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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed and exchanged on December 29,1967 and January 8, 1968; Entered into force on January 8,1968.
Ⅰ Letter from Mr. Cheng Pao-nan, Chinese Ambassador, to Dr. Um-
berto Garrone, Vice-Director General For Commercial Agreemen-
ts, Italian Ministry for Foreign Trade.
29 December,1967
Dear Sir,
In response to the Note Verbale of the Italian Ministry of F-
oreign Affair dated 28 October 1967, the Government of the R-
epublic of China accepted the invitation of Italian Governme-
nt to establish consultations in accordance with Article 3,
paragraph 1 of the Long Term Arrangement Regarding Internati-
onal Trade in Cotton Textiles.
A series of meetings both of a technical and general nature
took place in Rome, Italy, between December 14-30, 1967.
These meetings were held in a friendly atmosphere and took i-
nto account the peculiar position of each of the contracting
parties. The Italian Government representatives voiced their
concern at the rapid increase of export of cotton textiles f-
rom the Republic of China. There is now a better understandi-
ng of the situation relating to the exports of Cotton textil-
es from the Republic of China to Italy. Accordingly, the two
delegations of the contracting parties to the Arrangement ha-
ve agreed as follows:
1) The Government of the Republic of China taking into accou-
nt the desire of the Italian Government undertake:
a) that their shipments of cotton textiles in bleached and
unbleached to Italy in 1968 would be significantly less
in accordance with the spirit of the Long Term Arrange-
b) to space their shipments so as not to disturb the Ital-
ian cotton textile manufacturing industry;
c) to maintain export prices not at undue variance with t-
hose of other exporting countries;
d) to furnish to the appropriate Italian authorities with
information of every shipment in the month of cotton t-
extiles by weight beginning from the shipments of Janu-
ary, 1968.
2) The Government of the Republic of China and Italy agree to
enter into consultations should either party to the Arran-
gement deem desirable. In any event a consultation will t-
ake place before 1 April, 1968.
Chen Pao-nan
Chief Representative
Dr. Umberto Garrone
Vice-Director General
For Commercial Agreements
Ministry for Foreign Trade
Ⅱ Note from Dr. Umberto Garrone, Vice-Director General For Com-
mercial Agreements, Italian Ministry for Foreign Tmde, to Mr.
Cheng Pao-nan, Chinese Ambassador.
8 January, 1968

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your note of
29 December, 1967 concerning the agreement relating to expor-
ts of cotton textiles bleached and unbleached from the Repub-
lic of China to Italy.
I have the honour to confirm the agreement of Italian delega-
tion on the results of the consultations as indicated in your
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest cons-
Umberto Garrone
His Excellency Cheng Pao-nan
Ambassador of the

Republic of China
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)