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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on December 26, 2001 Entered into force on January 1, 2002
to the Memorandum of Understanding dated December 13th, 2000.
Based on the Memorandum of Understanding Signed on December 13th,
2000 between the Department of Health, Taiwan, R.O.C (hereafter
referred to as "DOH") and the National Committee for Population
and Family Planning, Vietnam (hereafter referred to as "the NCP-
FP") on the mutual cooperation in the field of population and f-
amily planning, both Parties have agreed on the following speci-
fic programme for the year 2002.
1.DOH will accept the following personnel selected by NCPFP for
study tour and training in Taiwan in 2002:
1.1 One group of 10 persons for ten-day observation study on im-
plementation and management of the family planning/reproduc-
tive health programme at community level (in the 2md quarte-
rs 2002).
1.2 Two groups of 10 persons for ten-day training course on man-
agement of population quality including: genetic health, ge-
netic screening and health care for the elderly, the handic-
apped etc. (in the 2td quarter 2002).
1.3 One group of 10 persons for ten-day observation study on po-
pulation management and household registration at community
level (in the 3rd quarter 2002).
2.DOH will send a mission of 6 persons to Vietnam to review the
cooperation programme in the year and discuss on the cooperat-
ion programme between NCPFP and DOH in next year. The duration
is 10 days including field-trip in the 4th quarter 2002.
3.Both parties also agreed to exchange information, printed doc-
uments and other materials (CD-ROM, Web...) relating to popul-
ation and development, family plnning/reproductive health iss-
4.NCPFP will seek more technical assistance from DOH in such fi-
elds as reproductive health, genetic health and personnel tra-
ining etc., if more resources are mobilized from other sources
Other terms and conditions which are not specified in this Annex
shall be referred to the Memorandum of Understanding dated Dece-
mber 13th, 2000.
Any supplementation and modification shall be a greed upon by b-
oth parties in writing and form an integral part of this Annex.

This annex is an integral part of the Memorandum of Understandi-
ng dated December 13th, 2000.
Done in Hanoi, on 26 December 2001 in English language, in four
copies of which two for each party.

For the Department of Health For the National Committee for
Taiwan, R.O.C Population and Family Planning

Dr. David Redhelm Weng Phuong
Director General, Bureau of Director
Health Promotion. Int'l Relations Department
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)