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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on October 24, 2014 Entered into force on October 24, 2014
This Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred to as the
“ MOU ” )is entered into between the Taipei Economic and
Cultural Office in the Philippines (TECO) and the Manila
Economic and Cultural Office in Taiwan (MECO) (hereinafter
referred to as the “ Participants ” ),

Whereas, the Participants reaffirm the need to enhance their
economic ties and the importance of determining the modalities
to facilitate the implementation of their trade and investment

Whereas, the Participants share a similar objective of expanding
their respective markets by providing small and medium
enterprises (SMEs) with assistance in promoting trade in
overseas markets;

Whereas, the Participants recognize the benefits of cooperation
through joint efforts to promote trade and investment;

Have reached the following understanding:

1. Purpose
The purpose of this MOU is to establish a mutually beneficial
trade and investment partnership between the Participants.

2. Scope of Cooperation
2.1 Exchange of Information: The Participants will exchange
information on respective economies ’ business
opportunities, trade and investment related data, market and
technology for their mutual benefit.
2.2 Joint Activities: The Participants will organize joint
activities to promote trade and investment opportunities.
a. Conduct market studies in sectors of mutual interest.
b. Convene meetings when necessary in the course of the MOU
2.3 Participation in Trade Exhibitions: The Participants will
join international trade fairs/exhibitions organized by the
other Participant, where appropriate.
a. Trade Service Booth Exchange. The Participants will
assist the promotion of the other Participant ’ s
activities such as product showcases by providing
complimentary booth spaces.
b. Exhibitors Exchange Program. The Participants will
organize exhibitors to participate in the other
Participant ’ s international shows, when appropriate.
2.4 Participation in Trade Missions: The Participants will
promote exchange of trade missions and facilitate business
matching programs for the visiting delegations of the other
2.5 Participation in Investment Promotion Activities. The
Participants will join in investment seminars, conferences
and fora organized by the other Participant, where
2.6 The Use of Electronic Media: The Participants will encourage
the use of e-media to support their trade and investment
promotion programs.

3. Implementing Agencies
The Participants designate the following as the implementing
agencies of this MOU:
The Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan through its Bureau
of Foreign Trade and Department of Investment Services, or
their successors; and
The Department of Trade and Industry of the Philippines
through its Industry Promotion Group.
4. Effectivity
This MOU shall take effect on the date of its signing by the
representatives of both Participants and shall remain valid
for two years, with automatic renewal, unless written notice
of termination is given by one Participant to the other no
less than three months before the date of expiry.

5. Amendment
This MOU may be amended, supplemented, or otherwise modified
only by written consent of both Participants.

Signed at Taipei on 24 October 2014, in two original copies in
the English language.

For the Taipei For the Manila
Economic and Cultural Economic and Cultural
Office in the Office in Taiwan

__________________ __________________
Representative Representative

Witnessed by:

__________________ __________________
Shih-Chao Cho Ponciano C. Manalo, Jr.

Deputy Minister Undersecretary

Agency: Agency:
The Ministry of The Department of Trade
Economic Affairs, and Industry, the
Taiwan Philippines
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)