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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on April 29, 2010; Entered into Force on April 29, 2010.
1. Area of Cooperation
Recognizing the importance of international scientific
cooperation and the mutual benefit to be derived from
bilateral cooperation, NSC and AIMS agree to the
international cooperation activities outline in this
Memorandum of Understanding. NSC and AIMS are hereinafter
collectively referred to as the ‘ Parties ’. The term ‘
Party ’ hereinafter referred to either NSC or AIMS.
The Parties agree to promote development of cooperation in
the fields of science and technology between them on the
basis of equality and mutual advantage and, through mutual
consent, define various areas in which this cooperation is
desirable, taking into account the experience of scientists
and specialists of the Parties and the possibilities
available to them.
The Parties will be committed to the international
cooperation in the following areas:
│A-1 │Joint research projects │
│A-2 │Mutual visits │
│A-3 │Joint workshops │

2. The Parties Agree to the following:
A-1 Joint research projects
The Parties respectively will encourage their laboratories
and research organizations to participate in joint
scientific research. The sending Party will pay for all the
expenses of the visit, both international airfares and local
costs, with the host Party helping with the placing of
visitors and the administration of programs, as may be
necessary. Each Party will be responsible for securing the
funding necessary to support their parts of the programs.
Each specific cooperative project pursued under this
Memorandum of Understanding will be the subject of a
separate agreement and executed on the basis of an
implementation plan agreed upon by the Parties through
mutual agreement. The implementation plan will set out the
distribution of tasks and define the specific technical and
financial aspects of the cooperation, issues concerning
intellectual properties, and any other issue relevant to the
cooperative project.
A-2 Mutual visits
The sending Party will pay for all expenses of the visits
for their participants, with the host Party helping with the
placing of visitors and the administration of the visit, as
may be necessary.
A-3 Joint workshops
The Parties recognize the importance of holding joint
workshops on mutually agreed topics as a key mechanism to
initiate practical collaboration, such as joint research
projects and scientist exchanges, with the participation of
active researchers and representatives of the Parties. The
organizing Party for the workshops will cover all costs
associated with holding the workshops; while the other Party
(joining Party/sending Party) will be responsible for all
the expenses associate with sending workshop participants
abroad for this purpose.

3. Notes
‧This Memorandum of Understanding will come into force upon
the signature and will remain in force for a period of ten
years from the date of its entry into force. It will be
automatically extended for further periods of ten years,
unless either Party gives a six-month notice to the other
Party of its intention to terminate this Memorandum of
Understanding earlier. No Party shall assign or otherwise
transfer its rights or benefits under this Memorandum of
Understanding. Amendments to this Memorandum of
Understanding can only be made upon the written consent of
the Parties, unless otherwise agreed herein.
‧Each Party retains its right to apply its standard
operating policies and procedures, including those relating
to international collaboration, funding policy and
procedures and proposal evaluation.

Signed in Townsville, Australia on April 29, 2010 in duplicate
in the English language.

In witness whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorized
thereto, have signed this memorandum of understanding.

The National Science The Australian Institute
Council of Taiwan of Marine Science
Wen-Chang Chang Ian Poiner
Deputy Minister of NSC Chief Executive Officer
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)