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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on November 15 and October 21, 2014 Entered into force on November 15, 2014
TRADE OFFICE IN TAIPEI, hereinafter referred to as “ the
Signatories ”,

In order to create opportunities for the exchange of young
people intending to visit the other Signatory ’ s jurisdiction
for mainly cultural, educational and touristic purposes, aimed
at learning about cultural heritage and contemporary artistic
achievements as well as the language of the other country, with
a possibility of holding casual paid employment in order to
supplement their financial resources;

CONVINCED of the value of facilitating this exchange of young


Article 1
1. The Signatories decide to sign this Agreement designed to
allow their youth, as individuals, to stay in the other
jurisdiction for the purpose of spending holidays with the
possibility of holding casual paid employment in order to
supplement their financial resources, with cultural,
educational and touristic purposes being a main reason for
such stay.
2. Each Signatory will grant annually, according to its own laws
and procedures, up to 200 (two hundred) long-term multiple
entry visas valid for a period of one year to nationals of
the other Signatory who meet the conditions of this Agreement
and will submit their application to the respective offices
responsible for consular matters, that is, the Taipei
Economic and Cultural Office in Warsaw and the Warsaw Trade
Office in Taipei. The number of participants under this
Agreement will be counted from the date this Agreement comes
into effect until the end of the current year, and then
annually from January 1st until December 31st.
3. Applicants will meet the following requirements:
a) satisfy the eligibility and other criteria set out in the
immigration legislation and policies of both jurisdictions
with regard to any criteria not set out in subparagraphs b)
to k);
b) have reached the age of 18 years, and are not more than 30
years old, on the date the application is submitted;
c) have no accompanying dependents;
d) have not previously benefited from this Programme;
e) possess a Polish passport or a passport issued by the
competent authority in Taiwan, issued not earlier than ten
years before applying for a visa, having at least two blank
pages and valid at least 90 days after planned date of
leaving the host country;
f) have a valid return ticket or sufficient resources to
purchase one; have sufficient financial resources to
provide for their needs at the beginning of their stay;
g) have purchased all-risk insurance for the period for which
they are authorized to stay, covering them for accidents at
work and for healthcare, including all medical costs and
hospitalization, for the full duration of their stay;
h) prove to the visa officer that their primary objective is
to spend holidays, having work as a secondary objective not
being the main reason for the visit;
i) have a sufficient knowledge of English;
j) pay the required fees; and
k) be domiciled in one of the Signatories ’ jurisdiction at
the time of the application.

Article 2
1. Each Signatory, in accordance with this Agreement, will allow
the participants who meet the requirements set out in Article
1, to enter its jurisdiction.
2. Participants may only benefit from this Agreement once. The
duration of their stay will not exceed the authorized period
of twelve months and the purpose of their stay will not be
subject to any change during this period.

Article 3
1. Persons to whom a visa has been issued, for the purpose of
participating in the Programme, will be allowed to work and
reside temporarily in the host jurisdiction for the duration
of their authorized stay.
2. Participants will be exempt from the obligation to hold a
work permit to exercise an activity as a salaried worker.
They will only be permitted to engage in temporary employment
during their visit and may not work for more than six months.
3. Participants will not be permitted to engage in any study or
training for more than six months.

Article 4
Participants of the Programme will comply with the legislation
in force in the host jurisdiction, particularly concerning the
practice of regulated professions.

Article 5
1. Participants will be treated in the same way as individuals
from the host jurisdiction as far as the enforcement of laws
and regulations is concerned.
2. When participants are employed, the laws and regulations of
the host jurisdiction concerning terms and conditions of
work, remuneration, health and safety in employment will
3. Participants and their employers will comply with the
regulations of the host jurisdiction in matters relating to
social security.
4. Participants will not engage in employment that is contrary
to the purpose of this Agreement as defined in Article 1
point 1.

Article 6
1. Each Signatory may refuse to approve any particular
application it receives.
2. Each Signatory may, consistent with its own legislation,
refuse the entry into its jurisdiction of any participant
whom it may consider undesirable, or remove from its
jurisdiction any participant who has obtained entry under
this Agreement.

Article 7
1. This Agreement will come into effect on the date of the last
signature. This Agreement will remain in effect until
terminated by either Signatory giving three months ’ prior
written notice to the other Signatory.
2. Each Signatory may temporarily suspend the application of
this Agreement giving one month ’ s written notice to the
other Signatory.
3. Termination or temporary suspension of this Agreement will
not affect the right to stay of persons already accepted into
the Programme.
4. This Agreement may be amended at any time by written
agreement between the Signatories.

The foregoing record represents the agreement reached between
the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Warsaw and the Warsaw
Trade Office in Taipei on matters referred to therein.

Signed in duplicate, in the English language.

For the Taipei For the Warsaw Trade
Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei
Office in Warsaw

__________________ __________________
Head of Office Head of Office

Date: 5 November, 2014 Date: 21 October 2014
Place: Warsaw Place: Taipei
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)