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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on June 15, 1999; Entered into force on June 15, 1999.
The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Canada and Canadian Tr-
ade Office in Taipei (hereinafter referred to as the "Parties")
have reached the following understanding concerning cooperation
between the Transportation safety Board in Ottawa (TSB) and the
Aviation Safety Council in Taipei (ASC) (hereinafter referred to
as the "Cooperating Agencies").

Article 1: General Provisions

This Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred to as the
1.1 Expresses the general understanding of the Cooperating Agen-
cies concerning cooperation in the field of civil air safety
occurrence investigation (includes accidents and incidents).

1.2 Reflects the spirit and intent of the International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO) international Standards and Re-
commended Practices for occurrence investigations as prescr-
ibed in Annex 13 to the Convention on International Civil
Aviation (Chicago, 1944).

1.3 Sets out provisions for mutual assistance in investigation
and safety analysis, confidential incident reporting, datab-
ase development, exchange of information, training and comm-

Article 2:Scope of Occurrences for Investigation Cooperation

This MOU covers the following occurrences:
2.1 Civil aircraft registered in the Territory of one of the Co-
operating Agencies having an accident or incident in the Te-
rritory of the other Cooperating Agency and where

2.2 Civil aircraft registered in the Territory of one of the Co-
operating Agencies having an accident or incident in its own
Territory and where

2.3 Civil aircraft registered in the Territory of a third party
other than that of the Cooperating Agencies having an occur-
rence in the Territory of one of the Cooperating Agencies
and where

2.4 Civil aircraft registered in the Territory of one of the Co-
operating Agencies having an occurrence in the Territory of
a third party and where an agency of the third party has in-
stituted an investigation.

Article 3:Procedural Arrangements

3.1 In the case of paragraph 2.1 of this MOU, the Cooperating
Agency of the Territory of occurrence will, in accordance
with the provisions of Chapter 4 of Chicago Convention Annex
13, notify the other Cooperating Agency with a minimum of
delay. This MOU constitutes a standing invitation from the
Cooperating Agency of the Territory of occurrence to the ot-
her Cooperating Agency for an accredited representative and
appropriate advisors to attend the investigation. When noti-
fied, the invited Cooperating Agency will reply to the invi-
ting Cooperating Agency with a minimum of delay, providing
the details of persons who will attend the investigation.

3.2 In the case of paragraph 2.2 and 2.3 of this MOU, both Coop-
erating Agencies undertake to consider the interests and ex-
pertise of the other and the potential for cooperation in
the investigation. Either Cooperating Agency will welcome
contact from the other. This MOU will provide the framework
through which the Cooperating Agency of the Territory of oc-
currence may invite the other Cooperating Agency to attend
as an advisor, where applicable, in the safety investigation
being conducted. The invited Cooperating Agency will reply
to the inviting Cooperating Agency with a minimum of delay,
providing the details of the persons who will attend as adv-

3.3 In the case of paragraph 2.4 of this MOU, either Cooperating
Agency will welcome contact from the other to discuss the
merits of technical cooperating. In those cases where the
Cooperating Agency whose aircraft was involved in the occur-
rence names an accredited representative, that Cooperating
Agency will initiate discussion with the third-party to seek
agreement on the benefits of that technical cooperation and
concurrence with inviting the other Cooperating Agency to
attend as an advisor to the accredited representative. This
MOU will provide the framework through which an invitation
may be made. The invited Cooperating Agency will advise the
inviting Cooperating Agency with a minimum of delay, the de-
tails of the persons who will attend as advisors.

Article 4:Provision of Assistance

4.1 Each Cooperating Agency will provide technical assistance to
the other on request, subject to its own operating requirem-

4.2 The Cooperating Agencies will offer technical assistance in
investigations and the use of air safety investigation faci-
lities and assets to each other to the extent practicable.
Examples of assistance include expertise in the areas of air
traffic services, engineering, operations, flight recorders,
human performance, organization and management.

4.3 The Cooperating Agencies will offer assistance, specifically
expertise, facilities and equipment as appropriate for the
development and the ongoing facilitation of programs in such
areas as investigation and safety analysis, confidential in-
cident reporting, database development and information syst-

4.4 The Cooperating Agencies will, where practical, invite each
other's investigators to attend general or specialist train-
ing conducted by them.

Article 5:Other Arrangements

5.1 The TSB will make available to the ASC its Recovery, Analys-
is and Presentation System (RAPS) for analyzing aircraft fl-
ight recorder data. The ASC will have continued use of RAPS
by complying with the conditions for participation in the
multi-national "RAPS Users Group"

5.2 The funding required for implementation of the understandin-
gs set out in this MOU to participate in an investigation or
to attend a training course will normally be the responsibi-
lity of the invited Cooperating Agency.

5.3 Any differences arising out of the interpretation or implem-
entation of this MOU will be settled amicably and without
unreasonable delay between the cooperating Agencies.

Article 6:Entry into Force

This Memorandum of Understanding shall take effect upon its sig-
nature by both parties, and shall remain in force until termina-
ted by either Party giving the other Party written notice of its
intention to terminate. It may be amended at any time by mutual
written agreement of both Parties.

In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized by th-
eir respective authorities, have signed this Memorandum of Unde-

Done in duplicate in the English language and signed at Taipei
this 27th day of 5th month of 1999, and at Ottawa this 15th day
of 6th month of 1999.

For the Taipei Economic and For the Canadian Trade Office
Cultural Office, Canada: in Taipei:

Mr. Chin-yen Fang Mr. David Mulroney
Representative Executive Director

Witnessed by: Mr. Ken Johnson
Dr. Kay Yong Executive Director
Managing Director The Transportation Safety Boa-
The Aviation Safety Council rd
In Taipei In Ottawa
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)