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1.Signed on July 15, 2004; Entered into force on July 15, 2004.
Mr Timothy Yang
Taipei Economic and Trade Office
Unit 8 Tourism House
40 Blackall St

Dear Mr Yang,
I refer to the recent discussions between representatives of the
Australian Communications Authority (ACA) and the Taipei Econom-
ic and Cultural Representative Office (TECO) on the subject of a
mutual recognition arrangement for equipment covered by the Ele-
ctromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) regulations. Further to those
discussions, I am now pleased to inform you that the Australian
Commerce and Industry Office (ACIO), using the ACA as an agent,
will be able to implement an arrangement with the Bureau of Sta-
ndards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI).
ACIO confirms that Australia will apply the general provisions,
Appendix A and Phase 1 Procedures in Appendix B of the Asia-Pac-
ific Economic Cooperation Mutual Recognition Arrangement for the
Conformity Assessment of Telecommunications Equipment (APEC Tel-
ecom MRA) to the equipment covered by this letter. The APEC Te-
lecom MRA is attached for reference to this letter.
This letter, and your letter in reply accepting its terms, will
constitute the abovementioned arrangement. This arrangement wi-
ll take effect on the date that I receive your letter in reply.
This arrangement is an understanding between ACA and BSMI under
the terms of the APEC Telecom MRA.
Under this arrangement, the ACA will apply if required, the Pha-
se 1 Procedures in Appendix B for the recognition of testing la-
boratories designated by the BSMI as Conformity Assessment Bodi-
es (CABs) and for acceptance of test reports from recognised CA-
Bs designated for conformity assessment of the equipment covered
by this letter with the EMC regulations of the ACA.
The ACA will accept test reports from recognised CABs for the
technical regulations and specific standards covered in Annex 1
and 2 to this letter. The ACA will notify any modifications of
Annex 1 or 2 to your office and to the BSMI.
I am pleased to inform you that the ACA is the Regulatory Autho-
rity responsible for recognising CABs for EMC conformity assess-
ments which the BSMI may notify under this arrangement, and sim-
ilarly, BSMI will recognise any CABs that the ACA notifies as
ones which should be recognised under this arrangement.
The ACIO will notify your office and the BSMI from time to time
of the details of the contact officer in the ACA responsible for
this arrangement. (Currently, it is Mr Ian McAlister.)
The ACA will designate testing laboratories in accordance with
the general provisions, Appendix A and Phase 1 Procedures in Ap-
pendix B of the APEC Telecom MRA for recognition as CABs by Tai-
wan with respect to the EMC regulations of the BSMI. The ACA
understands that it will need to exchange information with the
BSMI on the technical criteria for accrediting CABs.
The ACA informs me that it will consult with the BSMI in order
to take steps (as early as possible) to help carry out the terms
of this arrangement regarding the equipment covered by this let-
Regarding electrical safety, I will (on advice from the ACA) in-
form your office and the BSMI of the contact officers for relev-
ant Australian state regulators that are responsible for the mu-
tual recognition of electrical safety conformity assessments.

Yours sincerely

Frances Adamson
Australian Commerce and Industry Office
Suite 2608, level 26, International Trade Building
333 Keelung Rd, Section 1

Annex 1: List of Australia's Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Annex 2: List of EMC standards mandated by the ACA
Annex 3: The APEC Telecom MRA

Date: July 15, 2004
Ms. Frances Adamson
Australian Commerce and Industry Office
Suite 2608, level 26, International Trade Building
333, Keelung Rd., Sec. 1,

Dear Ms. Adamson:
I acknowledge receipt of your letter of July 15, 2004 which ref-
lects the results of the recent discussions between representat-
ives of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) and the
Australian Communications Authority (ACA) on the subject of a
mutual recognition arrangement for equipment covered by Electro-
magnetic Compatibility (EMC) regulations. The arrangement, as
embodied in your letter and in this letter in reply, shall beco-
me effective upon ACIO's receipt of this letter.
TECO confirms that Taiwan will apply the general provisions, Ap-
pendix A and Phase I Procedures in Appendix B of the Asia-Pacif-
ic Economic Cooperation Mutual Recognition Arrangement for the
Conformity Assessment of Telecommunications Equipment (APEC Tel-
ecom MRA) to the equipment from Australia covered by this letter
. The APEC Telecom MRA is attached for reference to this letter.
This arrangement is an understanding between the Bureau of Stan-
dards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) and ACA under the terms
of the APEC Telecom MRA.
Under this arrangement, the BSMI will apply the Phase I Procedu-
res in Appendix B for the recognition of testing laboratories
designated by the ACA as Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) and
for the acceptance of test reports from recognized CABs for con-
formity assessment of the equipment covered by this letter with
the EMC regulations of the BSMI.
The BSMI will accept test reports from recognized CABs for the
list of EMC regulations and products covered in Annex 1 to this
letter. The BSMI will notify any modifications of Annex 1 to yo-
ur office and to the ACA.
I am pleased to inform you that the BSMI is the Regulatory Auth-
ority responsible for recognizing CABs for EMC conformity asses-
sments as notified by the ACA under this arrangement, and simil-
arly if required, ACA will recognize any CABs that the BSMI not-
ifies as ones which should be recognized under this arrangement.
The TECO will notify your office and the ACA from time to time
of the details of the contact officer responsible for this arra-
ngement. Currently, it is Mr. Ming Der Wu, Director of the BSMI.
The BSMI will designate testing laboratories in accordance with
the general provisions, Appendix A and Phase I Procedures in Ap-
pendix B of the APEC Telecom MRA for recognition as CABs by Aus-
tralia with respect to the EMC regulations of the ACA. The BSMI
understands that it will be necessary to exchange information
with the ACA on the technical criteria for accrediting CABs.
The BSMI informs me that it will consult with the ACA in order
to take steps (as early as possible) to help carry out the terms
of this arrangement regarding the equipment covered by this let-
The exchange of these letters is to achieve a mutual recognition
arrangement between Taiwan and Australia for equipment covered
by this letter, and without further explicit arrangement, refer-
ence to the APEC Telecom MRA herein should not in any way be in-
terpreted as a reflection of Taiwan's position regarding the sc-
ope of equipment covered by the APEC Telecom MRA.

Yours sincerely,

Timothy Yang
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Australia
Unit 8, Tourism House
40 Blackall Street

Annex 1: BSMI EMC Regulations and Products List
Annex 2: APEC Telecom MRA
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)