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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on September 08, 2016 Entered into force on September 08, 2016
The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Viet Nam (hereinafter
referred to as TECO) and the Viet Nam Economic and Cultural
Office in Taipei (hereinafter referred to as VECO), hereinafter
referred to as "the Parties", with a view to strengthening the
friendship, and developing scientific relations, between Taiwan
and Viet Nam have agreed as follows:


The purposes of this Agreement are to enhance bilateral
cooperation between environmental authorities in the field of
soil and groundwater pollution characterization and remediation
matters, promote environmentally sound technologies and advance
the realization of sustainable development.

Forms of Cooperation

The Parties will cooperate through appropriate forms, to the
extent of resources prepared by both Parties, including:
1. Holding related issues dialogue on a regular basis;
2. Exchanging information and expertise including training;
3. Carrying out feasibility studies;
4. Training course;
5. Other forms to be mutually decided upon.

Areas of Cooperation

Cooperative activity may be decided from mutually confirmed
areas pertaining to environmental protection and improvement as
listed below:
1. Waste Management on soil and ground water;
2. Environmental issues that are related to soil and
3. Other areas of environmental protection and improvement as
may be confirmed by the Parties.

Implementing Agencies

The Implementing Agencies shall be:
1. On behalf of TECO,

The Soil and Groundwater Remediation Fund Management Board of
the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan.
2. On behalf of VECO,

The Viet Nam Environment Administration of the Ministry of
Natural Resources and Environment of Viet Nam.



Unless otherwise agreed between the Parties, each Party
participating in cooperation activity and initiatives will be
responsible for covering all costs of its participation.

Intellectual Property Rights

The Parties do not intend for this Agreement to affect their
respective intellectual property rights. In proposed cooperative
activities, where the Parties foresee that questions related to
intellectual property rights might arise, the Parties, in
accordance with their respective laws, will come to an
understanding in advance as to the effective protection and
allocation of those intellectual property rights.

General Provisions
1. This Agreement will be carried out within the framework of
the respective domestic laws and regulations of the Parties
and subject to the availability of funds and personnel of the
2. Any dispute arising out of the interpretation or application
of the Agreement shall be settled through consultation or
negotiation between the Parties;
3. Regular meetings should be arranged for the Parties to
discuss the environmental cooperation on soil and groundwater

Entry into Force, Duration, and Amendment
1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of
signature and be valid for a period of four (4) years, unless
either Party informs the other Party its decision to
terminate it by means of written notification. In this case,
the Agreement shall terminate ninety (90) days after the date
of receipt of such notification;
2. This Agreement may be amended, supplemented or renewed with
the mutual written consent of the Parties.

DONE in duplicates in the English language, at Taipei on the
eighth day of September in the year two thousand and sixteen.

For the Taipei For the Viet Nam
Economic Economic
and Cultural Office in and Cultural Office in
Viet Nam Taipei
__________________ __________________
Richard R.C. Shih Tran Duy Hai

Representative Representative
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)