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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on July 2, 1996; Entered into force on July 2, 1996.
The Bureau of Commodity Inspection & Quarantine (BCIQ) having i-
ts address at 4, Chinan Rd., Sec. 1, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. and
Polish Center for Testing and Certification (PCBC) having its a-
ddress at ul. Klobucka 23A, 02-699 Warszawa, Poland hereby enter
into this Memorandum of Understanding in pursuance of their des-
ire to cooperate in defined areas.
BCIQ has been established as the national supreme authority in
commodity inspection. Other than offering testing and certifica-
tion services for commodities, BCIQ also conducts assessments of
manufacturers' quality systems and registers such systems in ac-
cordance with international standards and requirements.
PCBC is the national body for testing and certification, with t-
he main tasks of supervision and organization of activities of
testing and certification, accreditation of certification bodies
and testing laboratories, certification of suppliers quality sy-
stems, organization of education and training personnel, as well
as certification of auditors.
With the aim to promote mutual trade in general and to assist e-
xporters of each Party to this Memorandum to introduce their pr-
oducts into the market of the other Party in particular, both P-
arties confirm their decisiveness and willingness to enter into
a cooperation on reciprocal basis on recognition of testing rep-
orts and certificates of conformity, as well as on recognition
of registration of quality systems. The Parties shall conclude a
separate Implementation Program setting up details of activities
in each of the cooperative fields.
Each of the Parties agrees
- to furnish the other party with all necessary information, pa-
rticularly the information of any significant changes occurri-
ng in its own certification procedures and standards, to ensu-
re the effectiveness of this Memorandum,
- to maintain contact with the other party to ensure the smooth
application of this Memorandum: representatives of both parti-
es shall meet periodically to review its operation and find s-
olutions to problems which may arise,
- to promote the program of mutual arrangement in advertisements
, brochures, and other promotional documents, and to present
in an appropriate way the information on BCIQ and PCBC,
- to assist and promote activities arising from this Memorandum
for the benefit of companies or manufacturers of both Parties,
- to undertake work aimed at enhancing mutual confidence in each
other's technical infrastructure, such as the exchange of tec-
hnical experts and information on certification activities, so
as to work towards the development of mutual recognition arra-
ngements on potential areas.
This Memorandum may be revised by written agreement between BCIQ
and PCBC, and may be terminated by either Party upon 90 days wr-
itten notice.
This Memorandum, drawn up in duplicate in English, shall come i-
nto force upon the signatures of both Parties.

For the Bureau of Commodity For the Polish Center of Testing
Inspection and
& Quarantine (BCIQ), Taipei Certification (PCBC), Warsaw
[Signed] [Signed]
Peng-Siang Hsu Janusz Bronislaw Berdowski
Director General President
July 2, 1996 July 2, 1996
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)