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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on September 22,1992; Entered into force on September 22,1992.
The Taipei-Moscow Economic and Cultural Coordination Commission
and the Moscow-Taipei Economic and Cultural Coordination Commis-
sion hereinafter referred to as the parties;
Referring to the discussions held on September 18, 1992 in Taip-
ei between the officials of the Intourist holding Company of Ru-
ssian Federation and the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Tran-
sportation and Communications in Taipei;
Being aware of the role of tourism as a very important social,
cultural and economic factor in international relations;
Welcoming the new possibilities for rapid improvement of condit-
ions (including formalities) conducive to expanded tourist traf-
fic between Russia and Taiwan;
Foreseeing the great interest and potential of Russia and Taiwan
to increase tourist exchange and cooperation;
Have reached understanding as follows:
1. The parties will encourage the establishment of contacts bet-
ween tourism organizations and enterprises within the tourism
and travel trade sector to increase the opportunities for gr-
oup and individual travels between Russia and Taiwan;
2. The parties will send study missions to Russia and Taiwan to
familiarize with basic tourist infrastructure and facilities.
Members of the mission will consist of Commission approved h-
oteliers, travel agents and NTO officers, etc;
3. The parties will consider the possibility of setting up resp-
ective tourist information bureaus in Russia and Taiwan. The
Introuist Holding Company of Russia will establish a represe-
ntative office in Taipei. The TMECCC expresses its sincere w-
elcome to Intourist to dispatch its officers to join in MTEC-
CC's Representative Office in Taipei to promote its business.
4. The parties will examine the conditions for cooperation in t-
ourism education 'and exchange, teaching media and methods,
exchange visits by tourist industry experts, etc;
5. The parties agree to carry out an exchange of travel statist-
ics, travel research and other important information ;
6. The parties will explore the probability of making investment
through joint venture or other arrangements in the tourist i-
ndustry, including hotels, and assisting in their management
skill to upgrade the industry service level. The investment
in poteis may take the form of new construction projects or
investment in hotel equipment and furbishing (such as interi-
or decoration, telephone, computer and TV sets) in the hotels
currently under construction in Russia, including in Moscow,
St. Petersburg, Pskov and Novgorod;
7. The parties also notice that the Lake Baykal is a major tour-
ist destination in Russia and that investment in the cruising
industry at Vladivostok will also be considered;
8. The parties will attempt to discuss the details of the above
proposal prior to the end of 1992;
9. The parties shall, on the basis of this Memorandum, consider
signing la formal agreement on tourism cooperation between t-
he appropriate bodies of Russia and Taiwan;
Signed on the 22nd day of September
1992 in Taipei.
H. E. John H. Chang
Taipei-Moscow Economic
and Cultural Coordination
H. E. Oleg Lobov
Moscow-Taipei Economic
and Cultural Coordination
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)