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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on July 12, 1995 ; Entered into force on July 12, 1995.
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) records the understandin-
gs and arrangements agreed between the postal administrations of
Australia and Taiwan in relation to the quality of service of i-
nternational airmail exchanged.
This MOU commences on the date it is signed by both parties.
Unless terminated or varied as provided hereunder, this MOU will
remain in effect indefinitely.
This MOU may be terminated by either party giving 6 months writ-
ten notice to the other.
The details of this MOU will be periodically reviewed, but not
more frequently than once each six months.
"the parties" refers to the postal administrations which are si-
gnatories to this MOU; "airmail" includes all categories of int-
ernational airmail (LC/AO and CP), but excludes EMS and SAL ite-
"service standard" represents the elapsed time between posting
and delivery or between identified links in an overall mail path
, which the parties agree as achievable and necessary to meet c-
ustomer needs;
"service performance" represents the level of performance achie-
ved when assessed against a service standard;
"service performance target" represents the level of service pe-
rformance, expressed in percentage terms, the parties agree sho-
uld be achieved;
"J" represents the day of posting, with J+l indicating the day
after posting, J+2 the second day after posting and so on;
"critical entry time (GET)" represents the time on a given day
by which aircraft should land at the destination country gateway
airport for onboard mail to be processed for delivery to the se-
rvice standards detailed in this MOU.
6.1 The service standards detailed in paragraph 7 apply for air-
mail on nights landing at the airport of offload in Austral-
ia on Monday to Friday by 11.00 am and on Sunday by 10.00 am
. Flights landing on Saturday will be subject to the CET for
6.2 The Service standards detailed in paragraph 7 apply for air-
mail on flights landing at the airport(s) of offload in Tai-
wan on Monday to Friday by 03:00 am (LCIAO), 18:00(CP).
7.1 Australia to Taiwan
7.1.1 The service standards to apply are:
(a) for airmail posted in the metropolitan area of the exit
gateway city and near country areas-
to be despatched on the first suitable flight by J+1 and
to be delivered generally throughout Taiwan on J+3-4 (LC
/AO) and j+4-5 (CP).
(b) for airmail posted in other (remote) areas feeding into
the exit gateway city-
to be despatched on the first suitable flight by J+2 and
to be delivered generally throughout Taiwan on J+4-5 (LC
/AO) and J+5-6 (CP).
7.1.2 Exceptions
(a) Airmail items which, following screening, are subject to
customs assessment will require one additional workday
to effect delivery.
(b) The above service standards will not apply to items sub-
ject to Formal Entry procedures or which otherwise requ-
ire the attendance of addressees or their agent at a cu-
stoms clearance point to effect clearance.
(c) Airmail on flights landing at the airports of offload in
both countries after the above CET's, will require one
additional workday to effect delivery.
7.2 Taiwan to Australia
7.2.1 The service standard for airmail posted in Taiwan is for
despatch on the first suitable flight by J+1 and for deli-
very in the metropolitan and near country areas of the Au-
stralian destination port of offload by J+3. Airmail for
other (remote) areas will be delivered on J+4-
7.2.2 Exceptions
The exceptions detailed in paragraph 7.1.2. apply.
7.3 The service standards detailed in paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2 are
tabulated at Schedule 2.
Recognising the service standards detailed in paragraph 7, and
taking into account customer needs and expectations, the parties
agree that the level of service performance as measured against
service standards should be 95% within service standards, and t-
hat 100% of items should be despatched or delivered (as the case
may be) by no more than one day later than provided for by serv-
ice standards.
9.1 Initially, measurement systems currently in use in Australia
to measure the level of service performance for airmail exc-
hanged between Australia and Taiwan will he utilised.
9.2 The parties agree to act unilaterally or co-operate to enha-
nce service performance monitoring systems with a view to p-
rogressively improving service performance information and
quality control.
9.3 The parties agree to exchange service performance results on
a quarterly basis.
9.4 Where results indicate performance to be consistently below
target, the parties agree to institute appropriate correcti-
ve actions.
10.1 Airmail arriving in Australia from Taiwan on aircraft land-
ing at the port of offload on Monday to Friday before 11:00
am, and on Sunday before 10.00 am will he presented to cus-
toms for clearance and processed the same day. Airmail arr-
iving on Saturday will be presented to customs on Sunday.
10.2 Airmail arriving in Taiwan from Australia on aircraft land-
ing at the port of offload on Monday to Friday before 03:00
(LCIAO) 18:00 (CP) will be presented to customs for cleara-
nce and processed the same day. No Customs clearance and p-
rocessing is performed on Sundays and public holidays. (re-
fer paragraph 6.2).
Detailed arrangements for facilitating the effect of this MOU a-
re at Schedule I.
This Memorandum of Understanding is signed in duplicate in Melb-
ourne, Australia on 5 July 1995, and Taipei, Taiwan on Jul. 12,

[Signed] [Signed]
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)