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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on July 12, 2007; Entered into force on July 12, 2007.
The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Canada and the
Department of Industry of Canada, hereinafter referred to
collectively as "the Participants" and separately as "the

GUIDED by the desire to continue strengthening cooperation in
the field of telecommunications and to develop new forms of
cooperation in this field between Taipei and Ottawa,
RECOGNIZING the importance of the development of communications
and information technologies for promoting trade and technical
exchanges, as well as the economic, social, and cultural
development of both economies, RECOGNIZING the importance of
cooperation between the Participants based on principles of
equality, reciprocity and mutual benefit, Have reached the
following understanding:

1.In accordance with the legislation and regulations of each
Participant, and acting within their respective framework of
powers and responsibilities, the participants will cooperate
to promote the development of communications and information
technologies in Ottawa and Taipei.

2.The Participants have identified the following areas of common
interest for cooperation:
a.Communications and information technologies policy and
b.Technical standards and certification;
c.Frequency coordination, spectrum management and licensing of
radio communications;
d.Multilateral issues;
e.Cooperation in the development of communications,
information technologies and the application of
communications technologies, and technology transfer;
f.Other areas in communications and information technologies
as mutually decided upon by the Participants.

3.Cooperation in the field of communications and information
technologies between the Participants may take the following
a.The exchange of information and materials on communications
and information technology subjects of common interest, and
the establishment of channels for exchanges of information
as appropriate;
b.The provision of opportunities for each Participant to
become acquainted with the organizational structure,
statutes, regulations, policies, methods and procedures of
the other Participant;
c.The facilitation of exchange of communications and
information technology technical personnel, specialists, and
d.The facilitation of joint research projects;
e.The joint organization of technical seminars, symposia and
f.The facilitation of arrangements for training and other
assistance in communications and information technologies;
g.The reciprocal arrangement for the mutual recognition of
both Participants' type approval test reports, certification
and test procedures, and laboratories;
h.Other forms of cooperation adopted by both Participants.

4.Each Participant will designate a coordinator from its
cooperating agency to be responsible for the cooperation and
activities between the two Participants. In this instance, the
cooperating agency for the Department of Industry of Canada
will be the Spectrum, Information Technologies and
Telecommunications Sector, and the cooperating agency for the
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Canada will be the
Department of Planning, National Communications Commission in

5.Representatives of the Participants, cooperating agencies, and
other agencies as appropriate, will establish a cooperative
committee to review the progress of cooperative activities
under this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and to discuss
other issues relating to this MOU. The committee will be
composed of representatives designated by the Participants and
will meet in turn in Ottawa and in Taipei at a mutually
acceptable time.

6.The Participants will encourage contact between the government
agencies, research institutes, corporations and other relevant
organizations, and the conclusion of implementing agreements
or arrangements between them which will provide the details of
the cooperative activities under this MOU.

7.The cooperative activities carried out under this MOU will be
subject to the availability of funds and human resources of
the Participants, and will be mutually accepted. With respect
to reciprocal study groups, specialists, researchers,
scientists and technical personnel, each Participant will bear
the travel, accommodation and other related costs of its own
personnel. With respect to other activities, including the
undertaking of demonstrations, training, field trials or joint
development projects, the sharing of costs involved will be
mutually decided on a case-by-case basis.

8.This MOU may be supplemented with "Implementing Arrangements"
on specific activities and matters of cooperation in the field
of communications and information technologies.

9.Neither Participant will disclose nor distribute any
information that is supplied or marked "confidential" by the
originating Participant except as and to the extent authorized
by the originating Participant.

10.This MOU will come into effect on the date of its signature
and will remain in effect for a period of five (5) years
unless amended, renewed or terminated in accordance with this
paragraph. This MOU may be amended or renewed at any time
upon the mutual consent of the Participants in writing.
Either Participant may terminate this MOU at any time by
providing the other Participant with three (3) months'
written notice.

11.The amendment or termination of this MOU will not affect the
terms of those activities which are in progress at the time
of the notification of amendment or termination of the MOU.

12.This MOU will replace the Memorandum of Understanding for
Cooperation in the Fields of Communications and Information
Technologies between the Ministry of Industry in Ottawa and
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Canada, dated June 1,

Signed in Ottawa, this 12th day of July, 2007, in duplicate, in
the English, French and Chinese languages, each version being
equally valid.

For the Taipei Economic and For the Department of Industry
Cultural Office in Canada of Canada

───────────── ─────────────
Dr. David Tawei Lee Mr. Keith Parsonage

Witnessed by the
National Communications Commission
(NCC) in Taipei

Dr. Howard S.H. Shyr
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)