresh, even live; th-
ey are well suited to local cooking styles (frying and boiling)
; and marine fish prices have increased as the catch has levell-
ed off and operating cost increased. Moreover, declining real w-
ages have apparently led consumers to substitute tilapia for ot-
her more costly species. With increased consumer acceptance, h-
owever, the tilapia prices in many urban markets now rival those
of snappers, traditionally considered a first class fish.
It is envisaged that the present tilapia programme shall be the
forerunner of this new culture system, with emphasis however on
the use of monoculture.

The terms of reference of the officer are:
General: Responsible for the initiation, management and
ration of the hybrid-tilapia project.
(i) Planning, programming all aspects of the hybrid-tilapia Pro-
(ii) Technical and administrative supervision, management and
motivation of all established and unestablished staff on t-
he above project;
(iii) Supervise, analyse and control expenditure on the above
aquaculture project;
(iv) Train counterpart staff in fish farming principles and tec-
(v) Give technical advice to the Fisheries Division staff on ot-
her aquaculture projects; and
(vi) Liaise with the National Marketing Authority and other Gov-
ernment Departments on the supply, marketing and distribut-
ion of hybrid-tilapia.
Responsible to Senior Fisheries Officer (RA & D) .

A detailed work plan for the implementation of the Project sha-
ll be prepared by the above officers in consultation with the F-
isheries Officer (Aquaculture) . This will be done at the start
of the Project and brought forward periodically.

* Country with which the Republic of China has no diplomatic re-
* 與我國無外交關係之國家
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)