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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on April 25, 1990; Entered into force on April 25, 1990.
The Government of the Republic of Fiji and the Government of the
Republic of China, in the spirit of friendly relations existing
between the two countries and their peoples, Recognising that t-
he maintenance of these relations constitutes the basis of the
provisions of the present Agreement,


Desiring to enhance and consolidate these relations by means of
closer cooperation in the field of agricultural development,
Have agreed, as follows :
Scope of the Agreement

Article 1
China agrees to send to the Republic of Fiji a sugar industry a-
dvisory group (hereinafter referred to as "the Group"), composed
of one chief and six members, to carry out feasibility studies
on reintroducing cane cultivation into Central Division and also
the establishment of small sugar and cane juice mills in strate-
gic locations in and around the cane belt for a period of 24-man

Article 2
The Government of the Republic of The Group shall provide neces-
sary technical expertise to cater for the various aspects of the
two studies that will enable the Republic of Fiji to assess the
reintroduction of cane cultivation in the Central Division and
the viability of small sugar and cane juice mills. The Governme-
nt of the Republic of Fiji together with the Group chief shall
collaborate in areas of common interest to the two studies, and
the Governament of the Republic of Fiji at the end of assignment
will be delivered copies of the final draft report of the Group
for their consideration.
The Central Division for the purpose of the Group's work shall
include all areas which are agronomically feasible for cane cul-
tivation but Group to delineate all other crop boundaries for i-
nformation. All aspects of cane cultivation shall be investigat-
ed together with a turn--key mill operation to manufacture cane
from the area. The small sugar and cane juice mills study will
focus on the economic needs of such infrastructures with the pu-
rpose of facilitating of bulk cane transport.
Obligations of the Parties

Article 3
The Government of the Republic of China agrees :
(a) to pay salaries, air tickets between Taipei and Suva, livin-
g expenses and insurance premiums for all members of the Gr-
oup during the period of their service in the Republic of F-
(b) to pay for all members of the Group any other expenses aris-
ing from surjgery, dental treatment and hospitalisation as
well as other medical treatment required to be administered
outside the Republic of Fiji;
(c) to pay all expenses arising from administration of the Grou-
p, except as otherwise stated elsewhere in this Agreement ;
(d) to supply the Group with back--up support for the purpose
of the study.

Article 4
The Government of the Republic of Fiji agrees :
(a) to provide the Group with services of local technical and/or
administrative personnel ;
(3) to provide adequate office space with necessary facilities
needed for the work of the Group;
(c) to provide all members of the Group with suitable housing a-
ccommodations with essential hard furnishings and supply of
water and electricity ;
(d) to provide all members of:the Group with necessary visas, w-
orking permits and other documents required during their se-
rvice in the Republic of Fiji;
(e) to pay expenses of regular medical examinations and treatme-
nt for all members of the Group ;
(f) to provide the Group chief with one motor vehicle for offic-
ial use ;
(g) to provide adequate transportation for the purpose offield
visits by the Consultants ;
(h) to provide the Group-with such appropriate labour to carry
out its programme as may be agreed:mutually between the Gov-
ernment of the Republic of Fiji and the Group chief;
(i) to pay the transportation and subsistence costs of the coun-
terpart staff participating:in in the projects under this A-
greement; and
(j) to provide the Group with necessary assistance for quarant-
ine purpose in the importation of items as specified in sub-
section (d) of Article III ;
(k) to provide other necessary back--up support facilities for
the purpose of the 2 studies as when required.

Article 5
The Group and its members including chief shall enjoy the follo-
wing privileges and exemptions during their stay in the Republic
of Fiji:
(a) exemption from income taxes on the salaries and other allow-
ances received from the Government of the Republic of china;
(3) exemption from import taxes on the furniture and effects of
each member and his family including one motor vehicle, imp-
orted within six months from the date of his first arrival
to take up post in the Republic of Fiji;
(c) exemption from all duties on professional and technical equ-
ipments which shall include a motor vehicle to be used in c-
onnection with duties to be performed in the Republic of
(d) exemption from taxes on the importation of all items referr-
ed to in Subsection (d) of Article III; and
(e) other privileges and exemptions no lees favourable than tho-
se granted to other foreign technicians under technical coo-
peration agreements with the Republic of Fiji.
General Provisions

Article 6
This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature, and shall
remain valid for a period of three (3) year from the date of ar-
rival of the Group in the Republic of Fiji. Either government m-
ay terminate it ninety (90) days after notice in writing has be-
en given to the other government.

Article 7
The Agreement and all subsequent supplementary arrangements may
be amended by common agreement between the two governments.
In Witness Whereof, the undersigned, duly authorised thereto by
their respective governments, have signed this Agreement.
Done in Taipei in duplicate, in the English language, on this T-
wenty-- Fifith day of the Fourth month of the Seventy-Ninth year
of the Republic of China, corresponding to the Twenty--Fifth day
of April of the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety.
For the Government of the Republic of China
Dr. Lien Chan
Minister of
Foreign Affairs
For the Government of the
Republic of Fiji
Ratu Sir Kamisese K.T. Mara
Prime Minister, Minister for
Home Affairs and Minister for
Foreign Affairs
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)