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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on July 31,1991; Entered into force on July 31,1991.
Time: 29-31 July, 1991
Place: Conference Room of National Science Council Republic of
Delegation of the Republic of Korea
Mr. Kap-Taek Kwon
Technology Cooperation Bureau
Ministry of Science and Technology
Mr. Ho Sung Kim
Assistant Director
Technology Cooperation Bureau
Ministry of Science and Technology
Mr. Soon-Yeol Chung
Assistant Director
Foreign Capital Policy Division
Economic Cooperation Bureau
Ministry of Finance
Delegation of the Republic of China
Dr. Shih, Hung-Chih
Director General
Division of International Programs
National Science Council
Executive Yuan
Dr. Chou, Chang-Hung
Institute of Botany
Academic Sinica
Dr. Jan, Gwo-Jen
Department of Electric Engineering
National Taiwan University
Mr. Lee, Lowell A.K.
Program Director
Division International Programs
National Science Council
Executive Yuan
Mr. Chen, Wen-Chun
Program Manager
Division of International Programs
National Science Council
Executive Yuan
Delegates of the Republic of Korea and the Republic of China, Z-
ed respectively by Mr. Kap-Taek Kwon, Director General, Technol-
ogy Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Science and Technology, Rep-
ublic of Korea, and Prof. Shih Hung-Chih, Director General, Div-
ision of International Pro- grams, National Science Council, Re-
public of China. After thorough discussion at the Conference ro-
om of the National Science Council from 11:00 AM to 15:00 PM ha-
ve reached an agreement which follows:
1) In order to ensure the high quality of technical papers rais-
ed at the bilateral symposia/workshops, symposia/ workshops
Coordinator of the host party have to submit preliminary pro-
posal to the administrative organization (in the Republic of-
Korea, it is Ministry of Science and Technology, in the Repu-
blic of China, it is National Science Council) at least six
months in advance of the holding of the meeting.
Participants qualification and their papers quality should be
screened by the screening Committee of both MOST of the Repu-
blic of Korea and the NSC of the Republic of China.
2) Detail program of the symposia/workshops should be submitted
by the host coordinator, through his administrative organiza-
tion to its counterpart at least six weeks in advance to per-
mit adequate time for notification and preparations.
3) There are 13 proposals for bilateral symposia/workshops and
12 proposals for institutional cooperation raised by both pa-
rties, they have been thoroughly discussed. It is generally
agreed that those proposals with dates and counterparts fixed
, budgets granted, proposals reviewed and approved are given
the first priority which will be listed on the status report
and reviewed at the next session.
Otherwise, they will be given the 2nd priority. Proposals for
holding bilateral symposia/workshops being granted the first
priority include:
1. Catalysis Symposium

2. Telecommunication Technology Seminar

3. Oceanographic Science Workshop

4. Solid State Physics Symposium

5. Advanced Materials Technology Symposium

6. Pharmaceutical Technology Seminar

Proposals for institutional cooperation being granted the fir-
st priority include:
1. Standardization and Measurement Science

2. Scientific and Technological Information

3. Production Certification of Aircrafts and Their Parts

4. Nuclear Safety

5. Services and Technology Cooperation in Meteorology

6. Catalysis

7. Plant Cell and Tissue Cultures

8. Exchange of Methods and Experience in Collecting Data of S-
PT Activities

9. Theoretical Physics

10. Pesticide Safety

Those being granted the second priority are Genetic Engineeri-
ng and Livestock Science .
4. Program of exchange visit remains unchanged. The number of v-
isitors will be 30 each year from each side (15 for study to-
urs, 15 for workshops.) Perdiem remains the same with each v-
isit not exceed two weeks.
Budget Counterpart Date priority
1. Plant Cell and
Tissue Culture x O O x 2
2 Catalysis Symp- O O O O 1
3. Telecom munic- O O O O 1
ation Technol-
ogy Seminar
4. Pig Production x O O x 2
5. The Ecology of x x O x 2
Rivers Estuary
6. Structure and x O x x 2
Reaction in t-
he Intermedia-
te Energy Ran-
ge Seminar
Budget Counterpart Date priority
7. Oceanographic O O O O 1
Science Works-
8. Solid State P- O O O O 1
hysics Sympos-
9. Advanced Mate- O O O x 1
rials Technol-
ogy Symposium
10. Pharmaceutical O x O x 1
Technology S-
11. Fish Reprodu- x O O x 2
ctive Physio-
logy and Bio-
Technology S-
12. Management a- O O x x 2
nd Use of Ri-
ver Valley S-
13. Metrology Wo- O O O x 2
Confirmed by:
Mr. Kwon, Kap-Taek
Director General for
Technical Cooperation
Ministry of Science and Technology
Confirmed by:
Dr. Shih, Hung-Chih
Director General
Division of International Programs
National Science Council (NSC)
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)