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1.Signed on July 15, 2005; Entered into force on October 9, 2006
DESIRING to effect an Arrangement with the objective of
facilitating trade in regulated electrical and electronic
DESIRING to reduce the costs and delays of duplicative reviews
and to recognize test reports, inspection and certification of
conformity issued by Designated Conformity Assessment Bodies
operating in one territory in the same manner as they recognize
conformity assessment activities issued by Conformity Assessment
Bodies of the other territory,
DESIRING to work towards participation in the APEC Mutual
Recognition Arrangement on Conformity Assessment of Electrical
and Electronic Products, on the basis of the confidence building
that is derived from the development and implementation of this
BEARING in mind the status of the Separate Customs Territory of
Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu and New Zealand as Contracting
Parties to the Agreement establishing the World Trade
Organisation and conscious in particular of their obligations
under the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade,
HAVE decided as follows:

Paragraph 1
Territorial Scope
1 This Arrangement applies to conformity assessments carried out
a) the territory in respect of which the legislation relating
to Conformity Assessment Activities is administered by the
Ministry of Economic Development, Wellington; and
b) the territory in respect of which the legislation relating
to Conformity Assessment Activities is administered by the
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taipei.
2 "Territory" of a Participant for the purpose of this
Arrangement will have a corresponding meaning.

Paragraph 2
1 The following terms and definitions apply for the purpose of
this Arrangement:
"Accept" means the use of test reports and/or certifications
as a basis for regulatory actions such as approvals, licences
and post-market assessments of conformity and "acceptance" has
an equivalent meaning;
"Certification" means a procedure by which a third party
certification body gives written or other assurance that a
product, process or service conforms to specified
"Certification Body" means a body including product or quality
systems certification body that may be designated in
accordance with this Arrangement to carry out certification to
the relevant Mandatory Requirements;
"Conformity Assessment" means any activity concerned with
determining, directly or indirectly, whether relevant
Mandatory Requirements are met;
"Conformity Assessment Activities" means the activities listed
below which are carried out by Designated Conformity
Assessment Bodies under this Arrangement:
a) testing by Designated Test Facilities;
b) product surveillance activities carried out in accordance
with the relevant Mandatory Requirements by Designated
Certification Bodies and/or Designated Inspection Bodies,
the results of which are supplemented by test results from
Designated Test Facilities; and
c) certification to Mandatory Requirements by Designated
Certification Bodies;
"Conformity Assessment Body" means a body that conducts
conformity assessment activities and may be designated under
this Arrangement as a:
a) test facility;
b) inspection body; or
c) certification body;
"Designated Certification Body" means a certification body
(including product and/or quality systems certification
bodies) that has been designated in accordance with Paragraph
6 of this Arrangement to carry out certification activities to
the relevant Mandatory Requirements;
"Designated Conformity Assessment Body" means a conformity
assessment body that has been designated in accordance with
Paragraph 6 of this Arrangement to carry out conformity
assessment activities to the relevant Mandatory Requirements;
"Designated Inspection Body" means an inspection body that has
been designated in accordance with Paragraph 6 of this
Arrangement to carry out factory inspections to the relevant
Mandatory Requirements;
"Designated Test Facility" means a test facility (such as
independent laboratories, or other official testing bodies)
that has been designated in accordance with Paragraph 6 of
this Arrangement to carry out tests to the relevant Mandatory
"Designating Authority" means a body with the authority to
designate, monitor, suspend, or withdraw designation, or
remove suspension of conformity assessment bodies within its
"Designation" means the authorization by a Designating
Authority of a Conformity Assessment Body to perform
conformity assessment activities, and 'designated' has a
corresponding meaning;
"Inspection Body" means an inspection body that may be
designated in accordance with this Arrangement to conduct
factory inspections to the relevant Mandatory Requirements;
"Low voltage" has the same meaning as that defined in Band II
of the International Electrotechnical Commission Standard
60449:1979 - Voltage bands for electrical installations in
buildings (IEC 60449:1979);
"Mandatory Requirements" means the respective legislative,
regulatory and administrative requirements for electrical
safety and electromagnetic compatibility that are the subject
of this Arrangement of each of the territories set out in
Paragraph 1 of this Arrangement;
"Product Surveillance" means the process in which samples from
a consignment are randomly selected, inspected and tested. ISO
2859 - 1974E and ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 - 1993 will be used as guides
for the sampling plan, inspection, test procedures and
acceptance criteria;
"Relevant Authority" means the department or other
administrative entity responsible for legislation relating to
Mandatory Requirements, and
a) in respect of the territory referred to in Paragraph 1(1)
(a) of this Arrangement, means the Ministry of Consumer
Affairs, and the New Zealand Radio Spectrum Management,
both under the Ministry of Economic Development,
Wellington; and
b) in respect of the territory referred to in Paragraph 1(1)
(b) of this Arrangement, means the Bureau of Standards,
Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) under the Ministry of
Economic Affairs, Taipei;
"Test Facility" means a facility including independent
laboratories or official testing bodies that may be designated
in accordance with this Arrangement to carry out testing to
the relevant Mandatory Requirements;
"Test Report" means the document issued by a Designated Test
Facility attesting to the compliance of a product, process or
service with relevant Mandatory Requirements;
2 General terms concerning conformity assessment used in this
Arrangement have the meaning given in the definitions
contained in ISO/IEC Guide 2 (1996 edition) "General terms and
their definitions concerning standardisation and related
activities" of the International Organisation for
Standardisation and International Electrotechnical Commission.
3 In the event of an inconsistency between ISO/IEC Guide 2:1996
definitions and definitions in this Arrangement, the
definitions in this Arrangement will prevail.

Paragraph 3
1 This Arrangement applies to new electrical and electronic
equipment that are:
a) intended to be either directly connected or plugged-in to a
low-voltage supply or are battery powered; and
b) have been subject to mandatory test, inspection and
certification requirements for electrical safety and/or
electromagnetic compatibility by the importing territory;
c) specified, by agreement of the Relevant Authorities, under
Annex 1 (hereafter referred to as Specified Products).
2 This Arrangement applies to independent third party conformity
assessment processes and Specified Products testing,
inspection and certification for electrical safety and/or
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).

Paragraph 4
Preservation of Regulatory Authority
1 The Participants acknowledge that:
(a) each Relevant Authority retains all power under the
domestic laws of its territory to interpret and implement
its Mandatory Requirements;
(b) this Arrangement will not limit the power of either
Relevant Authority to determine the level of protection
considered necessary for the protection of, inter alia,
human, animal or plant life, or health and safety, real
property or the environment in its territory;
(c) this Arrangement will not limit the power of either
Relevant Authority to take all relevant measures whenever
it ascertains that Specified Products may not conform with
its Mandatory Requirements, including withdrawing such
Specified Products from the market, prohibiting their
placement on the market, restricting their free movement,
initiating a product recall, initiating legal proceedings
or otherwise preventing the recurrence of such problems,
including through a prohibition on imports. Where a
Relevant Authority takes such measures, it will notify the
other Relevant Authority in writing within fifteen (15)
days of taking the measures, giving reasons for its
2 The Participants also acknowledge that this Arrangement will
not be an impediment to either Participant entering into
bilateral or multilateral Mutual Recognition Agreements or
Arrangements on electrical safety and electromagnetic
compatibility with third parties.
3 The contact points for the respective Relevant Authorities are
(a) in respect of the territory referred to in Paragraph 1(1)
(a) of this Arrangement,
(i) For electrical safety: The New Zealand Energy Safety
Service, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, an operating
division of the Ministry of Economic Development, PO Box
1473, Wellington;
(ii) For electromagnetic compatibility: The New Zealand Radio
Spectrum Management (RSM), Ministry of Economic
Development, PO Box 2847, Wellington;
(b) in respect of the territory referred to in Paragraph 1(1)
(b) of this Arrangement, the Bureau of Standards,
Metrology and Inspection (BSMI), Ministry of Economic
Affairs, 4 Chinan Road, Section 1, Taipei, 100, Taiwan.

Paragraph 5
Designating Authorities
1 The Designating Authorities under this Arrangement are:
a) in the case of the territory referred to in Paragraph 1(1)
(a) of this Arrangement:
i. International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ), 626
Great South Road, Greenland, Auckland, New Zealand for
Testing and Inspection; and
ii. Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand
(JAS-ANZ), 22 The Terrace, Wellington, New Zealand for
Certification and Inspection; and
b) in the case of the territory referred to in Paragraph 1(1)
(b) of this Arrangement, the Bureau of Standards, Metrology
and Inspection (BSMI), Ministry of Economic Affairs, 4
Chinan Road, Section 1, Taipei, 100, Taiwan.
2 Where a Designating Authority considers that there are no
Conformity Assessment Bodies within its territory sufficiently
competent for designation under Paragraph 6 of this
Arrangement, it may, with the agreement of the Relevant
Authority from the other territory, designate Conformity
Assessment Bodies situated outside its territory. The
territory in which Designated Conformity Assessment Bodies are
located must accept the results of Conformity Assessment
Activities performed by Designated Conformity Assessment
Bodies from the other territory in accordance with the
Mandatory Requirements of its territory.

Paragraph 6
Basis for Designating Conformity Assessment Bodies
1 In respect of the territory referred to in Paragraph 1(1)(a)
of this Arrangement:
a) the basis for designating a Test Facility will be
accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 by a Designating Authority
of that territory and the demonstrated competence of that
Test Facility to carry out conformity assessments that
demonstrate compliance with the Mandatory Requirements of
the Relevant Authority in the other territory, provided
i. the accreditation process is conducted in compliance
with ISO/IEC Guide 58;
ii. the Designating Authority participates in mutual
recognition arrangements where they are subject to peer
evaluation of the competence of accreditation bodies
and the Test Facilities accredited by them;
iii. the Test Facility will comply with the following BSMI
Particular Requirements for Designating Testing
Laboratories (as listed in full in Annex I) based on
the scope of the designated Conformity Assessment
Activities for which they will carry out:
- the BSMI Particular Criteria Governing Designated
Testing Laboratories for Electrical and Electronic
- the BSMI Particular Criteria Governing Designated
Testing Laboratories for ElectroMagnetic
Compatibility: and/or
- the BSMI Particular Criteria Governing Designated
Testing Laboratories for Information Technology
b) the basis for designating a product Certification Body will
be accreditation to ISO/IEC Guide 65 as guided by the
International Accreditation Forum's guidance on the
application of ISO/IEC Guide 65 by a Designating Authority
of that territory and the demonstrated competence of that
Certification Body to carry out conformity assessments that
demonstrate compliance with the Mandatory Requirements of
the Relevant Authority in the other territory, provided
i. the accreditation process is conducted in compliance
with ISO/IEC Guide 61 as guided by the International
Accreditation Forum's guidance on the application of
ISO/IEC Guide 61 and
ii. the Designating Authority participates in mutual
recognition arrangements where they are subject to peer
evaluation of the competence of accreditation bodies
and the Certification Bodies accredited by them.
c) the basis for designating an Inspection Body will be
accreditation to ISO/IEC 17020 by a Designating Authority
of that territory and the demonstrated competence of that
Inspection Body to carry out conformity assessments that
demonstrate compliance with the Mandatory Requirements of
the Relevant Authority in the other territory, provided
i. the accreditation process is conducted in accordance
with ISO/IEC TR 17010;
ii. the Designating Authority participates in mutual
recognition arrangements where they are subject to peer
evaluation of the competence of accreditation bodies
and the Inspection Bodies accredited by them; and
iii. the Inspection Body complies with the BSMI Directions
Governing Recognition of Factory Inspection Bodies.
d) the basis for designating a quality system Certification
Body will be accreditation to ISO/IEC Guide 62 as guided by
the International Accreditation Forum's guidance on the
application of ISO/IEC Guide 62 by a Designating Authority
of that territory and the demonstrated competence of that
quality system Certification Body to carry out conformity
assessments that demonstrate compliance with the Mandatory
Requirements of the Relevant Authority in the other
territory, provided that:
i. the accreditation process is conducted in accordance
with ISO/IEC Guide 61 as guided by the International
Accreditation Forum's guidance on the application of
ISO/IEC Guide 61;
ii. the Designating Authority participates in mutual
recognition arrangements where they are subject to peer
evaluation of the competence of accreditation bodies
and the quality system Certification Bodies accredited
by them; and
iii. the quality system Certification Body complies with
the BSMI Directions for Recognition of Quality
Management Systems Certification Bodies.
2 In respect of the territory referred to in Paragraph 1(1)(b)
of this Arrangement:
a) the basis for designating a Test Facility will be
acceptance of accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 by a
Designating Authority of that territory and the
demonstrated competence of that Test Facility to carry out
conformity assessments that demonstrate compliance with the
Mandatory Requirements of the Relevant Authority in the
other territory, provided that:
i. the accreditation process is conducted in compliance
with ISO/IEC Guide 58; and
ii. the accreditation body of that territory participates
in mutual recognition arrangements where it is subject
to peer evaluation of the competence of accreditation
bodies and the Test Facilities accredited by them;
b) the basis for designating a product Certification Body will
be that:
I. the acceptance of accreditation to ISO/IEC Guide 65 as
guided by the International Accreditation Forum's
guidance on the application of ISO/IEC Guide 65 by a
Designating Authority of that territory and the
demonstrated competence of that Certification Body to
carry out conformity assessments that demonstrate
compliance with the Mandatory Requirements of the
Relevant Authority in the other territory, provided
i. the accreditation process is conducted in compliance
with ISO/IEC Guide 61 as guided by the International
Accreditation Forum's guidance on the application of
ISO/IEC Guide 61 and
ii. the accreditation body of that territory
participates in mutual recognition arrangements
where it is subject to peer evaluation of the
competence of accreditation bodies and the
Certification Bodies accredited by them.
II. the Conformity Assessment Body is part of the Relevant
Authority of either Participant under this Arrangement.
3.When the relevant international standards or guides referred
to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Paragraph have been updated
by international standardization organizations, the
Participants will use the most current version. Where this is
not possible the Participants will continue to accept the
results of Conformity Assessment Activities performed
according to the older version for 12 months from the date the
updated standard or guide is adopted by the international
accreditation organization.

Paragraph 7
Procedures and Requirements for Designated
Conformity Assessment Bodies
1 The Designating Authorities will only designate Conformity
Assessment Bodies that are able to demonstrate that they
understand, have experience relevant to, and are technically
competent to undertake the Conformity Assessment Activities
for which they are designated.
2 The Designating Authorities will seek to ensure that the
Conformity Assessment Bodies they designate under this
Arrangement maintain the necessary technical competence to
demonstrate the conformity of a product with the standards
and/or specifications to meet Mandatory Requirements in
respect of electrical safety and electromagnetic
3 The Designating Authorities will encourage their Designated
Conformity Assessment Bodies to participate in secondment
programmes, relevant proficiency-testing programmes and other
comparative reviews, so that confidence in their technical
competence to carry out the required tests is developed and
4 The Designating Authorities will only designate Conformity
Assessment Bodies that are a legal person or part of an
organisation that is a legal person. Designated Conformity
Assessment Bodies should be impartial and should not be
adversely influenced by a body that manufactures or trades in
electrical and electronic products. Any other services offered
by the Designated Conformity Assessment Body will be provided
in a manner that does not compromise the objectivity of its
Conformity Assessment Activities and decisions.
5 The Designating Authorities will specify the scope of the
Conformity Assessment Activities for which a Conformity
Assessment Body has been designated. When a Conformity
Assessment Body is designated to carry out Conformity
Assessment Activities with regard to particular Mandatory
Requirements, the relevant obligations of acceptance will be
limited to the results of assessments in relation to those
Mandatory Requirements.
6 Demonstration of technical competence by Conformity Assessment
Bodies will be based on:
(a) technological knowledge of the relevant Specified
Products, processes or services;
(b) understanding of the technical standards and the general
risk protection requirements for which designation is
(c) the experience relevant to the applicable legislative,
regulatory and administrative provisions;
(d) the physical capacity to perform the relevant Conformity
Assessment Activities;
(e) an adequate management of the Conformity Assessment
Activities concerned; and
(f) any other circumstance necessary to give assurance that
the Conformity Assessment Activities will be adequately
performed on a consistent basis.
7 The Designating Authorities will exchange information
concerning the procedures used to ensure that the Designated
Conformity Assessment Bodies are technically competent and
comply with the relevant procedures and requirements under
Paragraph 6 of this Arrangement. In doing so, the Designating
Authorities will provide the designating procedure used, a
statement that the Conformity Assessment Body has demonstrated
the technical competence set out in Paragraph 6 of this
Arrangement, and the following details in respect of each
Designated Conformity Assessment Body to the relevant contact
points as listed in Paragraph 4(3) of this Arrangement:
(a) the name;
(b) the postal address;
(c) the facsimile (fax) number;
(d) email address (if available);
(e) name and telephone number of the contact person;
(f) name of the Designating Authority;
(g) scope of designation detailing range of Specified Products
, reference standards, methods of test, capability and
other relevant details; and
(h) date of designation.
8 The Relevant Authority in the territory referred to in
Paragraph 1(1)(b) of this Arrangement will list a Designated
Conformity Assessment Body from the territory referred to in
Paragraph 1(1)(a) of this Arrangement within forty-five (45)
days of receiving notice of its designation and will advise
the Designating Authority from that territory of that
Conformity Assessment Body's number.
9 The Participants will seek to ensure that the Designating
Authorities give the appropriate contact point of the other
Participant advance notice in writing of at least seven (7)
days of any changes, including suspensions, to their list of
Designated Conformity Assessment Bodies.

Paragraph 8
Suspension or Withdrawal of Designated
Conformity Assessment Bodies
1 Designating Authorities may designate, suspend, remove
suspension or withdraw the designation of Conformity
Assessment Bodies. Designating Authorities will advise the
Relevant Authorities of any such action taken in respect of a
Conformity Assessment Body and propose the relevant list of
Designated Conformity Assessment Bodies provided for in
Paragraph 7(8) of this Arrangement be updated accordingly.
2 For the purposes of this Arrangement a Relevant Authority may
challenge the technical competence and compliance of a
Designated Conformity Assessment Body in the other territory.
This right will be exercised only in exceptional circumstances
and where supported by relevant expert analysis or evidence.
3 A Relevant Authority wishing to challenge a Designated
Conformity Assessment Body will do so by notifying in writing
the Designating Authority that designated that Designated
Conformity Assessment Body, stating the reasons for the
4 Where a Relevant Authority seeks verification of technical
competence or compliance, the Designating Authority that
designated the Designated Conformity Assessment Body will
carry out the verification in a timely manner. The Relevant
Authority seeking the verification and the Designating
Authority that designated the Designated Conformity Assessment
Body will discuss the results of this verification with a view
to resolving any issues as soon as possible.
5 Unless the Relevant Authority issuing the challenge and
Designating Authority decide otherwise, the Designating
Authority in the other territory will suspend the relevant
scope of the designation of the challenged Designated
Conformity Assessment Body from the time its technical
competence or compliance is challenged.
6 The suspension will cease if the challenging Relevant
Authority is satisfied as to the competence of the Designated
Conformity Assessment Body or the other Designating Authority
withdraws the designation of the Designated Conformity
Assessment Body.
7 The results of Conformity Assessment Activities carried out by
a Designated Conformity Assessment Body on or before its
suspension or withdrawal, will remain valid unless otherwise
determined by the challenging Relevant Authority and
Designating Authority that the product should be removed from
the market based on health, safety or environmental
8 In the event that the Relevant Authorities or the Designating
Authorities are not able to resolve a challenge, consultation
under Paragraph 12 of this Arrangement will be sought.

Paragraph 9
Test Reports, Certification and Inspection
1 The Relevant Authorities will accept assessment of compliance
including test reports, certification and inspection that
demonstrate conformity of Specified Products with their
relevant Mandatory Requirements for electrical safety and
electromagnetic compatibility where the test report,
certification or inspection is issued by a Designated
Conformity Assessment Body.
2 Upon receipt of certification referred to in Paragraph 9(1)
of this Arrangement, the Relevant Authority will complete any
relevant product approval processes within seven (7) calendar
days or five (5) working days, whichever is the longer.
3 Where a test report, inspection or certification has been
issued for an earlier model or version of a product than that
which is actually imported, the Relevant Authorities will
remain entitled to verify the conformity of the later model or
4 The Relevant Authorities will remain entitled to challenge the
validity of a test report, inspection or certification that is
more than three (3) years old.

Paragraph 10
Exchange of Information
1 The Participants will ensure that the Relevant Authorities in
each territory notify each other and the relevant Designating
Authorities of any Mandatory Requirements, conformity
assessment procedures and regimes relating to electrical
safety and electromagnetic compatibility.
2 The Participants will also ensure that Relevant Authorities
notify each other of the publication of proposed new, or
changes to existing, Mandatory Requirements, conformity
assessment procedures and regimes relating to electrical
safety and electromagnetic compatibility. Except where
considerations of health, safety and the environment warrant
more urgent action, such notification will take place at least
sixty (60) days before coming into effect.
3 When requested, the Participants will make every endeavour to
make copies of Mandatory Requirements operating in the
respective territories, and intended changes thereto available
to each other, in a timely manner.
4 If necessary, a Participant may request the other Participant
to provide the following information:
(a) the name, manufacturer, distributor, general description
and other relevant details of a Specified Product in its
territory, where, on the basis of non-conformance of that
Specified Product to Mandatory Requirements relating to
electrical safety or electromagnetic compatibility, it has:
(i) withdrawn that Specified Product from the market;
(ii) prohibited that Specified Product's placement on the
(iii) restricted the free movement of that Specified
(iv) initiated the recall of the Specified Product; or
(v) initiated legal proceedings;
(b) the reasons for its actions;
(c) any investigations that it is undertaking or has carried
out; and
(d) the results of those actions and investigations.
5 The Participants will promote interaction between their
respective Relevant Authorities to facilitate the exchange of
information on Specified Products covered by this Arrangement
and their regulatory systems.

Paragraph 11
1 The Relevant Authorities will not require the Designating
Authorities or Designated Conformity Assessment Bodies to
disclose confidential proprietary information to the Relevant
Authorities except where such disclosure would be necessary
for the Relevant Authorities to demonstrate conformity with
Mandatory Requirements.
2 The Relevant Authorities, in accordance with the applicable
laws, will protect the confidentiality of any proprietary
information disclosed to them in connection with conformity
assessment and/or designation procedures.

Paragraph 12
1 Each Participant will accord adequate opportunity for
consultations regarding any representations made by the other
Participant with respect to any matter affecting the
implementation, interpretation or application of this
2 Any Participant that considers that the attainment of any
objective of this Arrangement is being impeded as a result of
failure of the other Participant to carry out the
understanding set out under this Arrangement or the existence
of any other situation may, with a view to achieving
satisfactory settlement of the matter, make representations or
proposals to the other Participant, and the other Participant
will give due consideration to the representations or
proposals made to it.
3 If a request for consultation is made, the Participant to
which the request is made will reply to the request within
seven (7) days after the date of its receipt and will enter
into consultations within a period of no more than sixty (60)
days after the date of receipt of the request, with a view to
reaching a mutually satisfactory solution.
4 To reach a mutually satisfactory solution, the Participants
may convene one or more consultative meetings in either one of
the territories referred to in Paragraph 1 of this
Arrangement. The specific venues and dates of this meeting
will be mutually determined.

Paragraph 13
Obligations under Other International Agreements or Arrangements
1 The Participants acknowledge the rights, obligations and
requirements existing under other international agreements or
arrangements which are applicable to its territory. In
particular, the Participants acknowledge the relevant
standards and rules in the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers
to Trade, done at Marrakesh on 15 April 1994 and subsequent

Paragraph 14
1 This Arrangement may be amended by mutual decision in writing
by the Participants and such amendments will come into effect
on such date or dates as may be decided between them.
2 The Participants will review the application of this
Arrangement from time to time to determine opportunities for
expansion and refinement and in particular to seek resolution
to any problems with any Mandatory Requirements which restrict
the trade in the Products between the territories.

Paragraph 15
Coming into Effect, Duration and Termination
1 This Arrangement will come into effect on the date of the
latter communication on which the New Zealand Commerce and
Industry Office and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in
New Zealand notify each other in writing of completion of the
internal procedures necessary to give the Arrangement effect
in the respective territories.
2 The Arrangement will apply to all test reports, inspections
and certifications that are made pursuant to this Arrangement,
on or after the date this Arrangement comes into effect.
However, the mutual recognition procedures for certifications
within this Arrangement will come into effect one month
following the date of the latter communication on which the
Participants notify each other in writing of completion of the
internal procedures necessary to give the Arrangement effect
in their respective territories.
3 This Arrangement may be terminated by either Participant on
giving one hundred and eighty (180) days written notice to the
other Participant.

SIGNED in duplicate at this fifteenth day of July, 2005 in the
English and Chinese languages, both texts having equal validity.
In the case of any divergence of meaning between the two texts,
the English text will prevail.

For the Taipei Economic For the New Zealand
and Cultural Office in Commerce and Industry
New Zealand Office

____________________ __________________________
Ting Joseph Shih Clare Fearnley
Representative Director
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)