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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on June 20, 2012 Entered into force on June 20, 2012
1. This Memorandum of Understanding reflects the shared
understandings of the Parties on promoting collaboration on
science and research.
2. This Memorandum of Understanding replaces the existing
bilateral Memorandum of Understanding on Scientific
Cooperation signed on 10 September 2000.
3. TECO and AO are hereinafter referred to as the “ Parties ”
or individually as the “ Party ”.
4. Memorandum of Understanding will be hereinafter referred to
as “ MoU ”.
5. “ Cooperative Activities ” refer to the activities carried
out pursuant to paragraph 11 of this MOU.
Implementing Authorities
6. This MoU will be implemented:
(a) on behalf of TECO by the National Science Council in Taiwan.
(b) on behalf of AO by the Department of Industry, Innovation,
Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) in
Australia, and Objectives of Cooperation
7. The principal objective of this MoU is to promote cooperation
in science and research
8. Within the framework of their respective functions and duties
under the laws and regulations of Taiwan and Australia, and
in the spirit of cooperation, the Parties will facilitate the
exchange of researchers, encourage direct links between
research institutions, and promote dialogue and joint
initiatives on science and technology issues of mutual
9. The exchanges will generally be short-term in duration and
will last up to twenty four months, but may be extended
subject to the approval of the Parties.
Areas of Cooperation
10. The Implementing Authorities will determine the Cooperative
Activities under this MoU in consultation with each other.
11. The Parties will encourage and support interaction between
researchers through a wide range of short-term exchanges of
personnel, including but not limited to, academic exchanges,
science and technical exchanges, training programs, graduate
study programs and postgraduate exchanges.
Mutual Assistance
12. The Cooperative Activities are subject to the availability
of funds and resources, and to the applicable laws and
regulations, policies and programs of Taiwan and Australia.
Information Exchange and Confidentiality
13. The Implementing Authorities will endeavour to exchange
relevant information about Cooperative Activities
implemented through this MoU.
14. Any information exchanged under this MoU and identified by
either Party as confidential will be used only by the
Parties and Implementing Authorities, and solely for the
purposes of this MoU. Neither Party will publish, copy or
distribute any information provided in confidence by the
other Party. Such information will be kept confidential and
protected in line with confidentiality obligations under the
applicable laws and regulations of Taiwan and Australia.
Intellectual Property Rights
15. The Implementing Authorities mutually recognise the
importance of intellectual property rights (IPRs) in the
works applied and created in the context of Cooperative
Activities conducted under this MoU.
16. Ownership of IPRs will be determined on the basis of
inventive contributions and rewards for the exploitation of
the same will be determined on the basis of respective
overall contribution and equitable interests. The meaning of
intellectual property rights for the purposes of this MoU is
as defined in Article 2 of the World Intellectual Property
Organisation Convention (Stockholm, 14 July 1967) as
Resolution of Difficulties
17. Both Parties will consult, upon request of either Party,
regarding any matter related to the terms of this MoU, and
will endeavour jointly to resolve any difficulties or
misunderstandings that may arise. Any disputes arising from
the interpretation or implementation of this MoU will be
settled amicably through consultations between the Parties.
18. This MoU may be amended by the mutual written decision of
both Parties.
Entry into Effect and Termination
19. This MoU will come into effect on the date of signing. It
will remain in effect until terminated by either Party
giving six (6) months ’ written notice to the other Party.
20. Termination of this MoU will not affect the completion of
any existing activities, projects or other co-operation
already agreed by the Parties under this MoU. IN WITNESS
WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have
signed this Memorandum of Understanding.

Signed at Canberra, Australia on 20 June 2012 in duplicate in
the English language.

Taipei Economic and Australian Office, Taipei
Cultural Office in Representative
Australia Representative

Ms. Katharine Mr. Kevin Magee
Hsiao-Yueh Chang
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)