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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed and exchanged on August 4 and 13,1975; Entered into force on August 13,1975.
Ⅰ Letter from Mr. Tan Kwang Hung, AG Director of Civil Aviation
of the Republic of Singapore, to Mr. Y. T. Mao, Director Gen-
eral of Civil Aeronautics Administration of the Republic of
DCA/AA 021/66
4 August 1975
Dear Sir
1 I have the honour to refer to your letter of 4 July 1975 in r-
eply to my letter of 27 May 1975 nominating Seoul as a point
beyond Taipei to be operated by Singapore Airlines under Air
Route Certificate Number 178.
2 With regard to paragraph 2 of your letter under reference nom-
inating Jeddah as a point beyond Singapore, I note that Jeddah
is not in a general southerly direction relative to Kuala Lum-
pur and Singapore as provided for in Operating Permit Number 4
or 1968 issued to China Airlines. However, the Government of
the Republic of Singapore is prepared to accept the nomination
of Jeddah provided the Government of the Republic of Singapore
is allowed at a later date to nominate a point which may not
be in a general northerly direction relative to Taipei in sub-
stitution for Seoul.
3 It is suggested that your reply in the affirmative to paragra-
ph 2 of this letter shall automatically constitute an agreeme-
nt between us with immediate effect for Singapore Airlines to
extend its services through Taipei onward to Seoul and for Ch-
ina Airlines to extend its services through Singapore onward
to Jeddah.
Yours faithfully,
Director General
Civil Aeronautics Administration
Ministry of Communications
Ⅱ Letter from Mr. Y. T. Mao, Director General of Civil Aeronau-
tics Administration of the Republic of China, to Mr. Tan kwa-
ng Hung, AG Director of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Si-
Ref. PLIA-75
August 13,1975
Dear Sir,
1 Reference is made to your letter DCA/AA 021/66 dated 4 Augu-
st 1975 proposing nomination at a later date by the Government
of the Republic of Singapore of a point which may not be in a
general northerly direction relative to Taipei in substitution
for Seoul, in return for your accepting nomination by the Gov-
ernment of the Republic of China of Jeddah as a point beyond
2 I have the honor to apprise you that we concur with the above-
said proposal.
3 On the strength of this letter or reply a formal agreement, as
we mutually consented to, is hereby consummated between our t-
wo authorities with immediate effect for China Airlines to ex-
tend its services through Singapore onward to Jeddah and for
Singapore Airlines to extend its services through Taipei onwa-
rd to Seoul.
Yours faithfully
Lt. Gen. Y.T. Mao, CAF (Ret.)
Director General
Department of Civil Aviation
Singapore Airport
Singapore 19
Republic of Singapore
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)