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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on January 9, 1998; Entered into force on January 20, 1998.
I.During 1996-1997 TMECCC and MTECCC (herein after referred to
as ”the Parties”) and their respective representatives, thr-
ough correspondence and direct meetings, have agreed the foll-
owing arrangements to faciliate the vessels of one side's nat-
ionality to call at the sea ports in the other side's territo-
1) Vessels of either side in the sea ports of the other side, o-
pened for access by foreign vessels, shall enjoy the same re-
gime of free access to ports, use of ports for loading and u-
nloading cargoes and for embarking and disembarking passenge-
rs, payment of tonnage and other dues and duties, use of ser-
vices intended for navigation, and normal commercial operati-
ons as the latter granted to the vessels of foreign countries
on the basis of international agreements on marine transport-
ation, concluded by either side with third parties.
2) The registration documents of vessels, certificates of tonna-
ge and survey, and other documents including the seamen's id-
entity, issued by the competent authorities of one Party, sh-
all be recognized by those of the other Party.
3) Holders of the seamen's identity documents refered to in the
preceding paragraph of this Agreed Minutes shall be permitted
to land on shore on a temporary basis without visa and to st-
ay there as the crew members in accordance with the relevant
regulations in force in the port during the presence of the
vessel in the harbour, except for the cases of violating the-
se regulations by the crew members.
II.This Agreed Minutes shall come into force on the date both P-
arties exchange letters confirming the readiness of the rele-
vant authorities of both Parties to put the above-mentioned
arrangements into practice. The exchange of letters shall be
executed at an earliest possible date, preferably within two
weeks after signing the present Minutes.
III.Both parties undertake not to make public any information on
the contents of the present Minutes within two weeks after
the exchange of letters.

Done at Moscow on the 9th of January, 1998 in duplicate in the
English language.

[Signed] [Signed]
Ching-Yuan Tseng Vitaly P. Scheltchkov
Deputy Representative Executive Secretary
The Taipei-Moscow The Moscow-Taipei
Economic and Cultural Economic and Cultural
Coordination Commission Coordination Commission
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)