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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on June 6, 2007; Entered into force on June 6, 2007.
The Bureau of international Cultural and Educational Relations,
Ministry of Education in Taipei and the Canadian Trade Office in
Taipei, hereinafter referred to as "the Participants", have
decided to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding on
Education, in order to contribute positively to the
strengthening of education and learning-related linkages between
Canada and Taiwan.
The Participants have reached the following understanding:
1: Purposes
To maintain and enhance bilateral co-operation in educational
matters, to promote mutual understanding, and the pursuit of
common benefits through collaborative development, the
Participants will pursue the development of a work plan
through which they may achieve the following purposes:
2: Activities
The Participants will pursue, through this MOU, the following
(a) The promotion of educational and academic exchanges
between individuals, organizations and educational
institutions in Taiwan and Canada;
(b) The promotion of study opportunities in Taiwan and
(c) The promotion of assistance, information and services to
those seeking educational opportunities and scholarships;
(d) The development of partnership support with appropriate
cooperative organizations in Taiwan and Canada, regarding
seminars, workshops and conferences in the area of
education; and
(e) The encouragement of joint efforts in language teaching,
which may include such areas as: teacher training for
language teachers, assistance for the recruitment of
language teachers, assistance to the relevant authorities
in Taiwan and Canada, the organization of relevant
conferences or colloquia in the field of
education-related research and language teaching.
3: Co-ordination and Implementation
(a) Implementing Officials
The Director General, Bureau of International Cultural
and Educational Relations will coordinate activities and
communication concerning this MOU for the Ministry of
Education in Taipei, and the Director, Trade and
Investment will coordinate activities and communication
concerning this MOU for the Canadian Trade Office in
(b) Working Group
A Working Group will be formed by the Participants to
develop and oversee a work plan to implement this MOU.
This Working Group will be co-chaired by the Implementing
Officials, or their designates, and may involve
participation of other agencies as appropriate. The
Working Group thus formed will meet at least once a year.
(c) Work Plans
An annual work plan will be developed based on proposals
submitted to the Working Group. The nature and priority
of specific co-operation areas, the types of activities,
and the development of annual work plans to be
implemented under this MOU will be determined by the
Working Group on behalf of the Participants.
(d) Involvement of other organizations
The Participants will promote, facilitate and encourage,
as appropriate, the development of direct contacts
between institutions, scientific research and other
organizations and private sectors including relevant
industry or stakeholder associations.
4: Costs
Unless otherwise decided by the Participants, each
Participant participating in co-operative activities and
initiatives will bear all costs incurred through its
participation at Working Group and other joint meetings.
5: Responsibilities
In implementing co-operative activities under this MOU, each
Participant acknowledges that, in accordance with its own
laws and regulations, it will be responsible for its own acts
and the results thereof and will not be responsible for the
acts of the other Participant and the results thereof.
6:Intellectual Property Rights
This MOU does not affect the intellectual property rights of
the Participants. In proposed co-operative activities, where
it is foreseeable that questions related to intellectual
property rights might arise, the Participants, in accordance
with their national laws, will decide in advance as to the
effective protection and allocation of those intellectual
property rights.
7: General
This MOU will take effect on the date of signature by both
Participants and will remain in effect for a period of three
years. This MOU may be extended or amended with the written
consent of both Participants.
This MOU may be terminated by either Participant at any time,
upon twelve months written notice being given to the other
Participant. The termination of this MOU will not affect the
validity or duration of activities decided upon hereunder and
initiated prior to such termination, unless the Participants
otherwise so decide.

The signatories have the requisite authority to sign this MOU.

Signed in duplicate in the English, Chinese and French
Languages, each text being equally valid, in Taipei on this 6th
of June,2007.


Dr. Chang, Chin-sheng Richard Bale
Director General Director of Trade & Investment
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)