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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on April 24, 2006; Entered into force on May 16, 2004.
This Amendment is entered into between:

The National Science Council, hereinafter referred to as "NSC",
a governmental agency at 106, sec.2, Ho-Ping E. Rd., Taipei
(Taiwan) represented by its Minister, Mr. Chien-Jen Chen,


The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, hereinafter
referred to as "CNRS", a public scientific and technological
organization, having its head office at 3, rue Michel-Ange,
75794 Paris Cedex 16, France, represented by Mr. Arnold Migus,
Director General,

Hereinafter referred to as "the Parties"

Considering the Memorandum of Understanding between CNRS and NSC
dated May 15, 2001,


ARTICLE 1 : This amendment extends the Memorandum of
Understanding referred to above for a 4 (four) years
duration, as from May 16, 2004.

ARTICLE 2 : The text of the Article 2 is replaced by:
"Both Parties within the limit of their financial
resources will support cooperation, which may take
various forms of exchanges, based of mutual benefit
and reciprocity, to promote various activities such
- exchanges of information
- joint workshops
- short term visits of scientists
- multi-year joint research projects
The list of forms of cooperation is not exhaustive.
Other forms of cooperation could be proposed by each
Party and be brought into operation by mutual
agreement between the Parties".

ARTICLE 3 : A new paragraph (2) shall be added to the Article
3 of the Memorandum of Understanding as follows:
"Each multi-year joint research project is covered
by a special agreement signed by the Parties, and
other partners involved in the project may join it.
This agreement will define the scientific content,
the financial contribution of each Party, the
duration of the project, and the terms of the
intellectual property rights from the results
obtained jointly, and the protection of results.
These provisions correspond to the set up of the
technology management plan as defined in Article II
B/2 (A) of the MOU ANNEX 1 referred to above".

ARTICLE 4 : A new paragraph (3) shall be added to the Article 5
of the Memorandum of Understanding as follows: "The
Parties implement their obligation of secrecy by
asking their personnel and students - identified by
the project managers as being entitled to the access
to confidential information - to approve and to
accept the clauses of this Amendment. If need be,
they may have the latter sign a secret agreement".

ARTICLE 5 : A new paragraph (2) shall be added to the Article 6
of the Memorandum of Understanding as follows, after
the end of the sentence "Regardless of authorship, [
… ], release or transmittal to any third party":
"If the Party which submits it does not get an
answer from the other Party within thirty (30) days
after the latter receiving the project of
publication or presentation, it may publish it or
present it. All written publications or oral
presentations must indicate the name of the
researcher(s) of the Parties involved in obtaining
the results as well as the bodies they belong to".

ARTICLE 6 : The other Articles of the Memorandum of
Understanding remain unchanged.

This Amendment is executed in 4 (four) original copies, two
copies in French and two copies in English languages, each text
being equally authentic.

Delivered in________on________ Delivered in________on________

For and on behalf of the NSC For and on behalf of the CNRS

Mr. Chien-Jen Chen Mr. Arnold Migus
Minister Director general
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)