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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on April 15, 2010; Entered into Force on April 15, 2010.
The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Canada and the
Canadian Trade Office in Taipei, hereinafter referred to as “
the Participants ”,

DESIRING to promote close co-operation between Taiwan and Canada
(the “ jurisdictions ” );
INTENDING to facilitate access to cultural exchanges that enable
youth to gain a better understanding of the other jurisdiction
’ s language(s), culture and society through a travel, work and
life experience abroad;

INTENDING to encourage youth mobility for the purpose of
enhancing the personal and professional development of
participating youth;

CONVINCED of the value of facilitating such exchanges;

HAVE come to the following understanding:

1. Purpose
The Participants will simplify and facilitate the
administrative procedures applicable when individuals of one
jurisdiction who are eligible under this Memorandum of
Understanding intend to enter and stay temporarily in the
other jurisdiction to improve their knowledge of the other
jurisdiction ’ s language(s), culture and society through a
travel, work and life experience.
2. Eligibility Requirements The Participants will consider the
following individuals of their jurisdictions to be eligible
to benefit from the application of this Memorandum of
(i) Individuals, including post-secondary graduates, who intend
to obtain further training in the other jurisdiction under a
pre-arranged contract for a workplace experience in support
of their career development;
(ii) Registered students of a post-secondary institution in
their home jurisdiction who intend to complete part of
their academic curriculum in the host jurisdiction by
undertaking a pre-arranged internship or work placement,
including in the context of an inter-institutional
arrangement between post-secondary institutions;
(iii) Individuals who intend to travel in the other jurisdiction
and work to supplement their financial resources.

3. Qualifying Requirements
(a) The Participants will consider as qualified to benefit from
the application of this Memorandum of Understanding,
individuals of either jurisdiction who fall under one of the
categories referred to in paragraph 2 and submit an
individual application to the appropriate office of the
other jurisdiction, provided they meet the following
(i) Meet all requirements of the immigration legislation and
regulations, including admissibility, to the extent not
already set out in sub-paragraphs (ii) to (x) below, of the
host jurisdiction;
(ii) Be between the ages of 18 and 35 inclusive on the date the
application is received by the appropriate office of the
host jurisdiction;
(iii) Be a holder of a valid Canadian passport with a validity
date exceeding the expected period stay under this
Memorandum of Understanding or a holder of a passport
issued by the competent authority in Taiwan that includes
the personal identification number of the individual with
a validity date exceeding the expected period of stay
under this Memorandum of Understanding;
(iv) Be in possession of a departure ticket or sufficient
financial resources to purchase such transportation;
(v) Not to list a dependant or dependants on their application
to benefit from the application of this Memorandum of
(vi) Have proof of the financial resources necessary to provide
for their needs at the beginning of their stay;
(vii) Pay the applicable fee(s);
(viii) Accept to purchase insurance for health care, including
hospitalization and repatriation, for the duration of
their authorized stay prior to arriving in the host
(ix) While in Canada, participating individuals from Taiwan
should purchase additional occupation specific insurance
when required.
(x) As the case may be:
(A) Show that they have obtained either a pre-arranged
contract for a workplace experience, internship or work
placement in the host jurisdiction; or
(B) Provide documentation proving registration at a
post-secondary institution in their home jurisdiction and
that they have obtained either an internship or work
placement in the host jurisdiction; or
(C) Confirm their intention is to travel in the host
jurisdiction and work to supplement their financial
(b) The Participants will permit qualified individuals of the
other jurisdiction to benefit from the application of this
Memorandum of Understanding on only one occasion for a stay
not exceeding one year.

4. Access and Stay
(a) Subject to public policy considerations, each Participant
will issue to the other jurisdiction ’ s qualified
individuals pursuant to paragraph 3, a document facilitating
access to the jurisdiction it represents. The document will
be valid for a maximum of one year and will specify the
reason for the stay. In the case of Taiwan, this document
will consist of a Visitor Visa for Youth Mobility
(hereinafter referred to as a “ youth mobility visa ” ).
In the case of Canada, this document will consist of a
letter of introduction and a Temporary Resident Visa.
(b) The documents defined in the preceding sub-paragraph will be
issued to qualified individuals by either one of the Taipei
Economic and Cultural Offices in Canada where the
application was submitted pursuant to paragraph 3 or the
Canadian Trade Office in Taipei, the Canadian diplomatic
mission or consular office responsible for the territory of
the country in which the qualified individuals are present
and have been lawfully admitted.

5. Work Authorizations
(a) A youth mobility visa issued by a Taipei Economic and
Cultural Office in Canada to Canadian individuals qualified
to benefit from the application of this Memorandum of
Understanding will automatically allow the youth mobility
visa holder to work and reside temporarily in Taiwan for the
duration of their authorized stay.
(b) Individuals from Taiwan who are issued a letter of
introduction will receive, upon their arrival in Canada and
irrespective of the status of the local employment market in
Canada, a work permit valid for the entire authorized length
of their stay, provided that they meet all requirements of
Canadian immigration legislation.

6. Validity of Documentation
Work permits issued by the Government of Canada pursuant to a
letter of introduction will be valid throughout Canada
subject to any applicable requirements of the Canadian
immigration legislation, including the officers ’ authority
to impose conditions and subject to considerations of public
interest; youth mobility visa issued by a Taipei Economic and
Cultural Office in Canada will be valid throughout Taiwan.

7. Applicable Legislation
(a) Individuals of Taiwan and Canada staying in the other
jurisdiction under this Memorandum of Understanding are
subject to the laws and regulations in force in the host
jurisdiction, particularly with regard to employment
standards, including working conditions and wages.

(b) The laws and regulations of the host jurisdiction relating
to employment standards will apply; in the case of Canada,
the laws and regulations relating to employment standards
primarily fall within the competence of the provinces and

8. Facilitation of the Program
The Participants will encourage the organizations concerned
in the jurisdiction they represent to lend their support to
the application of this Memorandum of Understanding,
particularly by giving appropriate advice to individuals of
the other jurisdiction so that they can obtain information to
facilitate their travel, work and life experience.

9. Implementation
(a) The Participants will determine annually and on the basis of
reciprocity, through an exchange of letters, the number of
individuals that will be allowed to benefit from the
application of this Memorandum of Understanding.
(b) The Participants will determine, by mutual consent and
through written exchanges, the minimum amount of financial
resources required under paragraph 3, a (vi).

10. General Provisions
(a) This Memorandum of Understanding will take effect upon its
signature by the Participants.
(b) Each of the Participants may at any time terminate this
Memorandum of Understanding or temporarily suspend its
application in part or in whole by giving to the other
Participant a written notice to that effect. Termination or
suspension of this Memorandum of Understanding will take
effect no earlier than 30 days following the date of the
notice. Termination or suspension of this Memorandum of
Understanding will not affect the right to stay of persons
already admitted in the jurisdiction under the terms of
this Memorandum of Understanding.
(c) The Participants may amend this Memorandum of
Understanding, in writing, upon their mutual consent.

Signed in duplicate at Ottawa, this 15th day of April 2010, in
the Chinese, English, and French languages, each version being
equally valid.

Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)