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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on June,29,1971; Exchanged on June,30,1971; Entered into force on June 30,1971.
Ⅰ Note from Mr. Pote Sarasin, Minister of National Development,
Kingdom of Thailand, to H.E. Dr. Shen Chang-huan, Chinese Am-
bassador in Thailand.
Ministry of National Development
No. N.D. 0904/4256
June 29, 1971
I have the honour to refer to the Arrangement on Agricultural
Technical Cooperation between the Government of the Republic
of China and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand done
at Bangkok on the 3rd August 1970, Article 11 of which provi-
des that the said Arrangement shall remain effective until J-
une 30, 1971, upon signing by both parties and may be extend-
ed upon mutual agreement.
As the aforesaid Arrangement will expire on June 30, 1971, I
have the honour to propose, on behalf of the Government of t-
he Kingdom of Thailand, that the said Arrangement be extended
, subject to the same terms and conditions as laid down in t-
he original Arrangement, for another period of 3 years until
June 30, 1974.
If your Excellency would confirm that the Government of the
Republic of China is agreeable to the above-mentioned propos-
al, the present Note and Your Excellency's confirming Note in
reply shall constitute an agreement between our two Governme-
nts on this matter.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurance of my highest cons-
Pote Sarasin
Minister of National
Kingdom of Thailand
H.E. Dr. Shen Chang-huan
Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary
Ⅱ Note from H.E. Dr. Shen Chang-Huan, Chinese Ambassador in Th-
ailand, to Mr. Pote Sarasin, Minister of National Development
,Kingdom of Thailand.
No. 60/1038
30 June, 1971
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excelle-
ncy's Note No. N.D. 0904/4256 dated June 29, 1971 reading as
“I have the honour to refer to the Arrangement on Agricultu-
ral Technical Cooperation between the Government of the Repu-
blic of China and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand
done at Bangkok on the 3rd August 1970, Article 11 of which
provides that the said Arrangement shall remain effective un-
til June 30, 1971, upon signing by both parties and may be e-
xtended upon mutual agreement.
“As the aforesaid Arrangement will expire on June 30, 1971,
I have the honour to propose, on behalf of the Government of
the Kingdom of Thailand, that the said Arrangement be extend-
ed, subject to the same terms and conditions as laid down in
the original Arrangement, for another period of 3 years until
June 30,1974.
“If Your Excellency would confirm that the Government of the
Republic of China is agreeable to the above-mentioned propos-
al, the present Note and Your Excellency's confirming Note in
reply shall constitute an agreement between our two Governme-
nts on this matter.”
In reply, I have the honour to confirm that Your Excellency's
proposal is agreeable to the Government of the Republic of C-
hina and that Your Excellency's present Note and this confir-
ming Note will constitute an agreement between our two Gover-
nments on this matter.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellen-
cy the assurances of my highest consideration.
Shen Chang-huan
H.E. Minister Pote Sarasin
Ministry of National Development
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)