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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on August 7, 1999; Entered into force on September 16, 1999.
The Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the Government
of the Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Contr-
acting parties"), desiring to strengthen and consolidate the ex-
isting friendly relations between the two countries through the
promotion and development of cooperation in the fields of health
care, have agreed as follows:

The Contracting parties shall cooperate with a view to promoting
health care on mutually beneficial terms and conditions.

The Contracting Parties shall encourage exchange of certain int-
erchangeable information on the health care for the purpose of
improving the health status of population.

The Contracting Parties agree to cooperate in training and educ-
ation in the fields of health care and in specialized fields as
well as to exchange specialists, consultants and trainees in su-
ch fields.

The Contracting Parties agree to cooperate in health management
including establishing integrated computer system in the Republ-
ic of Macedonia by means of collecting and analyzing medical and
medical management information to improve the efficiency of the
health management system.

The Government of the Republic of China shall encourage the pha-
rmaceutical industry from the country to make investment in the
Republic of Macedonia. The Government of the Republic of Macedo-
nia shall provide most favorable incentives to such investment
projects. The Government of Macedonia shall permit the investors
from the Republic of China to apply for pharmaceutical manufact-
uring licenses during the period of construction of pharmaceuti-
cal plants and shall grant the approvals within one month after
the plants have given the GMP status in accordance with the laws
and regulations of the Republic of Macedonia.

The Government of the Republic of Macedonia further agrees to
grant import licenses to the investors from the Republic of Chi-
na as mentioned above prior to the completion of the constructi-
on of pharmaceutical plants and granting of approvals of manufa-
cturing licenses.

The manufacturing licensees and import licenses shall be granted
by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia without the requ-
irement of any clinical trials and the experiments in the Repub-
lic of Macedonia only for the medicaments (active moiety) that
are registered in one of the "reference countries" (USA, Europe-
an countries, Japan, Australia, or Canada) in accordance with
the respective law of the Republic of Macedonia.

The Contracting Parties agree that on limitation shall be appli-
ed to the manufacturers invested by the pharmaceutical industry
of the Republic of China, only if it is not contrary to the res-
pective Law in Republic of Macedonia.
It is understood by the Contracting Parties that Memorandum will
become effective only after it is approved by the respective co-
mpetent authorities of either party.
This Memorandum is done one the 7th day of August of the year
One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-nine in the City of Skopje
of the Republic of Macedonia.

Chi-Shean Chan
Minister of Health of the Republic of China

Dragan Danilovski
Minister of Health of the Republic Macedonia
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)