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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on June 25 1968; Entered into force on June 25,1968.
The Government of the Republic of China and the Government of t-
he Kingdom of Thailand,
Pursuant to the Agreement on Technical and Economic Cooperation
between the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand and the Gover-
nment of the Republic of China of June 25, 1968,
Have concluded an arrangement regarding the exchange of experts
as follows:
The two Governments shall establish a Programme for the Exchange
of Experts aired at sharing of economic development experience
and know-how for the mutual benefits of the two countries.
The Government of the Kingdom of Thailand shall dispatch to the
Republic of China experts for an agreed period to render techni-
cal and advisory services in the field of Highway Planning Deve-
lopment and Urban Development and grant a number of fellowships
to Chinese officials to be trained in Thailand.
The Government of the Republic of China shall dispatch to Thail-
and an Agricultural Development Study Team, composed of experts
in the fields of Agricultural Economics, Irrigation, Farmer's O-
rganization, Vegetable Seeds and Tropical Horticulture, and Rice
Extension Service, for an agreed period to study problems relev-
ant to future Thai-Chinese agricultural cooperation and grant a
number of fellowships to Thai officials to be trained in the Re-
public of China.
The two Governments shall promote further exchange of experts in
addition to those listed in Articles 2 and 3 above with a view
to encouraging closer technical and economic cooperation between
the two countries.
Prior to the dispatch of experts, either Government may send su-
rvey teams composed of experts in the fields concerned to the o-
ther country to make preliminary studies, based on the requirem-
ents of individual Projects.
The expenses incurred in the Exchange of Experts shall be borne
by the two Governments on a reciprocal basis as follows:
a) Each Government shall responsible for the salaries and inter-
national traveling expenses of its own experts dispatched u-
nder this Programme;
b) After their arrival, the host country shall provide the foll-
owing to the experts during their terms of service:
i) Living allowances for experts according to the agreed rate
the maximum of which is US$ 16 and US$ 11 per day in and
outside the metropolitan area respectively;
ii) Local transportation, according to applicable rules and r-
egulations in each country;
iii) Medical treatment.
This Arrangement shall come into force on the date of its signa-
This Arrangement shall expire or terminate with the Agreement on
technical and Economic Cooperation with the exception of pending
Projects and Programmes which shall be continued until completi-
Done at Taipei in duplicate in the English language on the twen-
ty-fifth day of June, 1968.
For the Government of the
Republic of China
K.T. Li
Ministry of Economic Affairs
For the Government of the
Kingdom of Thailand:
Pote Sarasin
Ministry of National Development
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)