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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on June 19, 1995; Entered into force on September 9, 1995.
This Memorandum of understanding is made by and between the Bur-
eau of Commodity Inspection and Quarantine in Taipei and the Di-
rectorate of the Standards and Quality in Hanoi hereinafter ref-
erred to as BCIQ and STAMEQ, or the parties, in pursuance of th-
eir desire to cooperate in defined areas.
BCIQ has been established as the national supreme authority in
commodity inspection and also offers testing and certification
services for commodities in its country.
STAMEQ is responsible for managing standardization, metrology,
quality in its country. Particularly, its functions are to carry
out the tasks of inspecting the quality of imported and exported
With the aim to promote trade between Taipei and Hanoi and to f-
acilitate exporters in both sides to introduce their products i-
nto market of the other country, both parties confirmed their d-
ecisiveness and willingness to enter into a full mutual recogni-
tion of certificates and test reports in the future.

Each of the parties agrees
- to mention the present cooperation in the promotional documen-
ts of its certification system;
- to inform the other party, within a reasonable time, of any s-
ignificant changes occurring in its own certification procedu-
res and of trend of national standardization and regulations;
- to maintain contact with the other party to ensure the smooth
application of this memorandum;
- representatives of both parties will meets periodically to re-
view their operations and resolve any problems which may have
- to exchange all necessary information to ensure the effective-
ness of this memorandum.
This memorandum of understanding shall enter into force on the
date of exchange of approval letters, and shall remain in force
until terminated by either party upon six month's prior notice
in writing to the other.
Done in duplicate in the English language in Hanoi on 19 June 19

For the Bureau of Commodity For the Directorate of Standards
Inspection & Quarantine (BCIQ) and Quality (STAMEQ)
[Signed] [Signed]
Mr. P.S. Hsu Dr. Ing. Nguyen Huu Thien
Director General Director General
Taipei Hanoi

Ref. No. 4-18365
Dr. Nguyen Huu Thien
Director General
Directorate for Standards and Quality
70 Tran Hung Dao Str
Hanoi, Vietnam
Subject: Exchange of Approval Letter
Dear Dr. Thien,
As the Memorandum of Understanding signed in June 1995 between
our two organizations has been approved by the Executive Yuan of
our country, we hereby declare that the MOU shall enter into fo-
rce on the date we receive your written confirmation.

Sincerely yours,
P.S. Hsu
Director General
c.c. Economic Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Ha-

To : Mr. P. S. Hsu From : Dr. Nguyen Huu Thien
Director General Director General

Fax No:(02) 393-2324 Date :9 September ,l995
Number of pages:O1

Dear Mr. Hsu,
I acknowledge receiving your Approval Letter.
I would like also to confirm that the MOU signed in June l995 b-
etween our two organizations has entered into force on the date
of receiving your Approval Letter.
Please let me express my sincere thanks for that you have done
for our 3 senior officers to be trained in Taiwan on ISO 9OOO A-
uditor. It would be appreciated if after the training course th-
ey will get your certificates as Lead Auditor (Auditor).

Best regards
Yours sincerely

Dr. Nguyen Huu Thien
Director General
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)